New Story of Lv Bu

: : The uproar caused by the death of the little man

In the early morning of the eighth day of October, in the dormitory of Class 3 of Taixue Bingshe, Li Han was still asleep. Yesterday, Wu Ke left the banquet early, but he did not take it in his mind. Wu Ke has always been like this, arrogant and anxious, unhappy, and often leaves the banquet halfway through. Li Han’s home is rich and rich, and he also has a place to stay outside of Taixue, but he likes to hang out with his fellow students, and most of them spend the night in the dorm.

Taixue’s dormitory is a large house divided into small and exquisite rooms. Each room has a desk, bookshelf, wardrobe and bathroom. Such a small room has always been for one person to live in. As usual, it is exempt from rent. This is also one of the privileges of Tai's students. Relatively speaking, the scholars of the Jingshi University Hall had four-person dormitories, and the environment was much worse.

Li Han was dreaming, a dream that was a little charming and hazy. In the dream, he was in a beautiful palace. There were countless beauties around him, either slender or graceful, or with a graceful posture, all full of amorous feelings. Li Han's mouth was wide open, he was breathing hurriedly, and his chest rose again violently. It was obvious that he was immersed in a beautiful dream, and he couldn't help himself.

Happiness is always too short-lived. In Li Han's memory, this incomparably charming dream seemed to last only a short time before being awakened by the violent knock on the door. Li Han slowly opened his eyes and settled, only then was it difficult to determine that he was in the dormitory of Taixue, and what he had just dreamed was just a dream. Outside the door, someone was punching the door with their fists.

"Which one? Please wait a moment?" The elegance in the family's bones finally took effect. Li Han hurriedly got up in his clothes, pulled his shoes on his feet, and got up to open the door. Outside the door was an extremely horrified face of a Tai Student, his face was full of cold sweat, and his whole body was still trembling. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? "Brother Ziwen, Wu Zhonglin hanged himself last night. Brother Thirteen is taking care of him at his dorm."

Hearing this, Li Han was shocked. The hangover body couldn't withstand such a big blow, and he collapsed all at once. Yesterday they were drinking and talking together, laughing at Yan Yan. How did Wu Zhonglin find his short-sightedness today? Thinking about what Wu Ke did yesterday, he finally understood that Wu Ke had already decided last night. "Are you missing? Quick! Take me over!" With the help of a few students, Li Han hurriedly put on his clothes, left the dormitory, and rushed to Wu Ke's residence.

Wu Ke's residence is not far from Taixue, which is about one mile away. When Wu Ke arrived, the place was already full of people. There were dozens of people in a mess, all of them students from Taixue Middle School. Wu Ke's dorm is the backyard of a small courtyard with three entrances. There are three main rooms, one is a study room, and the other is a residence. Wu Ke's body was placed on the couch in his residence, with his voice and smile still present.

"Hey! Zhongmou! Yesterday I told you to laugh at Yan Yan, how did you find a short sight?" When he saw Wu Ke's body, Li Han immediately cried, and the classmates who followed him couldn't help it. I cried loudly, the cries were earth-shaking, and immediately attracted a bunch of people watching the excitement. They were surrounded by the courtyard house with surprise and doubt on their faces, whispering to each other.

"Brother Ziwen, please be sorry! It's all my fault! Last night, after I placed Brother Zhonglin, I was too drunk, so I went home to rest. I came here early this morning to see if he was awake from alcohol. Unexpectedly, his people turned out to be unbelievable. No more! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh? "Before leaving, I gave him a full pot of warm tea, Nuo. It's there!" Wei Shisan pointed to the desk in the study room, and a large teapot and a tea bowl were in sight. Haven't moved.

"Thirteen, why did Zhong Lin die? Was it for money, for love, or for Gang Chang Mingji?" Li Han slowly stopped the cry, and fixed his eyes on Wei Shisan. "Oh! The reason for Zhong Lin's death is what he said yesterday, for the sake of Tsuna Chang Mingji! Nuo, this is his omission. I have read it once, and now, I still ask Brother Ziwen to read it for the kings Read it."

Li Han wiped the tears and cold sweat on his face with his big sleeves, grabbed the omissions, cleared his throat and read.

"After Emperor Guangwu of the Guochao ruled the world, he settled the capital in Luoyang with the sign of the weiwei. The old tribesmen were disarmed and returned to the fields and returned to the Longmu. Emperor Guangwu determined the world with the help of a Confucian scholar and the help of the family. The reason for winning the world is the power of the noble family! Therefore, Emperor Guangwu gave the gift to the family of the family, and then the family law of the dynasty, proclaimed the world of Ming, and learned together."

In this passage, Gaowu Jianling first brought out Emperor Guangwu, the ancestor, and explained the origin of the Uli family. Then, he did not hesitate to write and use a very large space to enumerate the great achievements and civilizing achievements of the family. Starting from General Feng Yi and General Yuntai 28, they have been talking about the "Three Monarchs", "Eight Jun", "Eight Gu", "Eight and", "Eight Chefs" and others in this dynasty. The writing is majestic, citing the classics, and the end is very elegant, and all the students here are shaking their heads and admiring them.

At this time, it has been half an hour to study, and hundreds of students have been onlookers around the courtyard. They surrounded them, quietly listening to Li Han's reading of Wu Ke's notes, while quietly inquiring about the cause and effect of the matter. When they learned that Wu Ke had made his ambitions dead, they couldn't help being a little bit indignant. This was all caused by Da Sima's new taxation policy!

After talking about the achievements of the aristocratic family, Wu Ke turned around and finally came to the topic, which was the new taxation policy.

"Gai Wenming is the master of danger to suppress change, and the loyal ministers are worried about the difficulty of establishing power. So there are extraordinary people, and then extraordinary things; there are extraordinary things, and then extraordinary achievements. People who are extraordinary are solid and extraordinary. and also."

"The one who is strong in the Qin and the weak, Zhao Gao is in charge, the autocratic power, the prestige is left to himself; the people of the time are threatened, and they dare not speak up; it is hoped that the barbarian will be defeated, the ancestors will be burned, and the insult to this day will always be a lesson for the world. In the next year of Zhenlu, the dictatorship of production and economics, the internal and the second army, and the external control of Zhaoliang; arbitrarily cut all opportunities, decided to save the ban; descended to the mausoleum and replaced, and the heart was chilled at home. So Jianghou Zhu Xu was furious and punished the barbarian and rebelled against violence. Respect the Taizong, so the king's way is prosperous, and the light is obvious: this is the manifestation of the minister's power. Fortunately, the story of the country can be known today by learning from history."

This passage from Zhao Gao to Empress Lu turned out to be faintly directed at Da Sima Lu Bu, and everyone was stunned for a while. Da Sima Lubu's new taxation policy put a knife on the neck of the family and the family, forcing them to stand in line. For the arrogant family, this is a complete insult. But people are knives and I am fish, and the knife is in their hands. They dare to be angry but don't dare to speak. Now that Wu Ke's legacy was revealed, their hearts were a little eager to try.

"Da Sima Lubu, born in a humble family, was a small official. When he was in the border county, he was a regular servant in the middle of Cao Teng. He also acted as an evildoer, gluttonous and arrogant, hurt and abused the people. Stealing the Dingsi, overthrowing a heavy weapon. Bu Naizuo castrated his ugliness, he was unyielding, prostituted and cunning, so chaos and misfortune. This new taxation policy, the disabled people have become the heart of non-conflict, and the world is the world. evil."


"General Yuan Shao, Dong Tongying, sweeping away the evil and rebellion; continuing to encounter Dong Zhuo, invading the official and tyrannical country. So he raised his sword and waved the drum, sent his orders to Dongxia, collected the heroes, discarded the flaws and used them; unfortunately, the Yanshi battle, The painstaking efforts are all due to Lu Bu's proliferation. In today's world, the heroes are allied to seek Lu in the west, while Bu is arbitrarily and arbitrarily, infringing on the family and the family, internal and external troubles, and all are in chaos."


"The cloth wants to use the axe of the mantis, the tunnel of the imperial long car. Yuan Gong rushes into the universe with the spirit of the Han; the halberd is a million, and the Hu rides thousands of groups; Crossing Bingzhou and Yuetaihang, from Qingzhou to Jiluo; the army flooded the Yellow River and cornered the front, Jingzhou went down and pinched its back. Thunder shook the tiger's step, if the flames were lifted to burn the scoops, and the sea was covered with charcoal, what would not be destroyed Huh?"


"You cloth army officials, all of them who can fight are from the Bingzhou, or the camp tribe, they are bitterly resentful and reluctant to return, and run to the north. The rest of the people of Yanyu, as well as the rest of Zhang Yang and Zhang Yan, are threatened by death. When the power is stubborn, everyone is an enemy. If you go back to the other side, climb the hill and beat the preaching, Yang Su waved up and down the road, it will fall apart, not a **** blade."


"Fang Jin Han's tomb is late, and the outline is relaxed; there is no auxiliary in the holy dynasty, and there is no tendency to buckle. In Fang Ji, the concise ministers are all bowed and extended, and they cannot rely on them; although there are loyalty supporters, threats How can you show off your tyrannical officials?"


The rest is magnificent, there are about a thousand words, can not be described one by one. The general idea is that Da Sima Lubu's new taxation policy has all kinds of disadvantages, and it is a bad policy like the violent Qin. Since the Bingzhou Army had offended the noble families in the world, it was like Dong Zhuo in the past, not far from the end of the country's death. Taking this opportunity, Tai students should stand up and fight for their own interests. "In the last years of the first emperor, the government was dim, the eunuchs were rampant, and there were actions of Dou Wu and Chen Fan, the legacy of the sages, where is it now?"

"Keben, a Confucian student, strives to be a feather, and bears the weight of Mount Tai. Since ancient times, there must be people who sacrificed, Ke Bucai, willing to sacrifice his blood with his passion, inspire his peers, and make every effort to move forward! Strike class, merchants strike the market, isolate Luoyang city from inside and outside, to fight for the power of the family! This is the autumn of life and death. Take this step back, that is, there is no place to die! Ke weeping blood said his last words."

As soon as Wu Ke's memorabilia was read, some of the students raised their arms and shouted. "The New Taxation Policy is tyranny!" "Zhong Lin is right! I will wait and work hard to fight against tyranny!" "Taiwan students strike class, merchants strike the market, and isolate Luoyang city from inside and outside!" People are the most vulnerable to surrounding emotional infections. Yes, especially the scholars and scholars who have not been deeply involved in the world. As soon as they heard someone taking the lead, they immediately followed and shouted. "Let's go! Let's lift Zhong Lin's body and go to Nangong to petition!" someone shouted loudly.

"This is great! Zhonglin can't die in vain!" Everyone shouted, and hundreds of people went straight to Nangong like a torrent.

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