Chapter 344: Closing the Net (Part 1)

“Then don’t blame me.”

Ye Xiu came to Xiao Zhong’s face in a flash, and immediately used Soul Refining Technique to refine his soul, and obtained the cultivation method of Long Zhan Si Ye from his memory.

“Dage, don’t kill him yet.”

At this moment, Qian Duoduo ran out and hurriedly stopped Ye Xiudao.

This Xiao Zhong can’t die now, otherwise, the Xiao Family will immediately know that something has happened in Silver Moon City, and then his plan will not be able to be carried out.


Ye Xiu responded and withdrew the soul refining technique. At the same time, he stretched out his right hand and pressed it on top of Xiao Zhong’s head, releasing a burst of soul power and digging into his divine sea.

It is the soul search technique of the Refining Soul Sect.

The soul search technique can obtain the memory of others without harming this person, which is just suitable for use now.

Soon, Ye Xiu pulled Long Zhan Si Ye from Xiao Zhong’s memory, and finally understood why this Xiao Zhong valued Xiao Feng so much.

They are not uncles and nephews, but a pair of biological father and son.

This is really amazing.

“Dage, I didn’t expect your masters connected to the Profound Realm to be defeated.”

Qian Duoduo came to Ye Xiu’s side and said in shock. Although he believed in Ye Xiu’s strength, he only felt that Ye Xiu would not lose to Xiao Zhong.

This Xiao Zhong is a master of the Tongxuan Realm.

Ye Xiu was already very powerful when he was able to draw with him, but Xiao Zhong was directly abandoned by Ye Xiu.

If he hadn’t shouted in time, Xiao Zhong would have been a cold corpse at this time.

I am afraid there is no one with this strength.

“What are you going to do with him?”

Ye Xiu ignored the amount of money. This was also the first time he played against a master in the Tongxuan Realm. Had Qi Tian reminded him, he would have won.

Now that he has mastered the methods that can only be used in the Tong Xuan realm, his strength Ascension has more than doubled, which is also a surprise.

In addition, he also got the Dragon Fight Four Wilds, which is a combat technique used in conjunction with the swimming dragon step, which is simply as powerful as a tiger.

“Let’s leave here first.”

Qian Duoduo has already felt that people around him are coming. This is the center of Silvermoon City, and there is such a big noise, how could it not be noticed.

If people knew that Xiao Zhong had fallen into their hands, it wouldn’t be so good.

So he stepped forward and carried Xiao Zhong on his back and returned to the Qian Family Chamber of Commerce with Ye Xiu.

Not long after they left, the people here gradually increased. Seeing a big pit on the ground and the powerful aura lingering around, everyone was shocked.

“The ground of Silvermoon City has been specially reinforced. Even my Ninth Stage Cultivation Base can hardly make a one-meter pit. Someone can make such a deep pit, I am afraid it is in the Profound Realm. Only a master can do it.”

“I also think that the remaining aura here makes me feel terrified. I can imagine what kind of fierce battle has been experienced here. Only the masters of the Profound Access Realm have such terrible strength.”

“As far as I know, in the entire Silvermoon City, only the two big chambers of commerce of the Xiao family and the Lin family have masters of the Profound Realm sitting in charge. Is it possible that these two companies have completely turned their faces?”

“Impossible, the two of them have been good friends for generations, how can they turn each other into feud.”

Everyone started talking.

In Silver Moon City, there are only two known masters of the Profound Realm, Xiao Zhong from the Xiao family and Lin Yong from the Lin family.

Maybe there are other masters in the Profound Continent, but they haven’t seen them before.

So they naturally added the fighting here to the two of them.

But what made them puzzled was that the Xiao family and the Lin family had been close for generations, and they were very close. Even if there were any conflicts, they would sit down and discuss them.

I have never seen them blush.

Why is it so unpleasant this time.

“That’s not necessarily true. Don’t forget that this time the Xiao’s Chamber of Commerce and the Qian’s Chamber of Commerce are at war. The Lin family did not stand on the side of the Xiao’s family, but on the Qian’s side of the Chamber of Commerce, and reached a cooperation with them. Does it mean that the relationship between the two companies is not as good as before?”

“I think it shouldn’t be the battle between Lin Yong and Xiao Zhong. Think about it. This is near the Qian’s Chamber of Commerce. Even if Lin’s family has reached a cooperation with the Qian’s Chamber of Commerce, it is only a cooperative relationship after all. They cannot be because of the money. The family has completely broken with the Xiao family.”

“You mean that there are experts in the Tongxuan Realm in the Qian Family Chamber of Commerce?”

“Could it be a mysterious pill refining teacher? He hasn’t appeared since he entered the Qian Family Chamber of Commerce. Maybe he is a master of the Tong Xuan realm.”

Everyone guessed, and all the spearheads were also directed at Ye Xiu.

If this is the case, then things will be interesting.

Originally they were worried that the Qian Family Chamber of Commerce would not be able to withstand the Xiao Family’s revenge, after all, there were experts in the Profound Realm in the Xiao Family.

Now the Qian Family Chamber of Commerce also has masters in the Profound Realm, and the strength of the two parties in Silver Moon City is no different.

As the so-called snipe and clam compete for the fisherman’s profit.

Although they are not considered fishermen, the Qian family and Xiao family’s fight is fierce, and the more benefits they get, so they are naturally happy about this situation.

“I don’t care whether the Qian family has a master of the Profound Profound Realm. I just want to know who has won this battle.”

One person asked, and the whole scene suddenly became quiet.

Yeah, who won.

You know, the victory or defeat of this battle not only determines the future fate of the Xiao Family Chamber of Commerce and the Qian Family Chamber of Commerce, but also affects the fate of all of them.

From the traces of the end, there is no way to tell which is better, let alone win or lose.

But they never dreamed that Ye Xiu not only won, but also abolished Xiao Zhong. The Xiao family now has no masters in the Profound Realm.

Among the Qian’s Chamber of Commerce.

“Duo Duo, we arrested Xiao Zhong, and the people from the Xiao Family Chamber of Commerce will definitely report it. In this way, is there any difference whether you can kill him or not?”

Ye Xiu asked, now that Xiao Zhong has fallen into the hands of own, no matter whether he kills him or not, the Xiao family will know about this, it is no different from killing him directly.

“Of course there is a difference. If you kill him directly, it will definitely arouse the attention of the Xiao family, and even directly intervene in this matter, but as long as he is still alive, then the Xiao family will only send someone over for investigation first. It will take half a month, so that we still have a chance.”

Qian Duoduo said.

“Even as you expected, we probably won’t have much time.”

Ye Xiu said.

Once the people of the Xiao family come here, they will definitely know the current situation of the Xiao family Chamber of Commerce. When the Xiao family headquarters enters directly, the situation will be reversed.

“So I am going to close the net in advance to prevent any accidents.”

Qian Duoduo thought about it, and speaking of it, he didn’t expect that a single Xiao Feng would make his plan extremely variable, so he couldn’t delay it any more and had to end it early.

After consideration, ten days is the best time.

It will take at least half a month for the people of the Xiao family to reach Silver Moon City, so they can spare some time for this matter.

By the time they arrive, the own plan has come to an end, and they may not be able to recover.

Moreover, closing the Internet in advance will only make him earn a little less yuan, but for Xiao’s Chamber of Commerce, the result is the same.

“That’s good.”

Ye Xiu nodded. He felt that doing this with more money was the best choice.

This avoids direct confrontation with the Xiao family headquarters, otherwise, it is still unknown who will die.

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