The 860th chapter goes deep into it

“Dage, what are you doing?”

Ye Xiu stood up, but before he took a few steps forward, Duoduo found the abnormality next to Qian Duo Duo and immediately asked, and as soon as he said this, everyone else was awakened.

“What are you shouting!”

Ye Xiu frowned. He originally wanted to sneak into it when everyone was not paying attention, and he saved them worrying about himself.

This guy was fine, and everyone knew after shouting out.

“Dage, you don’t want to go in, have you forgotten King Qin’s previous explanation? I can’t let you do stupid things.”

Qian Duoduo hurriedly said, this place can even wipe out the masters of the Supreme Realm. Although Ye Xiu’s strength is not bad, it is still a lot worse than the Supreme.

Ye Xiu went in, it was completely self-defeating, he naturally couldn’t let Ye Xiu do stupid things.

“Yes, Ye Xiu, Big Brother, it’s too dangerous here, you should stay here to cultivate with us.”

Qin Wanqing also started to persuade. Yesterday she specially found some classics of the Daqin Dynasty and learned about the secrets of Daqin. The situation was more terrifying than Qin Sheng said.

According to the records in the ancient books, the Great Qin Dynasty sent a total of more than 30 people to explore it, and half of them were the ancestors of the Great Qin Dynasty.

Without exception, these people are all masters of the Supreme Realm, and one of them is the Supreme Fifth Stage.

But none of them came out in the end. If nothing else, they should have all died in it.

In this case, she naturally couldn’t let Ye Xiu do stupid things.

“Yes, Dage, even if you don’t think about it for us, you should also think about it for your sister-in-law. She is still waiting for you to pick her up. If something happens to you, what will she do?”

Qian Duoduo ran directly in front of Ye Xiu and said that he knew too much about his character as Dage, and if he didn’t stop him, he would definitely go in.

He was afraid that his own weight would not be enough, so he moved Xiaohu out again. This was Ye Xiu’s purpose in coming to China.

“Don’t worry, I feel that something is calling me inside. From this, it can be seen that there should be something in it that is predestined to me and will not harm me.”

Ye Xiu explained.

“Something is calling you?”

Qian Duoduo and others looked at each other, all a little surprised, especially Qin Wanqing.

As far as the degree of understanding here is concerned, it is natural that they knew more about the Great Qin Dynasty, but there is no similar situation recorded in the classics, and no one has ever felt the call.

But if what Ye Xiu said was true, it would be another matter.

“Dage, I think, with your strength at this time, there is absolutely no need to take risks now. Since there is something in it calling you, why not wait for your Cultivation Base breakthrough before entering? This is also safer.”

Qian Duoduo thought about it, if it were before, he would definitely not let Ye Xiu take risks, but after experiencing Yun Mengze’s things, he didn’t think so.

Maybe there is a chance to wait for Ye Xiu here.

But this place is too dangerous, and they don’t know anything about it. It is more risky to enter rashly. It is better to cultivate for a period of time and wait for his Cultivation Base to break through to a certain height before entering.

In this case, Ye Xiu’s safety can also be guaranteed.

“No, if I don’t find out, I won’t be able to cultivate at all. If you cultivate well here, I will go.”

Ye Xiu didn’t continue to stay here and waste time. Every word of the Nine-Character Mantra is very important to him. If he gets one more, his strength will be greatly Ascension.

This is the key to picking up Xiaohu, he will never let it go.

After speaking, he transformed himself into a flash and rushed in.

“Ye Xiu Big Brother, wait for me.”

Qin Wanqing also wanted to follow up, but was stopped by Qin Wanru, and said, “Emperor Sister, you can’t go, your Cultivation Base is too low. Not only can follow-up not help Ye Xiu, but it will also drag him down. If you really want to help him Just stay.”


Qin Wanqing still wanted to say something, but after thinking about it, she felt that Qin Wanru’s words were not unreasonable, so she dispelled the idea of ​​following up.

Qian Duoduo originally wanted to follow up. They were brothers after all. He couldn’t just watch Ye Xiu face this alone, but after listening to Qin Wanru’s words, he hesitated.

He was afraid that after he entered, he would become Ye Xiu’s burden. Yun Mengze’s previous experience was the best example.

“Your majesty, your subordinates also think that what the princess said is that Ye Shuai is thoughtful and smart, and even if a person enters it alone, he can save himself from danger. If his majesty follows up, he will be restrained instead.”

Xia Yufeng and others also hurriedly persuaded them. Although they were also very worried about Ye Xiu’s safety, the matter was over, and they had no way to change everything.

Can only persuade Qin Wanqing as much as possible.

After all, she is now the empress of the Great Qin Dynasty, and she must not have the slightest handicap, otherwise, the few of them will also be doomed.

“I see.”

Qin Wanqing didn’t insist anymore, and could only pray secretly in her heart, hoping that Ye Xiu could return safely.

On the other side, after Ye Xiu went deep into the secret land of Daqin, he found that the deeper he went, the more ancient and bleak the things he saw, as if he had entered a dusty space for a long time.

The situation here is completely different from when he first entered Xiao Zhantian’s Minor World. Although it was also very bleak and lifeless, it was at least somewhat popular.

There is still a weak vitality running between heaven and earth, and the situation is very similar to the periphery of the Great Qin Secret Land.

But the feeling it gave him here was lifeless, those withered trees wrapped in darkness, like a group of lonely old men, telling the past.

The whole world, there was not even a sound, it was like a pool of stagnant water, there was no wave, time here seemed to be still.

And the more you go inside, the stronger and more obvious this feeling.

You know, Xiao Zhantian’s Minor World has existed for a long time, but although the plants inside have withered, there are still ‘corpses’, which proves that they once existed.

But everything here seems to have been eroded for a long time and turned into a phantom, broken at one point.

“Little Ye Zi, I think the flow of time here is different from the periphery.”

Qi Tian suddenly said, although this matter is difficult to accept, this seems to be the only reasonable explanation.

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