Chapter six hundred and ten

“This is a long story…”

Ye Xiu briefly recounted his previous experience.

“How could this happen? The teleportation talisman was traded from Shenzhou, and there were only two in the entire wasteland. Unless it is a master of the human king realm, it might affect the trajectory of the teleportation talisman.”

Wang Xuan said in disbelief that there were only a few kings in the entire wasteland. If they took action, it would be impossible for the Lingwu family to be kept in the dark.

Moreover, why did they embarrass Ye Xiu.

You know, Ye Xiu’s behavior has reduced the pressure on their side, it is a great achievement, and they have no reason to do so.

“I don’t know this.”

Ye Xiu paused, and then asked: “By the way, Elder, why did you come here? Did something happen?”

If he remembers correctly, this should be one of the 36 regions of Eastern Wasteland, which is close to the eastern part of the entire Eastern Wasteland, and a little bit further east is a square inch region.

The reason why he was able to determine this place was mainly because of the lost swamp, which was in the watershed.

The overall strength of the basin is just a bit stronger than that of Fangcunzhi. It stands to reason that existences like Wang Xuanyi shouldn’t appear in this place.

He is the Elder of the headquarters, so how can you ask him to take care of ordinary things himself.

“Some time ago, many small sects in various domains were destroyed overnight, and the whole sect was nowhere to be found. After receiving the news, Sect Leader asked me to investigate the matter. After three months of drawing cards, I finally determined that The group appeared in the basin, but unfortunately I was a step late and let them run away again.”

Wang Xuan together.

“I didn’t run, but I killed it all.”

Ye Xiu said immediately, he knew that Wang Xuanyi should be talking about these crazy corpse sect people.

“I was killed by you, do you know who they are?”

Wang Xuan asked hurriedly, this matter has troubled him for a long time. These guys are like mud loach, slippery in autumn, like flying a kite, and have been flying him for several months.

Is it tolerable or unbearable.

“They are members of the Mad Corpse Sect.”

Ye Xiu said.

“Crazy Corpse Sect?”

Wang Xuan was taken aback for a moment, and hurriedly asked, “Why are they doing this? Did they take refuge in the Demon Emperor of Ten Thousand Bone?”

“No, they didn’t take refuge in the Ten Thousand Bone Demon Emperor, because they were originally on the side of the Ten Thousand Bone Demon Emperor.”

Ye Xiu said, he had heard about this with his own ears, and there was nothing wrong with it.

“This is a person from the Ten Thousand Bone Demon Emperor? What do you mean?”

Wang Xuan asked.

“King Elder, don’t you think that the method of refining the corpse of the Mad Corpse Sect is very similar to the bone warrior of the Ten Thousand Bone Demon Emperor? Both are made based on human corpses.”

Ye Xiu asked.

“No, no, this doesn’t mean that the Crazy Corpse Sect is on the side of the Ten Thousand Bone Demon Emperor.”

Naturally, Wang Xuanyi couldn’t believe that although the behavior style of the Crazy Corpse Sect was impaired, it was indeed somewhat similar to the methods of the Ten Thousand Bone Devil Emperor, but it could not be convicted of the Crazy Corpse Sect alone.

What if this is just a coincidence.

Moreover, the Crazy Corpse Sect is one of the eight sects in the wasteland, and at the same time a powerful ally.

If there is not enough proof to prove these, it is equivalent to framing the mad corpse sect, which will definitely cause an uproar in the wasteland, and even affect the union between them, which will cause irreversible consequences.

The Lingwu family can’t afford this consequence either.

“This sentence was personally said by a true disciple of the Crazy Corpse Sect, and the demon king who broke the seal of the Fangcun Realm was released by the people of the Crazy Corpse Sect. This is my personal experience, so there will never be any. mistaken.”

Ye Xiu said firmly.


Wang Xuan was shocked. If this were true, the situation in the wasteland would be even more complicated.

But obviously, Ye Xiu was not lying, and he had no reason to lie. At the same time, his guess also coincided with Xiao Tianxing’s thinking.

This is not as simple as a coincidence.

“This matter is too big, I must report to Sect immediately.”

Wang Xuan thought for a while and said that this situation is likely to affect the entire Eastern Wasteland situation. If it is not handled properly, it will directly cause irreversible consequences.

Therefore, he must be cautious about this matter.

After that, he got in touch with Xiao Tianxing through his identity jade card, and relayed what Ye Xiu had said to Xiao Tianxing.

“how so?”

Xiao Tianxing was also taken aback by this situation. He had previously guessed that there was a problem with the Crazy Corpse Sect, but he only felt that the Crazy Corpse Sect was taking this opportunity to strengthen his own strength.

But I didn’t expect this to be the case.

At the same time, he secretly rejoiced that he had known this situation in advance. Now that the Six Demon Kings have not broken the seal, they still have the opportunity to correct all this.

Otherwise, once the war starts, they will be back to back, and the consequences will be disastrous.

“Sect Leader, what should we do now?”

When Wang Xuan asked, this matter was too big, and he had no idea for a while.

“You must first settle in the outside world. In this way, you will come back immediately, and then let Ye Xiu print out the situation at that time. I will call the Sect Leaders of the other six sects to discuss this matter must be resolved as soon as possible.”

Xiao Tianxing thought for a while.

The current mad corpse sect probably didn’t know that he already knew their secrets, so there was still room for manipulation.

But their movements must also be fast, and the Crazy Corpse Sect must not be aware of the actions here, otherwise, they are likely to turn their faces in advance, and that effect will be even greater.

“Okay, let’s go back now.”

Wang Xuan nodded a little, saying that he would take Ye Xiu back with him.

“Wang Elder, I can’t go back, and even from now on, I won’t be able to show up. Otherwise, the Crazy Corpse Sect will definitely get news in advance, so I will first go to the vicinity of the Crazy Corpse Sect to investigate the situation.”

Ye Xiu shook his head and said that the other party had affected the destination of the teleportation talisman, which showed that they had learned that they knew their secrets.

Once he appeared, it was equivalent to telling the mad corpse sect that their identities had been exposed.

Moreover, there must be spies from the Crazy Corpse Sect in the Lingwu Family, so he could only act secretly.

With the many methods and Cultivation Base he had at this time, coupled with the help of Long Aotian, even if he was discovered by the people of the Crazy Corpse Sect, he would never want to hurt himself at all.

“No, it’s too dangerous.”

Wang Xuanyi immediately said that although Ye Xiu’s Cultivation Base is very fast, but now it is only Ninth Stage Sky. If you encounter a high-rank natal master, it is not enough to look at it.

“With me, there will be nothing wrong with the little one.”

Long Aotian said.

“Ye Xiu, who is this?”

At this time, Wang Xuanyi noticed the existence of Long Aotian.

Due to Long Aotian’s special situation, his Cultivation Base could not be detected by ordinary methods, and he could not even feel the slightest energy fluctuation from his body.

In addition, Ye Xiu didn’t talk about Long Aotian’s identity, so Wang Xuanyi ignored his existence.

But now Long Aotian took the initiative to stand up. Although he could not feel the energy fluctuations in his body, he still brought him a strong sense of oppression.

This makes him have to pay attention.

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