Chapter 609 You are still alive

“Monkey, why did you follow, and those of your tribe don’t want it?”

Ye Xiu asked immediately, this monkey is the leader of the violent demon ape clan, it has come out, and the violent demon ape clan is now a group of dragons without a leader.

In the lost swamp Zeyang, a place where The Weak are Prey to the Strong, without anyone leading, they might be in a bad situation.

“This king just came out to have a look, and will go back in a few days.”

Rage Demon Ape said, it was born in the Lost Swamp, and it has never come out.

In addition, the lost swamp is too small, and the competition is particularly fierce. From the day it succeeds to the Monkey King, it has been thinking about how to deal with the next tribulations all the time.

It feels so tired, so it wants to relax and go back quietly for a few days.

“Monkey, did you bring the monkey wine?”

Long Aotian hurriedly asked, he cared more about monkey wine than the life and death of the violent demon ape clan.

He had never enjoyed it before.

“Don’t take my king’s idea. This time the incident happened suddenly. My king didn’t have time to go to the monkey wine, so I stayed.”

Rage Demon Ape immediately shook his head and said.

“Really boring.”

Long Aotian was a little disappointed, and looked back at Ye Xiu, feeling a moment of depression in his heart, but he had no choice but to take him.

“Then what are your plans next, do you want to be with us?”

Ye Xiu asked, the strength of the Berserker Demon Ape is also very impressive, if they can deal with the Ten Thousand Bone Demon Emperor together, it will definitely be a great help.

“Forget it, I’ll go and do it by himself, and say goodbye.”

It didn’t want to stay together with these two perverts, especially Long Aotian, who was much better than him, knowing how much he knew. Following them, the two jars of monkey wine he had hidden would be snatched by them sooner or later.

As he said, he ran away.

“Let’s go too.”

Ye Xiu didn’t stay here and waste time, and he didn’t know what was going on in the wasteland now, he had to figure it out as soon as possible.

After speaking, the two of them walked towards the Lingwu family.

The two ran all the way, until late at night that they found a Sect. He heard fierce fighting from a long distance away, and he also felt the breath of the mad corpse sect.

“Let’s take a look.”

If it was someone else, he didn’t care much, but he couldn’t care about the mad corpse sect.

This group of insidious guys are the people of the Ten Thousand Bone Demon Emperor, and they have deceived everyone’s eyes, so what they are doing now is definitely not a good thing, and they must stop it.

Long Aotian didn’t care, and it didn’t take long for Ye Xiu to come to the vicinity of this Sect.

At this time, countless people in black surrounded the Sect group, with countless coffins standing around it, and at the same time a large number of war corpses were slaughtered in this Sect.

“Big guy, let’s stop them together.”

Ye Xiu said immediately.


After Long Aotian finished speaking, the figure rushed out, and Ye Xiu followed closely behind.

Long Aotian’s strength was there, and Ye Xiu’s strength was also greatly Ascension, and the two of them rushed into the crowd like two humanoid beasts.

No one can stop wherever he goes.

Soon the battle was reversed by the two of them, and the disciples of the mad corpse sect were beaten one by one and lay on the ground wailing in pain.

“You, you are still alive!”

The leader was a master of Seventh Stage Heaven, and he was looking at Ye Xiu with a look of surprise at this moment.

The news he got was that Ye Xiu was dead, how could he be here.

“I am still alive?”

Ye Xiu frowned, and he encountered danger halfway through the use of the teleportation charm. It was only with Qi Tian’s help that he saved his life and entered the lost swamp.

But no one should know about this.

But this person was so surprised, as if he knew something had happened, which was not quite right.

“Could it be that the accident that you have appeared is related to the people of the Crazy Corpse Sect?”

Ye Xiu guessed.

“Hurry up.”

This person knew that Ye Xiu was terrible, and immediately summoned people to flee here, otherwise, they might be wiped out.

“I want to go, do I agree.”

Ye Xiu shouted angrily, and immediately opened the killing ring. In an instant, all the people of these mad corpse sects were beheaded by him, leaving only this man from the Seventh Stage of the cave.

He didn’t bother to waste his tongue, and directly used soul refining to refine the soul of this person.

Only then did he know that the other party had already received the news of his death before this, and this undoubtedly proved his previous guess.

His accident must be related to the Crazy Corpse Sect, although he didn’t know how the other party did it.

“I am the Sect Leader of Mochizuki Sect, Wang Zhaolin, thank you senior for helping me.”

A middle-aged man walked out of Sect and bowed deeply at Ye Xiu. If Ye Xiu and the others hadn’t come in time, Mochizong Sect would probably be removed like the other Sects nearby.

“No need to be polite, but I want to know why they have to deal with you?”

Ye Xiu refined the soul of that person, but he didn’t have the purpose of coming here in his memory, he just got the order to take them away.

As for the others, he didn’t know anything about it.

“I don’t know. However, recently we often have Sect removed from the list overnight, and all of the entire clan has disappeared. No one is spared. If I am not mistaken, the situation encountered by these sects should be the work of these people, but I don’t know what they did this for.”

Wang Zhaolin said that the nearby Shaoyang Sect was destroyed a few days ago.

However, according to the behavior style of these people, he would not press twice in the same place in a short time, so he relaxed his vigilance.

But what he never expected was that they arrived here that night, as if they had fallen from the sky, causing great loss to Mochizuki Sect.

Knowing this a long time ago, he should have obeyed the orders of the Lingwu family and merged with other Sects before, and he would not have suffered such a big loss.

“I see, they should be collecting blood.”

Ye Xiu suddenly thought of the situation before the Greedy Demon King broke the seal. They collected a lot of blood and used it to erode the seal in order to break the seal in advance.

It was the same at the Ten Thousand Bone Cemetery, and he tried Bailing, so he had reason to suspect that they were doing this for the same purpose.

“Collect blood? What do they do with cell phone blood?”

Wang Zhaolin asked strangely.


At this moment, a group of people galloped towards here at an extremely fast speed, and arrived in front of them in the blink of an eye.

“Wang Elder!”

Ye Xiu recognized the leader, Elder Wang Xuanyi of the Lingwu family.

“Xiu’er, you are really fine, if Sect Leader knows you are here, he will definitely be very happy.”

At this time, Wang Xuanyi also recognized Ye Xiu. Some time ago they were very worried after learning that Ye Xiu had an accident, especially Xiao Tianxing, who blamed himself very much.

Now that Ye Xiu was okay, he was finally relieved.

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