One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 402: Doflamingo's Call

blue blue, blue blue;

At this moment, the phone bug wearing sunglasses rang without warning.

As a result, the atmosphere instantly became silent and depressing.

"This, is this a call from Do-Doflamingo?"

The timid Usopp spoke in a trembling tone, as if the phone bug in front of him was the underground emperor himself, with infinite fear in his heart.

"Hey, Luffy, the man who is going to be the One Piece King! Are you the brother Ming who bullied Teabeard and the others?" Luffy answered the phone at some point and arrogantly said his oath.


Usopp died immediately, provoking that terrible man so much, he only felt that the next action was dark and he couldn't see any light.

"Fufurfurfur, Straw Hat Boy? I have long wanted to meet you. I have something that makes countless people salivate. Are you interested?" The deep voice was full of temptation.

Hearing this, Luffy couldn't help but dream about it, something that makes people salivate?

"Hey! How delicious meat is there!"

At this moment, Lu Fei's eyes turned into red hearts, and the halazi broke through the barrier of his lips and flowed crazily like a dike, all kinds of meat floated in his mind.


Usopp's coffin couldn't be covered, and the fist fell from the sky and hit Luffy's head hard.

"Bastard, don't be fooled by the enemy!" Usopp's growling sound far exceeding 100 decibels even made Doflamingo's ears uncomfortable on the other side of the phone.

However, it also made him recover from Luffy's answer, and Dover, who was calm on the surface, secretly muttered to himself what a strange pirate group this is.

The captain's brain circuit was amazed, the crew's voice was loud, and an inattentive person was attacked.

Careless, careless

At this time, Luo picked up the phone bug that Luffy left behind and said: "JOKER, don't talk nonsense, since you have dismissed Shichibukai as agreed, then I will return Caesar to you as agreed."

"Of course, if things have progressed to this point, if you still want to use your brains to escape, you should know what the consequences will be." Doflamingo said, with a little threat in his words.

"So how about letting me take a look at my important client first?" The conversation changed and Dover asked about Caesar's situation. This person must be in his hands anyway.

Wen Yanluo stretched out the phone bug in his hand to Caesar who was handcuffed by Hailoushi.

Caesar was excited for a moment, and he scrambled to the front of the phone bug, "JOKER, I'm sorry, it's all because I killed you in Qiwuhai's position."

Without waiting for Caesar to say anything, Luo decisively took the phone bug and said, "How about it, did you hear that?"

"Well, it seems that he is in a good state of mind." Dover's deep and hoarse voice came again.

"Eight hours from now, I will leave him on the southeast coast of Greenbit, an isolated island in the north. At that time, Caesar will be at your disposal, and all unnecessary contact will be avoided."

Hearing this, Dover said regretfully: "It's true that he has become indifferent when he grows up. I wanted to have a good drink with you."

"Why so much nonsense, I'll hang up for you!"

Luffy's voice came from Dover's ear again, and the next second the voice on the phone became a beeping blind tone.

"Almost followed this guy's train of thought again!" Luffy said righteously after hanging up the phone, but the eyes that turned into the shape of barbecue made Usopp on the side startled.

"Everyone, let's go! I already smell the taste of adventure, oh ho!" After speaking, Luffy jumped towards Dressrosa.

Seeing this, the two groups of personnel responsible for destroying the factory and escorting Caesar disembarked and left one after another.

However, before Luo left, he approached Nami, "You keep this."

As he spoke, he took out a piece of white paper from his pocket, tore it in half, and handed one half to Nami.

"This is the life paper?" Looking at the things in Luo's hands, Nami's voice was slightly puzzled.

"Yes, this is my companion's life paper, and they are currently on Zou Island."

"If you encounter any special situation here, don't worry about us rushing there directly, we will meet there."

After hesitating for a moment, Nami still took the life paper in the other party's hand. She also knew what the next situation would be. Even if the Sonny was far away from the center of the battle, it might not be without danger.

After explaining this matter, Luo also turned and left.

"Sanji, it's good to have you here."

Seeing that the cabin suddenly became empty, Chopper couldn't help sighing.

However, when it turned to look at Sanji's position, the whole deer was instantly dumbfounded.

In addition to the air, there is still a little bit of Sanji in place!

"AHH!!! Sanji, where have you been!"

The cruel reality made Chopper groan in despair. It is not a good feeling that Sanji, a powerful fighter, suddenly disappears when the enemy may appear at any time.

At the same time, Luffy and his team of four responsible for destroying the factory, plus Sanji who followed, officially set foot in Dressrosa!

The scene that had never been seen before made the five of them stunned in place.

The mixed scent of food and flowers filled the nostrils of the five people, and the non-stop dancer made Sanji's eyes brighten and his nose bleed.

However, these are nothing compared to living toys.

Looking at the picture of humans and toys getting along friendly, Luffy and the others were stunned with their mouths wide open.

"What, what's going on here?" Normal human thinking is no longer enough for them to understand everything in front of them.

Franky on the side suggested, "It looks like we need to disguise ourselves to collect information."

"Yoxi, let's start changing clothes!" Luffy nodded in agreement.

After a while, except for Luffy, all the others put on neat suits, sunglasses and fake beards.

"Well, I'm hungry, let me see where it's better to eat." Lu Fei's sharp eyes scanned the surroundings, and finally landed in a certain direction.

"Let's take a look here first!" He said and ran over.

Although time was running out, no one raised any objections.

After all, you can't win on an empty stomach, and restaurants are often a good place to ask for information.

There are too many people there, and even if you do nothing, you can get a lot of information.

Turning a corner, Luffy stared at a certain restaurant, and ran over excitedly.

The crowd followed behind, faintly looking forward to it.

Maybe Luffy is stupid and stupid in other aspects, but no one can compare to him in choosing restaurants. This guy's sense of smell is even more sensitive than animals.

However, Zoro, who was at the end and had been careless, suddenly felt something. His forward steps stopped bit by bit, and his eyes behind the sunglasses became sharp.

thump thump thump thump;

Then came the crisp sound of wooden sticks touching the ground.

Turning his body sideways, Sauron followed the sound and looked.

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