Chapter 861: Time Cage

“I feel it too.”

Ye Xiu nodded and said, there are also some withered trees outside. Although they have also been decayed, they are still quite well preserved, and they can even be touched.

But the things here are broken at the touch of a touch. Obviously a longer time has passed here.

The only explanation is that the flow of time here is faster than the periphery, and it is more than a little bit faster, otherwise, there would be no such obvious difference between the two places.

“Do you want to keep going?”

Qi Tian asked, according to his estimation, the person who built this Minor World should have mastered the time, and the more you go inside, the faster the flow of time.

According to the previous understanding, the time flow rate at the periphery of this dense land is ten times that of the outside world, so it is very likely that this place is a hundred times that of the outside world.

Going further inside, it may be a thousand times, or even ten thousand times.

This thing sounds good at first, after all, it takes less time to reach a higher Realm, but in fact it is a very dangerous place.

It was even more terrifying than the many Jedi they had been to before.

You must know that the life span of a person is limited, and the faster the flow of time, the faster the life span will be consumed. Even the masters of the Quasi-Emperor Realm cannot withstand the erosion of time.

And this place is unable to detect the passage of time, and with the cultivation of no years, if one is not careful, it is possible to sit here directly.

Moreover, for top geniuses like Ye Xiu, the potential gradually weakens with age.

Once too much time was spent here, it was not a good thing for Ye Xiu.

“I’m afraid we can’t do it if we don’t want to continue.”

Ye Xiu clearly felt an invisible barrier appeared behind him. This barrier was different from what he had encountered in the past. It was not Restrictions, let alone any kind of power he knew well.

Although they are invisible and intangible, they are real, completely sealing their retreat.

And he felt that even if he tried his best, he might not be able to break it.

“Is this the power of time?”

When Ye Xiu was reminded, Qi Tian also noticed this change. This was the first time he encountered this situation. At the same time, the power that formed this barrier had never been seen before.

So he naturally thought that it was probably the power of time.

“The power of time?”

Ye Xiu was stunned. He hadn’t really thought about this. He just thought that this kind of power was peculiar, but listening to Qi Tian’s words, it seemed that there really was a possibility.

After all, he now possesses a system of seven attributes, and he has also come into contact with several other common powers, except that he has never seen the power of time.

But he never thought that the abstract power of time could also form substance and block their path.

“Now I finally understand why none of the people who entered here before can’t get out. They should be trapped here abruptly by this barrier.”

Qi Tian opened his mouth and said, time is an invisible knife that kills people. It is not as hot as a flame, and not as overbearing as Thunder, and not as sharp as a metallic force.

But it can erase a person from the world invisibly, and even your skills can’t resist its erosion.

Here, the power of time is like drawing a huge cage, trapping them in it.

If they can’t find a way to leave, they might eventually turn into a pile of loess.

“This may still be a good opportunity.”

Ye Xiu thought for a while and thought, time is the most mysterious force, anyway, no one has mastered it in his memory, but at this time it appeared in front of own in this form.

This is like someone putting the power of time in front of his eyes. If he can take the opportunity to comprehend one or two of them, it will definitely be of great use to him.

Anyway, the time flow here is faster, even if you waste a few years here, it is only a few days outside, and he can still afford it.

“You can try it, but don’t get too addicted to it.”

Qi Tian reminded him that although he has not been exposed to the power of time, he also knows the horror of time.

The reason he agrees is because if Ye Xiu can control the time, even if he can only control the time for a second, he will definitely be invincible in the world.

Because the victory of a master duel is often in an instant, and a second can do a lot of things.

But he was afraid that Ye Xiu would be addicted to it. After all, this place was too mysterious, and he couldn’t perceive the passage of time. The longer they wereted, the more dangerous their situation would be.

“I see.”

Ye Xiu nodded, then released the power of his own soul, and began to perceive the trajectory of the power of time.

Time flies, and I don’t know how long it has passed. Ye Xiu stopped from the cultivation, and his brows wrinkled slowly. He found that after so long, he didn’t even see the power of time. , Or rather, he didn’t even touch the door.

It seems to be covered with a veil, it is clearly right in front of you, but you can’t see it clearly.

Ye Xiu was also very clear that it would be useless to continue to understand, and he would no longer waste time.

“Little Ye Zi, I think we have to go deeper, maybe after we find the nine-character mantra hidden in it, we will be able to leave from here.”

Qi Tian also understood Ye Xiu’s situation, he also felt it for a while, but there was no entry point at all, so if he wanted to leave, he could only pin his hopes on the nine-character mantra.

“It can only be so.”

Ye Xiu nodded, his thoughts were the same as Qi Tian.

And he still has a feeling that the nine-character mantra here should be related to time. After all, the power of time is too mysterious, and it is difficult to get started without guidance.

This place is artificially constructed, and there must be clues left in it, and the only thing that may be related to it is the nine-character mantra.

After all, no one has a better say in the magic of the Nine-Character Mantra, and he wouldn’t find it strange at all to include the Avenue of Time.

So the two adjusted their feelings and continued to walk deep.

Just as they guessed, the older they walked inside, the stronger the feeling of oldness. Then, they went through an invisible barrier and came to a new world.

Of course, this feeling is what they think in their hearts, everything around is still barren, except for a time barrier again behind them, nothing has changed.

But they can feel that the flow of time here is faster.

Because there is no reference, they cannot determine the specific flow rate.

Not only that, there were more and more dead bones on the ground starting from this place, some of them dissipated directly with the arrival of Ye Xiu, and some were even preserved to this day.

What shocked Ye Xiu the most was that there was a true dragon bone inside, which looked the same as the dragon bone he had obtained before.

The only difference is that this keel is very crispy, and it will break like a dead branch with a light touch. Compared with the previous keel, it is totally unacceptable.

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