
“This guy is indeed not comparable to Akainu, Aokiji and Kizaru!”

Zefa, who was standing on the warship, sighed.

At this time, the voice of Warring States came from the phone bug on the side:”Zefa, you have to prepare, take action at any time!”

From the screening phone bug, Warring States and others have seen Xia Long use Ba Tang. Under the power of Ba Tang, Akainu had no ability to resist. He was killed instantly with one blow and suffered heavy injuries.

“I see! Zefa nodded, took off his cloak, and was ready to take action at any time.

“Why didn’t this kid kill him? ? He doesn’t look like a pirate at all!”Garp said while chewing the senbei.

Pirates and the navy are mortal enemies, and Akainu is still the future admiral of the navy. He didn’t take the opportunity to kill him at this time. It really makes Garp a little confused!

“It seems to me that this guy might just want to have some fun!”

“He is more arrogant than Aokiji, Kizaru and Akainu. He doesn’t take anything seriously. He defeated Akainu without killing Akainu because he wanted Akainu to get stronger and seek revenge on him. A little fun.”Zefa said lightly.

Zefa has been hanging out on the sea for decades, what kind of person has he not seen?

Naturally, he has seen a lot of pirates like Xia Long.

But most of these pirates die. On the way to fight for hegemony.

However, Zefa thinks that Xia Long will not be like this, because even if he wants to kill Xia Long, it is quite difficult.

The defense is strong, the body is strong, the same is true for strength and speed, and he can also use elements Attack, and can also fly.

If Xia Long wanted to escape, he wouldn’t be able to catch up even if he used the Moon Step in the Sixth Marine Style.

“Looking for fun?”

The senior officials at the Navy Headquarters had mixed feelings when they heard Zefa’s evaluation of Xia Long.

When did the supernova in their navy become the pirate’s pleasure?

This is simply a shame and a great humiliation.

But they have to admit that this era has changed. , it used to be the age of the navy, but now Pirate King Roger has opened the era of great pirates. The power of the navy has been compressed, and even the territory of the New World has lost most of it. Only a few naval branches still stand in the New World.

And if the three pirate emperors of the new world unite, even their navy can only avoid its sharp edge.

“Zefa, can you kill him?.?”Cyborg Kong crossed his arms and said.

As the navy marshal, Cyborg Kong has the obligation to kill such a big pirate in advance, if he can.

Hearing this, Zefa shook his head and said:”It’s difficult. This guy can fly. If he wants to escape me, I won’t be able to catch up with him at all!”

Although the Moon Step of the Sixth Marine Style can also fly, it is not as good as real flying. Still a lot worse.

After all, there are so few Devil Fruits that can fly in this world!

“Then you just have to figure it out!”Cyborg Kong sighed.

This time, the mission to eliminate Scholar O’Hara was not completed, and he was also taken away by the Beast Pirates. As a naval marshal, he was going to suffer again.

But it doesn’t matter. The next marshal of the navy has been determined. It doesn’t matter if he takes more blame. Anyway, the debt is large and the Five Old Stars can’t do anything to him.

“Aoji, after the Devil Fruit has no effect, you can only use Taijutsu and Haki to fight, but your Taijutsu and Haki are so weak!”

“Is it possible to become a backup for a general at this level?”

“If I go, wouldn’t I be able to directly become the marshal of the navy?”

Xia Long attacked Ao Pheasant physically and mentally at the same time.

In short, Ao Pheasant is being tortured twice by Xia Long.

As for Kizaru, he is also helping Ao Pheasant bear the pressure, but Xia Long simply He ignored him and poured all his heart and soul into Qing Pheasant.


Qing Pheasant’s body was kicked out by Xia Long. His body was like a kite with its string broken. It rolled on the ground several times and then half-knelt on the ground. Panting.


A mouthful of hot blood fell on the ice, but it immediately froze.

Qing Zhi felt that there was no good position in his body, and all the bones in his body were groaning. He had not fallen down yet. He is relying on his own self-esteem to support himself.

One of the three against one has been killed by counterattack. If he also falls, two of the three against one by two have been counterattacked. This will become his eternal black history, and it will also be recorded. black history

“This guy is so annoying, just like Mr. Zefa, he whispers in his ears!”Ao Pheasant, who has become a blood gourd, complained in his heart.

Bang bang bang!

While Ao Pheasant was taking a rest, Xia Long approached Kizaru again, and the two engaged in an offensive and defensive battle at an extremely fast speed.

“Xia Long, are you humiliating me?”(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Kizaru looked at Xia Long who barely suppressed him and said angrily.

With Xia Long’s strength, it would be easy to suppress Kizaru with a backhand, but now he can barely suppress him. Obviously he was also playing Zefa’s game.

A teacher’s trick to train his disciples.

Hearing this, Xia Long smiled and said:”I am helping you improve yourself. This will help Ni improve his strength. However, after the last training, Although your domineering and physical skills have improved, they are still a bit behind.”

“Why haven’t you realized the internal destruction yet? Xia Long said disappointedly.

“Shut up!”

Kizaru was very angry, but there was nothing he could do about Xia Long.


Xia Long shouted in Huang Yuan’s ear, forcing Huang Yuan to calm down.

“Even when fighting, you must keep yourself calm, so that you can predict the trajectory of your opponent’s attack!”

After that, he punched Kizaru in the face. (Wang Zhao’s) nose bone was shattered, blood flowed uncontrollably, and his body flew upside down like a kite with broken strings.

“Ah la la!”

“This is my last shot!”

Qing Pheasant didn’t know when he stood behind Xia Long, holding a long knife made of ice in his hand.

“oh! The final blow?”

“Then I will help you! Xia Long hooked his hand and said

“Don’t underestimate me!”Qing Pheasant roared angrily, and slashed towards Xia Long with all its strength.

Xia Long refused to dodge, and the ice blade fell on Xia Long’s shoulder.

Looking at Qing Pheasant, Xia Long’s face showed a trace of Smile:”Yes, your armed color domineering has improved a little, and you can actually leave a trace on my dragon scales!”

“You have grown!”

After that, his big hand covered the green pheasant’s head, and he pressed it hard to fly!

The tyrant was activated instantly.

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