
Su Lang sat on the sofa and looked at Da Yao, whose face was pale.

"Alas~ Actually, I also know that you are for my good! But if I don't fight, I'm really a little unwilling!

Da Yao looked at Su Lang and said with some regret.

"What does the doctor say!"

Su Lang looked at Da Yao and asked.

"The doctor said it wasn't a big deal! If you recuperate, it shouldn't affect your career!

Da Yao said lightly.

"Damn! What the hell! Which doctor said that!

Su Lang's face instantly became angry.

Su Langke knew very well that the most important problem on Da Yao's side was his weight.

If Da Yao doesn't lose weight, there is no possibility of changing this matter at all.

"The team's team doctor!"

Da Yao looked at the angry Su Lang in front of him and said slowly.


Hearing Da Yao's answer, Su Lang became even more angry.

It's clear that the Rockets, on their side, are avoiding the heavy and light.

only told Da Yao about his injury, and did not say the main reason for such an injury.

The most important thing for the Rockets is the economic value of Da Yao.

I didn't think about Da Yao's career at all.

"Come with me!"

Su Lang directly pushed Da Yao's wheelchair and walked out the door.

"Where to go?"

Da Yao asked suspiciously.

"Let you see the truth clearly!"

Su Lang said angrily.

More than two hours later, Da Yao and Su Lang walked out of a private hospital with a blue face.

"Why are they doing this!"

Da Yao looked at Su Lang in front of him with some incredulity.

"They're using your financial value from start to finish and haven't thought about you at all! Do you understand!

Su Lang roared directly.

It was the first time he had been so angry since he was reborn.

The reason is that Da Yao's injury is far more serious than the report given by the Rockets, and they are hiding something.

And the personal doctor has clearly told Da Yao that if he continues like this, Da Yao may suffer a more serious injury one day.

It is even possible to lose the ability to walk.

Da Yao was stupid when he heard it.

He didn't expect the team he had always been loyal to treat him like this.

Along the way, Da Yao's expression has always been cloudy and uncertain.

"I've figured it out!"

After returning to Da Yao's residence, Da Yao looked at Su Lang with a firm look in his eyes.

"How's it going, have you figured out what to do?"

Su Lang looked at Da Yao.

"I'm going to lose weight! And I'm going to ask the ball for a long break, and if they don't agree, I'll refuse to play!

Su Lang let Da Yao see the face of Team Rocket clearly.

Da Yao finally relented and made a decision.

"You should have done it a long time ago!"

Su Lang looked at Da Yao in front of him angrily.

"Thank you!"

Da Yao looked at Su Lang, and his eyes softened.

"What's polite to me!"

"And if Team Rocket wants to do something, let me know!"

Su Lang patted Da Yao's shoulder.

Da Yao, who was in a wheelchair, smiled.

It is really a happy thing to be able to meet such a person who thinks about him in a foreign country.

"Okay! I know!

Da Yao said with a smile.

"I'm leaving! There's something going on over there in San Francisco, I need to go back!

"That's right! When are you going back to the Dragon Kingdom! Let's see you in the Dragon Kingdom,"

Su Lang said goodbye to Da Yao.

"It's not sure yet, I'll contact you when I get back!"

Da Yao waved his hand at Su Lang.

Su Lang smiled and closed the door casually.

The moment the door closed, the smile on Su Lang's face disappeared.

Team Rocket, right? If you don't beat the out of the new season next year, Lao Tzu won't be surnamed Su!

Su Lang was really angry this time!

If you don't come over, and you happen to be worried about Da Yao's injury, come and care about Da Yao.

Su Lang would not understand at all that there were so many inside stories about Da Yao's injury.

It was the first time that Su Lang hated a team so much, and at this time, the Rockets surpassed the Spurs in the small book in Su Lang's heart.


After returning to San Francisco, Su Lang welcomed Bills at his residence.

This time has kept Beers busy.

Su Lang gave Bills the list before, and Bills was crazy busy in various states in the United States.

In order to sign the players in Su Lang's list.

Although he was very tired, Bills had almost completed the task assigned by Su Lang.

Beers didn't know why Su Lang would choose several players who didn't have a good reputation.

If it weren't for a visit to the local school, Beers wouldn't have heard of these players.

Su Lang took the list handed over by Bills.

Then nodded with satisfaction, if nothing else, in this year's draft, many of the top players are players from Su Lang Economic Company.

Jeff Teague! Gibson! ......

These players were all included in Su Lang's economic company.

But what pleased Su Lang the most was that Beers actually signed the bearded Harden.

This is the thing that makes Su Lang the happiest this time.

At the beginning, Su Lang told Beers that if Harden had the intention of signing a contract, he could relax some conditions.

After hearing Su Lang's words, Bills almost rolled his eyes.

Originally, the economic contract given by Su Lang was already the best in the industry.

If you continue to relax, it will be a loss of money.

But at Su Lang's insistence, Biers could only be helpless.

In fact, there is one more condition that Su Lang gave to Beers, that is, the signing time is long enough.

And there is also a sky-high amount of compensation.

Once Harden did sign with Su Lang's economic company.

In the second half of his life, Harden can really only grind Su Lang.

Unexpectedly, Harden was really moved by these conditions, and finally obediently fell into Su Lang's bag.

"That's right! How's the preparation for the training camp going?

Su Lang looked at Bills.

"The preparations are going well, and it is estimated that the preparations will be completed around July,"

Bills said lightly.

"That's good! Don't worry, I'll go back to China in a while! It is estimated that I will stay in China for more than a month, and I can do it before I come back,"

Su Lang said with a smile.

Regarding the plan of the training camp, Su Lang had been thinking about it for a long time.

The reason is that after the end of the season, Su Lang's stable source of negative emotions is gone.

And this means that from May to November at the end of the year, for about half a year, Su Lang has no source of income.

So Su Lang finally thought about it for a long time and came up with this training camp plan.

When Su Lang is in the training camp, he ravages these players every day, are you afraid that there will be no negative emotions!

Poor Curry, and Harden, who just signed him, don't know that their terrifying days are coming soon.


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