Chapter 877 Brothers Gather (Part 2)

“Dage, sister-in-law, I am not late.”

The moment Mu Tianye saw the little fox, the stone in his heart finally fell. This was a thorn in his heart. This time he was able to come out so quickly because of this incident.

Now it’s alright, he is finally free.

“No, it came just right.”

Xiaohu also breathed a sigh of relief. With Ye Xiu’s Cultivation Base at this time, it was okay to deal with a quasi emperor, but it would be very dangerous to deal with both of them at the same time.

Mu Tianye came at a very high time, and with his help, their safety was guaranteed.

“Dage, I’ll come too.”

However, as soon as Xiaohu’s voice fell, another voice came from a distance. Looking back, I saw a group of people coming here at a very fast speed.

It is true that it is a group, looking at the black and crushed piece, there are at least 300,000 people.

The leader is their third brother, who has a lot of money.

“This is the army of the Great Qin Dynasty. They actually sent so many people to help Ye Xiu. Now the situation of Sacred Land is in danger.”

“Yeah, if these people doubled before, it would be nothing more than death, but now it’s completely different. Unless the Ten Thousand Demons Sect intervenes, it will be difficult for Sacred Land to come back.”

“Even if he wants to intervene in the time, his Ten Thousand Demon Sect will not allow it. Even if it is the Ninth Stage, it will take three or four days to reach this place from Sacred Land. At that time, the daylilies were cold.”

“The problem is that there is also a master of Ninth Stage in Sacred Land, which is four Realms higher than Ye Xiu’s Cultivation Base. No matter how strong Ye Xiu is, it is impossible to win.”

“Who knows this, maybe he still has any cards he hasn’t used, but I heard that this kid has the nine-character mantra in his hands.”

“real or fake!”

The arrival of Qian Duoduo once again aroused everyone’s discussion, and at the same time, this situation greatly exceeded their expectations.

First, a Fourth Stage quasi-emperor appeared, and then the Qin Dynasty sent more than 300,000 soldiers. These are well-trained soldiers. When faced with these Sect cultivators, they have a unique advantage.

Moreover, the lowest Cultivation Base of theirs all have natal realm, and there are many masters in the supreme realm. With such a large army, even the masters of the supreme realm can’t resist their one charge.

So the people who were optimistic about Shaking Sacred Land changed their minds and turned to optimistic about Ye Xiu.

The only reservation is whether Ye Xiu can defeat the Ninth Stage quasi-emperor.

If they can’t win, then they will lose in the end.

“Du Da, why are you here?”

Ye Xiu didn’t expect a lot of money to come, and he also brought an army of 300,000.

You know, these people are all elite soldiers of the Great Qin Dynasty. If something happens to them, it will be a great loss to the Great Qin Dynasty, and it may even shake the foundation of the Great Qin Dynasty.

“Second brother is here, how could I not come.”

Qian Duoduo said with a smile, after Ye Xiu left, he also followed out.

He was really uneasy. After all, there were many masters in Shenzhou, and he was worried that Ye Xiu would suffer, so he approached Qin Sheng and said his own idea.

Regarding this matter, Qin Sheng also fully supported him, and directly ordered 300,000 elite soldiers from the army to follow. There were 20 masters in the Supreme Realm alone, and almost all the masters of the Great Qin Dynasty were spared.

Ye Xiu is absolutely indispensable for everything that the Great Qin Dynasty is able to do now. Now that Ye Xiu is in danger, how could their Great Qin Dynasty stand by.

What are the forces within China? It’s a big deal to start all over again.

“Can your kid compare to me.”

Mu Tianye didn’t say so well, he is now Fourth Stage Quasi-Emperor, and he is also a figure on the Nine Heavens continent.

However, this kid’s approach made him very satisfied, and he dared to come with hundreds of thousands of troops, and nothing else, but his courage was stronger than before, and it was worthwhile to take care of this kid.

“Since it’s here, these guerrillas will leave them to you, kill them all, not one left.”

Ye Xiu is also welcome. Since the war has already started, he must cut the grass and wipe out the roots and shake Sacred Land.

Kill kill kill…

After receiving Ye Xiu’s order, Qian Duoduo hadn’t spoken yet, and the soldiers in the rear had already roared, the momentum shook the sky, and the momentum was like a rainbow.

Before Ye Xiu became famous in the First World War in the Central Region of Shenzhou, he became the god of war in the hearts of everyone in the Great Qin Dynasty, and he was also an idol in the hearts of all soldiers.

So his orders are even more useful in the army than Qin Sheng is now.

While they were speaking, the 300,000 army shot at the same time, with neat and uniform footwork, turning into a tide and launching a charge towards the disciples of Sacred Land.

You know, most of these soldiers have just experienced a battle of life and death, and the killing intent is strong.

Although the disciples of Shaoguang Sacred Land are good, they are much better than these soldiers when they are taken out individually, but they have not undergone systematic training and the baptism of killing.

Such a person is at most a mob, how can it be the opponent of these soldiers.

It was just a charge that reduced their staff by one-third, and the blood directly stained the ground.


The Fifth Stage quasi-emperor was furious, and he was about to take action to suppress them, but when he was about to move, a sharp blade flashed in his eyes.

At the same time, he gave a warning sign and quickly backed away, which avoided this strike.

Looking up, a Daoist shadow stood in front of him with a golden knife in between.

It is Mu Tianye.

“Your opponent is me.”

Mu Tianye’s eyes were filled with a strong will to war.

Although he had been fighting with Xiao Zhantian during this period, it was a spiritual confrontation, and a physical collision was completely different.

And he prefers the latter, the taste of fisting to the flesh is so hard that he can’t stop it. Now that he has come out, he has encountered such a Fifth Stage quasi-emperor realm master, how can he easily let it go.

“Since you want to die, then I will fulfill you.”

The Fifth Stage Zhundi didn’t put Mu Tianye to put in one’s eyes at all.

At Mu Tianye’s age, even if there is a Cultivation Base in the Fourth Stage Quasi-Emperor Realm, it must have not been long before breakthrough.

But he has made breakthroughs for nearly a hundred years, and his comprehension and mastery of the rules of heaven and earth and combat skills can never be comparable to such a young man.

Fighting with yourself is simply looking for death.

As he spoke, a silver long sword appeared on his right hand, and it exuded a dazzling light. This is a top-grade Dao Item, and there are not many in the entire Shenzhou Central Region.

“Good job.”

Mu Tianye didn’t care, and the sword in his hand suddenly slashed out. Vaguely, a real dragon’s screams were heard in his ears.

He was using the Dragon Slaying Knife Art. Now, with the help of Xiao Zhantian, he not only mastered the Dragon Slaying Knife Art completely, but also sublimated it on the original basis.

Now, this sword tactic has reached the level of the emperor’s classics, it can be released with a single stroke, and the world is empty.


Suddenly, the light above the blade bloomed like a round of Cui Can’s sun, and the stabbing people couldn’t open their eyes.

After the light dissipated, a thousand-foot-long knife shadow appeared on Mu Tianye’s head, and the long knife fell, not tearing the space apart, but smashing it directly.

It was as if it was not a knife, but a huge hammer.

The Fifth Stage quasi-emperor was the first to bear the brunt, only feeling that own body was like being pressed into a mountain, making his body extremely heavy.

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