Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 153: 153 Synchroism and Ability Resonance of a Single Person!

Chapter 153 153. Synchroism and Ability Resonance of a Single Person!

"How far can Akashi do it?"

It's no wonder that Midorima would say such words. It is really that the opponent he faces is too advanced, so there is no possibility of winning in a fundamental sense.

It can only be said that Nash can be forced to lose his composure as Tezuka did.

But Nash is stronger than Xiber, and it is not easy to do this.

"No matter what, we can only trust him."

Bai Jin stared at the front silently, but said seriously.

"That's right, I'm also your minister after all, how about a little more confidence?"

Atobe and Tezuka sat side by side to rest, and he spoke with anticipation in his tone.


Tezuka nodded, and his eyes were also fixed on the front. Akashi Seijuro was also his recognized opponent.

He believed that the other party would not fail easily.

"He won't give up that easily."

Yukimura recalled the experience of fighting Akashi, and spoke confidently.

That's right, that's one of the four Kanto ministers who are as famous as them

Akashi Seijuro!

Akashi's first move, he stared at Nash for a while, a hazy light appeared on his body instantly, and Akashi also used the "Eye of the Emperor" at the same time.

The eye of brilliance begins to activate.

Facing Nash, the two of them had nothing to do with it.

Neither has the perfect Tannhauser serve like Atobe, nor Tezuka's zero serve.

We can only rely on the power and basic ability of the realm of selflessness and eyes to fight against.

But this time Nash surpassed himself in all aspects. If he didn't try his best, he definitely wouldn't get any good answers.

(Didn't you use your eyes?)

(and this preview)

(He seems to be purposely stretching out the game.)

From the picture of the radiant eye, Nash has been playing a tug of war with him.

(Then. Let’s score points on the thirteenth ball!)

Already saw several scenes where he could score, but Akashi chose the fastest one.

Nash wanted to delay the game, so he naturally had to do the opposite.

"Thirteen Balls"

In the past, Akashi would not take the initiative to speak out, but in order to put some "pressure" on Nash, he chose to speak out.


Nash frowned, watching Akashi's serve, and naturally heard that sentence.

But because Akashi was outside and Akashi was inside, he didn't realize that Akashi had the eyes of the emperor.



The tug-of-war that began with the confrontation on the court finally scored the first goal in the number of goals declared by Akashi.


"Twenty Balls"


Hearing Akashi's declaration again, Nash was slightly suspicious.


"Twenty-five balls."

(Could it be this kid.)

Gradually noticed something was wrong in the confrontation, Nash then hit the twenty-fourth ball, and Akashi hit the twenty-fifth ball by wiping the tennis ball to score points.


"Oh, he actually scored three points first against Nash!"

"What's going on? You're so embarrassing! Nash."

"Who is that kid?"

The audience then started booing, as if seeing something novel.

"I see."

"Do you have eyes too?"

"Although it's well concealed with that wispy light, isn't it mixed with the power of the eyes?"

Nash explained Akashi's situation in one go, and then his tone became joking.

In the confrontation just now, although he had intentionally prolonging the game, he was not a junior high school kid who could easily guess his own ball path and movement trajectory.

Then there is only one answer. The other party can see or predict the future.

So in the confrontation of the third ball, he deliberately made no change in the action, and then opened the eye of the devil in the middle, and saw the scene that the twenty-fifth ball might lose points.

This also confirms Nash's conjecture that Akashi has the same eyes as him, but needs the assistance of that misty light (brilliant talent) to barely reach the level comparable to the "Eye of the Demon King".

Then the next confrontation is very simple

"Thirty-four balls."

Akashi hesitated for a while, and still made a declaration, but he knew that it would not be so easy to score this time.



The two sides fought back and forth, and more than 40 goals were dragged in a row without any result.

"Didn't you declare thirty-four goals?"

"The eye of brilliance has failed?"

Vulcan looked at the declaration that suddenly failed, and didn't understand what was going on.

"Adversaries appear to have similar capabilities."

"It is also possible to see the future, so naturally the stronger side has the initiative."

"That Nash guy is playing an extended game on purpose."

Atobe watched Nash's movements with his eyes, and noticed something wrong with it and said.

"Eye of the Demon King. His eyes are one level stronger than Akashi's incomplete Emperor's Eyes."

"Even if you are talented and assisted, there will always be a slight gap."

"If your own physical fitness is weaker than the opponent's, and even your ability is suppressed, then there is nothing you can do."

Watching the endless ball, Bai Jin slowly opened his mouth and said.

"how so?"

"If this continues, won't he be dragged to death?"

As said, don't look at the back and forth between Akashi and Nash now, but that's just what Nash did on purpose.

His own purpose is to delay time, wait for Longya to arrive at the arena, and then defeat Akashi at that time.

Therefore, the most important thing now is not to score points, but to keep fighting Akashi.

Deliberately control the ball to the extent that Akashi can hit back, and then use the eyes of the devil to control the situation, so that they can play endlessly with just one ball.

One side is seeing the future, and the other side is a preview of the half-seeing future

Nash has absolute first hand.

"You have to hold on for a while."


Knowing that the other party also saw through his own thoughts, but Nash didn't care at all.

From the moment he opened his "eye", this game was no longer under the control of the opponent.

"It's been almost ten minutes, right?"

Seeing that time was passing by, Akashi still didn't score, but his physical strength was constantly being consumed, and everyone was inevitably a little worried.

Just for this shot, no matter how Akashi tried to change his style of play or imitate his moves with the help of the selfless realm, Nash saw through and fought back.

no chance of scoring

It can only be said that this is the upper suppression of players of the same type.

During the confrontation, Akashi felt the oppression that he had not seen for a long time, which was different from what he had faced with Shiratsu, this time it came from other players.

Because of that incident when I was a child, even when I met Bai Jin, I rarely experienced this feeling, because that guy always felt guilty in his heart, and he couldn't really play in the face of himself.

Therefore, Nash may be the second player who can really bring him pressure.

(Baijin, why are you playing tennis so hard?)

(Uh, I just want to see how strong I can become)

(After all, you see, we don’t have any opponents here anymore, but the world is so big, we will definitely meet very good tennis players when we grow up, and just thinking about it makes me look forward to it.)

(Therefore, I will continue to become stronger until I see the pinnacle of the world.)

(So. Akashi you.)

In my mind, childhood memories emerged, it was a conversation with a close friend.

When it comes to tennis, at first Akashi only played it for fun, but after getting to know Shirazu, he gradually realized its magical charm.

The moves Bai Jin played made him see a completely different world of tennis.

After seeing such a fantastic scenery, he also gradually began to wonder what the peak of tennis is like.

It was also from then on that Akashi decided that he would never give up tennis no matter what.

Even though this process will be very bumpy, but he promised him.

(Will you follow?)

(of course!)

(Two of us. No. Now three of us.!)

The two Akashi opened their eyes to each other, and the two pupils of different colors were imprinted, and the white light and the spiral air pressure wrapped around themselves.



"Ability resonance?"


"It's simultaneous single-player synchronism and single-player ability resonance!!"



"This game was won by the youth selection team Akashi, the score"


Amidst Nash's astonished expression, Akashi broke the future he saw and scored.

That Akashi, who was shrouded in air pressure and brilliance, was wrong. It should be that the two Akashi, the outside and the inside, appeared on the field at the same time and said that sentence in unison.


"You are too... arrogant!!"


Someone asked, so let me mention it a little bit. Nash, Xibo, Aaron, and Zach are characters from the theatrical version of Black Basket.

In terms of ability alone, it is actually not too special. Nash has the eye of the devil and can see through the future of everyone in the audience. then it's gone

Xibo has the wildness of a dinosaur and extremely high physical fitness (jumps higher than Vulcan, runs faster than Aomine, and is better than Ziyuan in technique, strength and defense), although he was still blasted by the serious Ziyuan.

Aaron and Zach are nothing special either.

In the theater, Nash completely suppressed the two Akashi, but later Akashi's two-in-one suppressed Nash instead.

The difference is that the age of all the members of the black basketball team is a freshman in high school, which is different from the age of all the members of the first year of junior high school here.

There will be a clear gap between junior high school students and high school students in Net King, especially the strong ones.

When Nash and Xibo were set as freshmen in high school, there was naturally the obvious physical gap with junior high school students.

But that's about it.

Some people have always said that miracles have no intensity, but it's not that they don't exist, but that they don't have the time to show them.

The environment itself is not dominated by Teiguang's family. Schools such as Qingxue, Lihai University, and Bingdi all have strong people of the same age. Their own talents, foundations, and hard work are not weaker than miracles.

Of course, if you think that one side has no brains over the other, this is a matter of personal opinion.

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