Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 152: Chapter 152

Chapter 152: Akashi VS Nash

The wildness has dissipated, and Xibo has returned to his usual state, but his frightened heart is enough to show that this big man is not calm.

Although he wandered around with Nash at a young age, it was the first time he encountered such an amazing scene.

That glowing return was a nightmare.

He couldn't fight back.

But this can only be blamed on Xibo's lack of corresponding skills. To deal with light shots, he also needs to find a sweet spot to deal with.

But he just doesn't know this kind of technique, and he just wants to rely on brute force to hit the ball back, unless the gap in strength is too big to make up, or he will end up being blown out.

Because of this, he fell into chaos.

Just like what Nash said, it was obviously still his end point and advantage, but he messed up.

"It looks about the same."

"That's it."

Standing in the stands with his arms folded, Nanjiro looked at the current situation and smiled.

Being able to achieve such brilliance, as a junior high school student, is already far beyond others.

Tezuka would undoubtedly be the strongest junior high school student if it wasn't for a more monster guy pressing him down.

"Huh? Isn't the game over yet?"

Ryoma didn't understand Nanjiro's words very well. Although Xibo won with only one goal, but now it is obvious that Tezuka started the reversal. Why did he stop here?

"Boy, do you really think his physical strength can hold on now?"

"Two hits are almost enough."

Not disappointed at all, Nanjiro is already very satisfied with Tezuka's performance.

This kid has grown up over time, not to mention high school students, even in the third year of junior high school, he has a bright future.

Seamless+Light Hitting+Zone+Field+Super Sweet Spot Technology…

This series of moves is enough for him to eat for more than ten years.


Sure enough, in Xibo's next serve, Tezuka hit the ball with a final shot that surprised everyone.



Sweating and panting, he looked at the tennis ball that hadn't passed the net, and Tezuka raised his head and closed his eyes.

This is his current limit...

In terms of skills, there is nothing lacking for the time being.

The only thing missing now is the basic physical defects.

Although the training arranged by Nanjiro in the past has sufficiently improved them, the time is still too short.

In another year or two, it may be when he really takes shape.

"Game over! Jason Thieber wins! Score..."


Although Tezuka lost, in the eyes of others, it was no different from winning.

With that age and physical gap, it is already amazing to achieve this level.

As long as the age is the same, the ending must be interchanged.

"Tezuka, thank you for your hard work."

He clapped his hands and threw the towel over at the same time, Bu Er said happily.

His evolution made Bu Er anxious but also full of relief.

This means that if he doesn't work harder, he might really be thrown away.

(Tennis full of offense?)

(I don't seem to have ever tried it.)

Seeing that Tezuka's strong offensive method was completely different from the past, Fuji also had a new idea in his heart.

He has always played defensive and counterattack tennis, and he has never tried the active offensive type.

Seeing Tezuka's performance like this, he felt that maybe he could change a bit.

"What you do is gorgeous!"

Atobe pointed to the dilapidated wall, which was the result of being shattered by the aftermath of Hikari hitting the ball.

"It's somewhat exaggerated."

Nodding his head, Yukimura also agreed with Atobe's statement.

"But it's a pity that I still lost."

Kikumaru felt a little regretful, this scene was obviously overturned, but because of his physical strength, he couldn't continue.

"Others are high school students anyway, so it can't be for nothing that they have spent more years than us?"

Akashi laughed when he heard the words, turned his head to look at Nash who was about to play and said.

"Akashi, are you going to go?"

Seeing Akashi's actions, Bai Jin guessed his thoughts, and then said in a concentrated voice.

In a word, everyone's eyes turned to Akashi...

"Eh? Little you want to go?"

"But the opponent's number two in singles is the strongest Nash in the team..."

Kise became a little anxious. Judging from the performance of high school students like Gorgia and Xibo, Nash's strength must be even more terrifying.

If today's Akashi is to fight, no matter how you think about it, there is no possibility of winning.

Even though it was just a guide match, they still wanted to win to some extent.

"Let's go then."

Coach Sakaki just glanced at Akashi without asking why.

Unlike what this group of young people think, Coach Sakaki cares more about the future.

After all, it is just a coaching competition. If players can learn something in the game, it is far more important than winning or losing.

That being the case, Akashi can go if he wants to.

"Hey, I want to play too, bastard."

Yakujin, who has never been able to get a chance to play, gritted his teeth and glared.

"Come on, if you want to compete, I will be your opponent later."

Qingfeng looked at Yajiujin, somewhat dissatisfied, and he wasn't the only one who couldn't play, so there was nothing to worry about.


"But not now. Now I care more about Akashi's game. If I want to play, I will accompany you to play after the competition."

Before Akujin could say anything more, Qingfeng said with a serious face.

"whispering sound!"

Curling his lips and tilting his head, Ya Jiujin didn't continue to pester him when he heard the words.

"be careful…"

Seeing that Akashi was about to play, everyone else sent out reminders.

As Diguang's minister, his strength is recognized by everyone.

In their opinion, Akashi is now only weaker than Shiratsu and Tezuka.

It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the third person in the country.

(Can you replicate that behavior?)

Akashi vs. Nash, no matter how you think about it, it is not an evenly matched battle.

Even if Akashi really achieved two-in-one, Bai Jin couldn't imagine beating Nash.

It is really that the gap between the two sides' bright cards is too obvious.

In terms of body, technique, and moves, Nash must be at least two grades higher.

It is difficult for Akashi to deal with Xibo today, let alone the stronger Nash.

But Akashi insisted on playing, Nabaijin respected his choice.

At the same time he will witness this friend to the end.

Whether to perish here or to evolve from Nirvana...


"Singles number three ended sooner than expected."

Nash glanced at the time, and didn't care about Xibo who was lost.

Instead, he was wondering whether Long Ya could catch up.

Although I received the news before and was rushing here by Shinkansen, it will take a little time after all.

"It seems that I have to deal with my opponent for number two in this singles, and I can't end it too quickly."

Picking up the racket, Nash had some headaches.

Although he had complained to Reinhardt before that he would lose, but he really didn't want such a shameful situation to happen.

Losing to a junior high school student in the coaching competition, his reputation exploded no matter how he thought about it.

There was really no other way, he might have to delay for the number two singles this time.

Walking onto the field, Nash and Akashi faced each other for the first time.

"It seems that you have a lot of fighting spirit."

"of course…"

"After all, if I don't surpass you, I have no future."

"Oh, what an interesting statement."

Nash and Akashi...

The two people with the same power are once again caught in confrontation in another world.

But this time it was an unequal competition.

ps: Fortunately, this chapter has been rushed out.

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