The next time was the same as in his previous life, and Howard at his peak directly made James suffer a big loss.

Howard shattered all fan fantasies about 23vs24.

James lost the Eastern Conference Finals.

In addition, Anthony's side, after defeating Paul's Hornets and Su Lang's warriors, was also defeated by the ice-faced No. 24 and stopped in the Western Finals.

At this point, all four of them have finished their playoff journeys.

"Hey! Buddy! You're finally here"

James was clearly not in a good mood after the Eastern Conference Finals.

"Hahaha! LeBron, your face is not good-looking"

Su Lang smiled and looked at James inside the door.

"Alas! Don't say it, let's go in first!

James directly invited Su Lang into the room.

After James lost the Eastern Conference Finals, he contacted Su Lang and invited Su Lang to his home as a guest.

Su Lang really didn't expect James's invitation, so he could only postpone his return to China.

As soon as he entered the room, Su Lang realized that he was not the only one who was invited.

"Hey! Brother, you're here too! A

big round rumbling head appeared in Su Lang's sight.

It was Anthony, who had been knocked out by Su Lang before.

Looking at the enthusiastic Anthony Su Lang, he couldn't react a little.

Anthony stepped forward directly and hugged Su Lang.

"I didn't expect you to be here,"

Su Lang glanced at Anthony angrily.

In the second round of the playoffs, Anthony did not have the slightest relent.

"Alas! There is no way, after all, that No. 24 is too strong!

Saying this, Anthony sighed helplessly.

Su Lang casually put the gift he brought on the table, and then sat on the sofa.

James also participated in the chat between Su Lang and Anthony.

Just then, the doorbell rang outside the door.

A smile instantly appeared on James' face.

"Hahaha! They're here too! With that

, James got up from the couch and walked to the door.

A moment later, the sound of footsteps spread.

Two more guests came behind James.

These two people are naturally Paul and Wade, the cheeky raiser.

The moment Paul saw Su Lang, his face was directly long.

It is estimated that I have already started scolding in my heart at this time.

Originally, Paul thought that James had just invited them to the Dust Four.

I didn't expect Su Lang to be here.

"Hey! LeBron, why is there still a rookie here! Hahaha"

Paul looked at Su Lang jokingly.

Su Lang knew that Paul was not joking.

"Hey! Chris, can you lead the team to the second round of the playoffs when you are a rookie?

Anthony looked at Paul with a smile.

The smile on Paul's face froze instantly.

This was a scar on Paul's heart.

"Damn! If you hadn't stopped me, I would have touched the floor of the West,"

Paul said helplessly,

looking at Anthony.

"Alright! All right! Sit down!

James saw that the atmosphere was not quite right, and hurried out to play the round.

Wade, on the other side, looked at everything that was happening in front of him with a smile on his face.

At first glance, he is a sullen guy, maybe he is waving the flag in his heart now, trying to make the scene more interesting.

After a few people sat down, there was a chat between a pair and a match.

Suddenly, James said something jokingly.

"Hey! You say we're exactly five people, what happens if we five people show up on a team" "

You're thinking about eating fart! How is this possible"

Su Lang looked at James speechlessly.

[Negative sentiment from James +1000]

"Hahaha, Su Lang is right, it seems that no team can bring us together"

Anthony also said with a smile.

"At most, two or three of us can play together, but five of us are really unlikely,"

Paul said.

The speaker had no intention of listening, and Wade's eyes instantly became interesting.

His heart had already begun to come alive.

According to Paul, it does seem possible.

Wade took the matter to heart.

Soon it was time for dinner.

James directly took out two large bottles of red wine.

"Come on! Cheers to our bright tomorrow!

James raised his glass.




With the red wine in his throat, James winked at Wade and Paul.

The two of them knew each other in an instant.

"Hey! Rookie! Congratulations on doing so well this season,"

Paul held his glass and came to Su Lang.

Su Lang looked at Paul in surprise.

That's not Paul! When did this product be so kind to yourself.

Haven't you always wanted to eat yourself?

Su Lang didn't think much about it, raised his wine glass and clinked glasses with Paul.

"Thank you! I also wish you to touch the floor of Xiduel as soon as possible,"

Su Lang said with a smile.

Nothing to do, be diligent, either treacherous or thief!

Su Lang did not relent, and directly gave Paul a great blessing.

Paul didn't get a chance to touch the West in the first half of his career.

But Paul didn't know, so Paul was still very satisfied with Su Lang's blessing.

Next, Wade, the big-cheeked raiser, also came to Su Lang.

Raise your glass directly.

Su Lang had no choice but to clink glasses with Wade.

I just put down the wine glass, but I didn't expect this guy James to come.

"Hey! Buddy! Thank you again for your suggestion"

Looking at James with a smile on his face in front of him, Su Lang instantly understood what he meant.

Boy! James, this guy doesn't talk about martial arts!

In front of him, he clearly wants to get Su Lang drunk and make Su Lang ugly!

Su Lang was also unceremonious.

"Wait a minute, LeBron, I brought you a gift,"

said Su Lang and picked up his gift from the table.

Then he took it out of the gift box.

If Curry were here, he would definitely recognize what it was.

This is a dragon country drink that Curry will never forget for the rest of his life.

"Come on! This is the wine of our dragon country, let's try this!

Su Lang filled James with a smile on his face.

James looked curiously at the wine glass in front of him.

"Come on! Done!

Su Lang directly clinked glasses with James, and then drained the wine in his hand in one gulp.

"Hey! LeBron, in the Xi of our Dragon Country, if I drink a glass of wine, you should also drink it"

Looking at the hesitant James in front of him, Su Lang directly added a fire.

James looked at Su Lang, gritted his teeth directly, and poured the liquor in his hand into his mouth suddenly.

In the next second, James's cheeks instantly turned black and red.

“fuck! I'm going to die! I'm going to die!

"I'm on fire in my stomach! Help me call the emergency services!

Looking at James who was dancing, the corners of Su Lang's mouth rose slightly.

Sample! Dare to calculate your Uncle Su!

I'm going to let you lie down today! Lao Tzu is not surnamed Su!


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