Chapter 343: Defeating Xiao Zhong

“By the way, what did you mean by entering the Tao just now?”

Ye Xiu asked.

“It is Dao-level combat skills, I don’t know the specific level, but at least it is Dao-level middle-rank.”

Qi Tian said that he had seen some records before, saying that Longmen was not a local power in the wasteland, but from the mainland of China, and was also a very strong power on the mainland at that time.

I don’t know why, they drifted into the wasteland and established a school here.

That’s why he speculated that this Dragon Fighting Bahuang is probably a middle-ranked Dao-rank, or even a top-rank combat skill, otherwise, it would not have been so valued by Longmen.

Even if Sect is destroyed, there is still a powerful relic to seal the technique.


Ye Xiu nodded, indicating that he understood.

“Oh? Don’t you expect it, this is a Dao-level combat skill!”

Qi Tian was stunned, what do you mean, in today’s barren land, the highest-ranking combat skills are just one or two incomplete mysterious rank tops.

Compared with Dao-level middle-grade combat skills, it was nothing but rubbish.

If it were for other people to hear this news, they would definitely jump up, it would be as calm as Ye Xiu, even he was full of expectations at the time.

“I’m looking forward to it.”

Ye Xiu was indeed looking forward to it, but that was a Dao-level combat skill, who could not expect it.

“You expect? Then why didn’t I feel a little anticipation from you again?”

Qi Tian said angrily.

expect? You lied to ghosts.

“Didn’t you say that it is still in the relics of the Longmen. At that time, all the major sects went back down. With my current strength, I definitely can’t go there, and I can’t expect it.”

What Ye Xiu said was the truth, of course there were more important reasons.

His Nine Shas King Seal is probably not much worse than this Dragon Fight and Eight Desolation.

This is like a person who is used to seeing beautiful women, and has a certain degree of resistance, even if you meet a woman in the United States, you can’t think of other people.

He has a deep understanding of this.

“When I didn’t ask.”

Ye Xiu’s reason was so powerful that he was speechless.

“Boy, you dare to lose your mind when fighting with me and die for me.”

Xiao Zhong was very angry. He was a master of the Profound Realm. When this kid was fighting with him, he even dared to distract himself. To put in one’s eyes was too much.

This is simply a naked humiliation, which is tolerable or unbearable.

As soon as the voice fell, the whole person seemed crazy, and the three Daoist photos merged into one. The speed suddenly Ascension several times, and instantly came to Ye Xiu’s back.

A punch was blasted out.

Between the light of calcium carbide and fire, a dragon shadow appeared behind him, like a real dragon descending into the world, exuding endless dragon power.

Then the dragon shadow turned into a streamer and plunged into his right arm.

The next moment, his fist suddenly Ascension, like a dragon going out to sea, the figure directly disappeared in place.

“Walking long steps.”

Although Ye Xiu felt a strong sense of oppression, his expression remained unchanged, and he walked out like a dragon, disappearing with Xiao Zhong’s figure.


There was a thunderous explosion, and Xiao Zhong directly smashed the ground out of a deep pit with a radius of one hundred meters, even as much as one hundred meters.

“How can it be!”

Xiao Zhong stood at the bottom of the pit, his face a little pale, his brows furrowed, and he said in disbelief.

This punch of oneself was not an ordinary one, but a killer move recorded in the Four Wilds of Dragon Fight. By blessing the clone to own, it not only made own’s speed Ascension several times, but also the strength of Ascension several times.

With this punch, if there is no cultivation powerful physical training technique, even the master of the Second Stage of Tong Xuan can not hide, can not hold it, and will be directly killed on the spot.

But Ye Xiu actually hid, he didn’t even touch his clothes, this Movement Technique was too terrifying.

“Come and not be indecent, you also take my trick, five thunder seals!”

Ye Xiu stood at the mouth of the pit, his hands quickly forming a handprint, and then the Purple Cloud Divine Thunder in his body was quickly pulled out and gathered towards his hands.

At the same time, the vitality of heaven and earth began to gather frantically towards him, even forming a tide of vitality.

Immediately afterwards, a handprint that was exactly the same as Ye Xiu’s hands, completely composed of the Purple Cloud Divine Thunder, separated and slowly floated to the top of the deep pit.

At this moment, the world seemed to be only left with the crackling sound from this thunder seal, and at the same time, a breath of destruction radiated.

“not good!”

Xiao Zhong felt this power, his face changed drastically, and he was about to flee here without even thinking about it.

However, Long Zhan Si Ye put a great load on his body, making him weak and his speed also affected.

Before he rushed out of the pit, he was hit head-on by this five thunder seal.


In an instant, the power of purple thunder broke out completely, spreading his whole body in an instant, from a distance, he looked like a hedgehog with needles all over his body.

The whole person kept twitching in the air.

The Five Thunder Seal is a powerful combat technique recorded in Yin & Yang’s Five Thunders.

Once it hits the enemy, the power of thunder will burst out instantly, spread throughout the body, and turn into tiny thunder needles, continuously attacking the enemy.

This situation is like thousands of people constantly piercing a person’s body with a needle, and the destructive power is amazing.

Even if this Xiao Zhong survived, he would become a waste person.


Xiao Zhong stood upright, and there was a dull sound, and there was still an electric arc flashing on his body, all his hair stood up, his face was scorched, and his body was constantly twitching.

At the same time, the breath in his body was rapidly weakening, and the true essence in his body was also rapidly losing.

Because the Five Thunder Seals had completely destroyed his body and his Dantian, at this time, he was like a bag full of holes, without any power in it.

In other words, he has been abandoned.

“You, who are you?”

Xiao Zhong struggled to prop up own body with his right hand, looking at Ye Xiu in despair.

Now, he didn’t believe that Ye Xiu was a member of the Cao family, because he remembered that the kid of the Cao family had only two systems of darkness and flame, and did not have a physique of thunder.

But Ye Xiu showed the three physiques of darkness, fire, and thunder, so he was definitely not a member of the Cao family.

“Hand over Long Zhan Si Ye, I can give you a happy one.”

Ye Xiu didn’t care about him at all. The reason why he didn’t kill him was because of the cultivation method of Dragon Fighting the Four Wilds. Especially after seeing its power, he wanted to get it even more.

Moreover, he has mastered the swimming dragon step and used his dragon to fight the four wilds to be more powerful.

“Don’t think about it.”

Xiao Zhong hummed coldly, Long Zhan Si Ye was found by their Xiao family for hundreds of years and spent a lot of manpower and material resources.

Now Long Zhan Si Ye has also become the inheritance method of the Xiao family.

It’s just that Long Zhan Si Ye did not have the help of the Dragon Step, so it was very difficult to cultivate, and the threshold was also very high.

At least you have to wait until the Tongxuan Realm to be able to cultivate.

Therefore, Xiao Can did not cultivate.

He is now abolished, and death is a relief for him. How could he betray the family in this situation.

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