Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 740 The 737th episode is a masterpiece! Pendulum Network!

Chapter 740 737. A masterpiece! Pendulum Network!

"That's right."

"I can't defeat you with my current strength."

“Then we’re stuck immersing ourselves in the more distant future.”

Compared with the relaxed appearance before, Mars has also undergone tremendous changes.

A deep aura was conveyed from his body, which was the aura of a strong man.



"Is there such a thing?"

Kise looked at some people next to him who started to read again in surprise, and unconsciously began to calm down the restlessness in his heart.

"Tsk, it's already starting to sound everywhere in my brain."

Qingfeng couldn't hold himself any longer. This was the first time he encountered such a situation, as if he was wearing a tight band.

The mantra-like echo of "Alameima" has appeared in my mind.

"Is this what happened to the dominated guys?"

Frowning, Vulcan felt incredible that he had indeed suffered mental erosion.

Seda's current mental power can even penetrate into their brains.

"His mental power is even greater than before."

"To an immeasurable degree"

"If that's what he was like in high school, then in terms of mental attainment he really surpassed a lot of us."

Kuroko glanced at the few remaining people around him, and then explained.

Because they had learned from the past, Qingfeng and Kagami kept their nerves on guard. When they noticed something was wrong, they had already used the corresponding state to improve themselves, thus avoiding being affected.

"Tsk, it seems our prevention is accurate."

Kise shook his head, trying to dispel the spell that echoed in his mind. With Seda's current strength, if they were to meet him in a "normal" situation, they would most likely have to suffer.

"This kid is so annoying."

Murasakihara became inexplicably impetuous, and the sound in his head was like an alarm clock, making him uneasy at all.

"In fact, his improvement in "futurization" already poses a threat to us."

Midorima only felt the incomparable noise around him. The overwhelming "Alameima" definitely brought not only the suppression of the sound, but also a "powerful" influence.

"It can only be said that he is also a proud man like Ryoma and others."

"But in comparison, I am more specialized in that aspect."

A green shimmer covered the body. In order to prevent Momoi from being interfered by a stronger spirit, Shirazu was not allowed to spread this light out to form an isolation zone.

"This is too astonishing. His physical data is completely different from before."

Momoi could feel the aura isolated by the green light, and she was observing with peace of mind.

"From junior high school to high school, just one year of change can make a player make such a huge improvement."

"Sure enough, there is such a thing as the future"



In the field, Akashi and Yukimura were not as easy to fight as before. Even with the blessing of the emperor's light, it became a lot more miserable when both opponents had improved by leaps and bounds.

"That kid may have only moved up a grade and made the leap from junior high school to high school."

"Is Mars on top of that?"

If it were just Seda's improvement, Akashi and Yukimura wouldn't be so passive.

After all, they didn't think they would lose in the mental strength competition, but Mars' anomaly made them distracted to deal with it.

"Little Seda has worked so hard."

"As a sister, I must do better."

"Otherwise, you can't be a role model."

"He went from the first year of junior high school to the first year of high school, so no matter how much I said it, I had to graduate from the third year of high school to the level of college graduation."

Mars' movements were beyond those of ordinary people, and the blow he swung would be difficult to correct even if Yukimura used the power to change the future to chase it.

(The interference from Seda will be too serious in the future)

(The future alone is not enough to build.)

I have to say that Seda is a player who can directly disrupt his future moves.

In addition to Atobe's pertinence, Seda highlights a disruptive aspect.



In the field, it seemed that only the referee was singled out by Seda and was not affected.

"But what you are doing is just squeezing out the current body."

"Forcibly exerting such power is just a waste of time."


When Akashi hit the serve, he looked at the two people in front of him and saw the vulnerability of the opponent at a glance.

That's right

The improvement of Futurization is undoubtedly huge, especially since Seda and Mars went beyond the limit and drew higher demands on the original "loan".

The risk that may come back at any time will definitely not keep the players safe.

As is often said, forcing the body to exert more power than it should have will only lead to its gradual collapse.

The person who did this last time has been carried away

And he is the only one like Ryoma who can use the power of another dimension to control the "past, present, and future" without getting hurt.

In other words, in this game, even if Akashi and Yukimura don't do much, Seda and Mars may not be able to survive until the end.


"We will seize the time to defeat you!"

"Akaashi Seijuro! Yukimura Seiichi!"


Mars' exquisite positioning shot had room to play again, and he aimed at Yukimura's racket.

But when Yukimura reacted, he habitually covered his racquet with a military color.

"Using armed colors to defend against the shock caused by sniping is indeed a good way."

"But I may not be able to stop you now!"

Looking at Yukimura after catching the ball, Mars said confidently.


The ball hit one side of the racket, and Yukimura could feel the subtle vibrations even if he used his weapon.

(Oops. If this continues, your hands will be paralyzed again.)

Frowning, already anticipating the consequences, Yukimura thought about a solution.

"Use that one."

But the words that Akashi suddenly spoke made him startled, and he made a decision in an instant.

The two had a brilliant connection with each other, and then



While Mars was still dazed, Seda had already acted instinctively, reacting to the attack at their first meeting.

The dark armed domineering energy had subconsciously enveloped the racket surface, and he stretched out the racket to receive the beam-like counterattack.

The golden light flashed away, and without any suspense, Seda's racket was penetrated.


This phenomenon stunned Seda, whose young face was full of confusion.

(Why did I upgrade to this level and use Armament Haki to strengthen the racket.)

(But it still didn’t block it?)

Doubts filled his heart, and even Mars only realized this belatedly.

"That's the light that runs through everything!!"

Thinking of this, Mars' expression changed drastically and he looked forward fiercely.

In the field of vision, Akashi and Yukimura were connected with pure white light, which was completely different from the previous blessing of the emperor's light.


"Ability resonance?"



After denying three possibilities in succession and shaking his head, Mars was convinced that it was not the first three.

But the light that just appeared was undoubtedly Neon Team Genichiro Sanada's "Light and cloud are as clear as the void".

But at this moment, Atobe in the stands laughed.

"Ahem, have you finally used it? It's the masterpiece of the four of us."

Even Tezuka next to him looked pleased.

Fuji, Sanada, and Nioh, who knew the inside story, also spoke out its contents in unison at this time.

"With Akaashi as the mastermind and another director as the assistant, we developed a move that took advantage of the characteristics of the pendulum."

"Through connection construction, information sharing is achieved, and the computing power and the overall display range are improved, that is."

"Pendulum Network!"


Get ready to sleep after get off work!

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