Chapter 876 Brothers Gather (Part 1)

“My God, this Ye Xiu is too terrifying. He can control the Heavenly Tribulation battle. No wonder he has the courage to break into the Sacred Land alone.”

“Yeah, based on what I know about Ye Xiu, this guy is simply a evil star. It’s no good to provoke him. Martial Ancestor is a good example.”

“Let me see, this time shaking Sacred Land may have to follow in the footsteps of Martial Ancestor.”

“That’s not necessarily true. What is Martial Ancestor? The highest Cultivation Base among them is no more than the Supreme Realm. How can it be comparable to Sacred Land?”

“Yes, the strongest person in Shaking Sacred Land is Ninth Stage. Although this Heavenly Tribulation is terrible, it is useless not to catch up with them. As long as they do not die, Shaking Sacred Land will not perish.”

In the distance, people from all major forces stared at all of this, all in shock.

No one would have thought that Ye Xiu could beat Sacred Land like this by himself, and even the Holy Lord of Sacred Land would fall directly on the spot.

But they were surprised, but no one was willing to intervene in this matter, especially those human forces. They wished Ye Xiu could wipe out Sacred Land in one fell swoop.

Originally, they didn’t want to see Shaoguang Sacred Land and the Ten Thousand Monster Sect unite, but this matter is the general trend, and they have nothing to change or influence.

The appearance of Ye Xiu just gave them such an opportunity.

Although it is very likely to cause the Yaozu to counterattack afterwards, they have no reason to deal with themselves, and they will only deal with Ye Xiu alone.

After all, all of this was caused by Ye Xiu alone, and it had nothing to do with them.

As for the Ten Thousand Demon Sect, they wanted to help, but they were beyond reach.

The Ten Thousand Demon Sect is a long distance away from Shaking Sacred Land, and even if the quasi-emperor realm master sets off immediately, it will take at least five days to reach here.

As the saying goes, the near thirst cannot be quenched far away.

So they can only hope that the Ninth Stage quasi-emperor realm master can turn the tide.

As for Ye Xiu, a little fox was walking around with a hand in hand, ruthlessly obliterating the Supreme Realm masters in front of them. In just a few minutes, more than a hundred Supreme Beings had been obliterated by Ye Xiu.

The rest took the opportunity to escape separately, Ye Xiu couldn’t catch them all at once, but the remaining supreme could not get over the big waves.

After that, Ye Xiu stopped and let Heavenly Tribulation fall on him.

This Chaos Divine Tribulation that made others talk about it has become a good thing of Ascension’s strength here. No Heavenly Tribulation is like a valuable Medicine Pill.

After being refined by the Nine Changes Tianxin, it immediately turns into a pure power and becomes a part of own.

Ye Xiu also separated a part from it and injected it into the little fox’s body, helping her to comb her body while consolidating her surged Cultivation Base.


Suddenly, Ye Xiu’s Cultivation Base was promoted from Ninth Stage Supreme to First Stage Realm, and his aura was also extremely strong, and the world changed its color.

Boom boom boom…

Under the gaze of everyone, countless Heavenly Tribulation bombarded Ye Xiu’s body crazily, and his Cultivation Base was also paying attention to the speed Ascension visible to the naked eye.

This scene also made many people unbelievable.

They are all people who have come here. Almost everyone has experienced the baptism of Heavenly Tribulation. For them, it is definitely a test of life and death, and there is still some luck in being able to survive.

Why Heavenly Tribulation has become a good medicine when Ye Xiu is here. Not only will it not cause too much damage to Ye Xiu, it can also help him Ascension Cultivation Base.

It’s as if this Heavenly Tribulation is not punishing Ye Xiu, but rewarding him, which is not difficult to see from his surging Cultivation Base.

Now that he has broken through to the Third Stage Quasi-Emperor Realm, the speed of this Ascension should not be too fast.

“Your kid is too uninteresting. If I knew you had this ability, I didn’t need to worry for you.”

Jiang Li in the distance didn’t speak in good spirits, but during this period of time, he was so anxious that he almost used all the power that could be activated, but he did not expect this guy to hide so deeply.

But his heart was also happy for Ye Xiu.

Judging from Ye Xiu’s past performance, as long as he can be promoted to the Sixth Stage quasi-emperor this time, then even the Ninth Stage quasi-emperor who shakes Sacred Land may not be able to hurt him.

Boom boom boom…

Heavenly Tribulation is still coming. When the last Heavenly Tribulation cut through the sky and fell on Ye Xiu, although his Cultivation Base did not have the breakthrough Sixth Stage quasi-emperor realm, it was completely stable in the Fifth Stage quasi-emperor Realm.

The momentum of the whole body is even more tyrannical to the extreme, even if it is not far from the Sixth Stage quasi emperor.

At the same time, Jieyun also exhausted all its strength, gradually disappeared, and the sky became clear again.

“You die for me.”

At this time, the quasi-emperor Ninth Stage from Sacred Land descended on Ye Xiu’s head, and directly slashed him with a palm.

Now he is extremely angry. Shaking Sacred Land’s hundreds of thousands of years of foundation, he was ruined by a little-known person, and he was still in front of so many people.

Before Ye Xiu had Heavenly Tribulation’s help, he couldn’t kill Ye Xiu, but now it’s different.

Therefore, Ye Xiu must die, otherwise Shaoguang Sacred Land still has a face to face the world.

“The Seal of the Nine Temples, the Ninth Seal.”

Ye Xiu’s expression remained unchanged. At this time, he had already broken through to the Fifth Stage Quasi-Emperor Realm. Although there was still a big gap with this Ninth Stage Quasi-Emperor, it was not so easy for him to kill himself.

As soon as the voice fell, a black mark that was so dark and engulfed with endless darkness appeared on the palm of his hand.

Pushing out with a palm directly shattered the space, and a large, pitch-black hand slowly stretched out from the broken space.

In this situation, it was as if an ancient god and demon slapped a palm out of the void, directly crushing the surrounding space, and greeted the Ninth Stage quasi-emperor unabatedly.


With a loud noise, the dark palm was shattered and the void recovered, and the Ninth Stage quasi-emperor took more than ten steps before stopping, and the whole person showed incredible color.

He is the Ninth Stage quasi-emperor, four Realm taller than Ye Xiu, but he was actually tied with him, which really made him unbelievable.


At this moment, another air-breaking sound rang in Ye Xiu’s ear, and another quasi-emperor from Sacred Land came to Ye Xiu’s face with a cold expression.

He is the second quasi emperor of Shaking Sacred Land. Although only Fifth Stage quasi emperor’s Cultivation Base is comparable to Ye Xiu, it can be the last straw that crushes Ye Xiu.

And there are more people shaking Sacred Land.


With a burst of sound, the people who had fled before ran back one by one, and countless Daoist shadows completely surrounded this area.

“Why, do you plan to bully fewer people?”

At this moment, a loud voice came from the void. Then, the space next to Ye Xiu was torn apart, and a Daoist shadow walked out of it.

This person is young, with a look of arrogance, and a strong demon aura permeates his body, like a demon god descending into the world, releasing an astonishing aura.

Cultivation Base has even reached the fourth stage quasi-emperor realm.

“Amano, did you succeed?”

Ye Xiu glanced at this person and immediately recognized that he was Mu Tianye staying in Yunmengze.

Although he had always believed that Amano would successfully refine Xiao Zhantian’s Heart’s Demon, he didn’t expect this kid to move so fast. Cultivation Base even reached the Fourth Stage Quasi-Emperor Realm, only one Realm worse than himself.

This is really a step up to the sky.

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