Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 739 736 A deeper future!

Chapter 739 736. A deeper future!


(That's too late!)

Although Mars tried his best to chase the ball, he was still half a beat behind.

The ball just hit the ground and bounced away through the gap in front of it.

"This game was won by the Neon team"



unexpected reversal

The futuristic Mars and Seda should have strength beyond the level of many high school students.

But with the blessing of sharing the "Emperor's Light", Yukimura's strength has also improved dramatically.

To deal with Mars, it seems to be just fine.

"This is the first time I've seen Yukimura like that."

Sanada crossed his arms and couldn't help but comment while looking at Yukimura who was playing easily on the court.

"It's perfect. Didn't he himself say that he has no destiny?"

“This time, I experienced the best choice.”

The emperor's light of the fifth heavenly garment is not something that ordinary people can use.

Only special players like Akashi can share this with his teammates.

Just looking at it makes you envious.

"They don't seem to have given up yet."

"It seems like he's hesitating something."

Akashi and Yukimura looked at Seda who was about to serve, and could see the opponent's tangled attitude.

"It looks like we can have a good and exciting matchup."

Faintly feeling that the opponent's limit should not be reached at the moment, Akashi suddenly whispered.


Agreeing with his statement, Yukimura was also paying attention.

"How can those two guys be so strong?"

"Mars and Seda have both used Futurization, so they can't stop them?"

Rogrid's mood was very complicated, and no one expected this development.

"What's worse, judging from this situation, they may have to pay a heavier price."

None of this has achieved an absolute advantage, which means that the gap in strength is not wide enough.

Romeo glanced at Medanore, then became a little worried.

He was a little worried that the two people on the field were trying to "fight for their lives."

"If this continues, they will definitely use it."

Roman also saw the problem and said in a deep voice.

"That's their choice."

"I won't stop it. The moment I stand on this court, I just rely on my own will."

"No matter what, if they can win, that's the result they want."

Medanore's expression changed slightly, and his hands shook for a moment, but in the end he had no intention of hindering.


As soon as the words came out, the other Spanish team members fell silent. They might be able to imagine what happened to Mars and Seda afterwards.

"Sister, it won't work if you don't do it."

"Yes. But if I do it, you and I won't be safe, right?"

"Is now the time to care about that kind of thing? If you don't do it, you can't win."

"That's true. So little Saida."

"Try it and see."


While holding the ball, Seda was also communicating with Mars.

In the end, the two of them seemed to have made up their minds and were ready to do something.


The ball was hit by Seda, and his all-out appearance was far beyond that of some high school players.


Aiming at the backcourt in the center, Akashi deliberately swung the racket horizontally, and the racket frame hit the ball, making it fly even faster.

(Did you use the racket frame to speed up the ball?)

Seeing the ball bouncing off the ground, Mars had to take a step ahead to prepare.

"elder sister!"

But at the moment he was about to swing the racket, Seda's voice came over, and the phenomenon of mental energy fluctuations colliding and interfering with each other was also occurring.



Mars belatedly discovered that the ball was not where he swung the racket at all.


"Flowers in the Mirror and Moon in the Water."

After coming back to his senses, Mars also understood the reason for Seda's previous shout.

The moment he witnessed Akaashi hit the ball, he was already under the control of "Flower in the Mirror".

If Seda hadn't used mental shock to counteract it, he might not have been able to realize that he had been hit.

"No matter how you look at it, this kid's mental strength is so incredible."

"If I continue to grow, I might be able to surpass me."

The explosion at that moment even temporarily hindered Akashi's Kyouka Suigetsu. Yukimura had to sigh that the rising stars in this world were really getting stronger.

If it weren't for the convenience of awakening future-type moves, Yukimura's mental power would not have been so refined and enhanced in the future.

But Seda is different from him. This child is born with a higher lower limit, and his growth potential is not low. Sooner or later, he will surpass his current performance.



Even if he tried his best to use his own mental power to offset the impact of Akashi Kyoka Suigetsu, in the total competition, Seda would still be at a disadvantage.

Akashi in the Emperor's Light state is much stronger than usual.



This time can be said to be the most difficult time for Mars to play. He had to beware of interference from the mirror, and he had to find ways to fight back.

"That is."

"Double time difference attack!!"

As soon as the leaping ball passed through the net, Akaashi, who was running quickly to the front, suddenly moved his body, allowing Yukimura, who was already in a swinging posture behind him, to make an offensive move that omitted the front.




A neat blow passed through the air, landed on the side and bounced up. Although Seda reacted, he failed to respond well, and the ball eventually bounced off the racket surface and went out of bounds.

"It's very reluctant."

"Sorry, they're really strong."


During the break during the exchange of venues, Mars and Seda saw the worried looks of Roman and others as soon as they came back.

"Then, maybe that's the only way you can go."

Romeo even took the initiative to hand over a towel and water, and then said.


"I've been trying since just now, but it's not that easy."

"What's more, I can't let go of little Seda either."

Mars smiled helplessly, but he could never be as indifferent as before.

Her beautiful face was full of determination, but she couldn't bear it.

He may not care about the consequences, but Seda is a little worried about taking risks with him.

"It's okay, sister."

"I'll be fine."

"hope so."



Seda and Mars, who came on the field again, had a completely new look. They did not lose or give up, but greeted the game with an aura that became more and more courageous as they fought.

(The pace is still fierce.)

(No intention of giving in.)



Facing the two ministers who entered the Emperor's Light, they were still resisting.

"Same as the first time I saw it."

"They seem to have a credible trump card that keeps them confident."

"What could it be."



The score in the first set has been stretched to the limit. Just winning one more game will mean victory for Akashi and Yukimura.

But at this moment, it was Seda's turn to serve again, and Akashi and Yukimura noticed a strange fluctuation.



Seda's mental power suddenly expanded a few points more, suppressing their burst of mental power for a time?




The collective hypnosis that should have been lifted before was formed again, and the audience once again became repeaters.

Akashi and Yukimura reacted and understood the reason.

"This is.?"

"Is it further futuristic?"

In his eyes, Seda's figure looked so deep, and his aura was so strange.

“Not a performance at the national third level”

“Seda is now at the high school level.”

"Can the future version be upgraded?"

The unexpected unfolding happened here and everyone was shocked.


I didn't expect this to be such a quarrel.

Seda's positioning is that Chao Longma, Xiaojin, and Kaibin are the strongest spiritual players in Guoyi. He even has the energy to catch up with Akashi at the end of his second period.

It's so strong that the minister needs to raise his mental value alone to suppress him.

This expressiveness is not enough... emm...

I can only say that everyone’s views and directions are different.

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