One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 403 All parties appear

Within the range of vision, a figure suddenly appeared in the corridor not far away.

The visitor was dressed in a wide purple robe, and his majestic body was far beyond ordinary people. However, what Sauron cared about was that the other party was blind!

Two terrifying scars crossed the eyes and met on the forehead, and I don't know what happened to leave such scars.

Even so, Sauron's right hand slowly climbed onto the handle of the knife.

The instinct of the swordsman told himself that it was not easy to come!

thump thump thump thump;

The visitor kept the same speed all the time, and the distance from Sauron was getting closer and closer.

The air suddenly became tense and oppressive.

The breath in the consciousness space made Fujitora understand what kind of person standing in front of him.

The emotions and vigilance conveyed made Fujitora nod secretly. It should be said that he is indeed the partner of that man, with extraordinary strength and mental strength.

But Fujitora doesn't intend to point it out now, leaving a little mystery will undoubtedly be more fun when we meet next time.

Passing over Sauron with a calm expression, Fujitora spoke when Sauron relaxed his vigilance and even planned to put down his raised right hand.

"Brother, I heard that there is a casino here, but I don't know how to get there. Could you please guide me?"

"I'm sorry, uncle, I'm just here too, so go over there and have a look."

At this moment, Sauron's voice was somewhat hoarse, and the closer he was to the other party, the more powerful he could feel it.

This feeling not only makes him vigilant, but also makes his blood boil!

"So that's the case, I'm sorry to trouble you." Hearing this, Fujitora turned and left.

Meanwhile, Greenbutt is nearby.

Feeling the ease and freehand life of the residents of the kingdom, Luo frowned fiercely.

It stands to reason that after Doflamingo voluntarily resigned from Shichibukai, the country should not be so harmonious even if there were no riots.

What is the problem?

Luo racked his brains trying to figure out why, but in the end he found that he had no clue at all.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?"

After realizing Luo's abnormal state, Usopp couldn't help asking, as the strongest fighter in his group, he didn't want Luo to lose the chain at this time.

"It's nothing, I just feel a little strange." Luo immediately informed Usopp and Robin of his discovery.

"There's nothing to worry about."

Hearing Luo's worry, Usopp breathed a sigh of relief, he thought his whereabouts had been discovered by the enemy.

However, before Usopp was completely relieved, Robin on the other side became nervous again.

While pulling down the brim of the hat, the body does not forget to stay away from the street, reducing the sense of presence as much as possible.

"Hey! What's wrong with you?" Usopp asked anxiously.

Frightened by the two over and over again, Usopp only felt that the god of death was waving to him, which was so exciting!

After the target person was far away, Robin said: "Why are people from CP0 here?"


The slightly familiar title immediately brought out the impressive memory deep in Usopp's mind.

"Shouldn't it have anything to do with CP9?"

"CP0, the full name is CipherPol-AIGIS0, the world government is directly under the top secret intelligence agency, and it is the upper level of CP1 to CP9."


Hearing that the other party was someone stronger than CP9, Usopp was so frightened that his soul went out of his body on the spot.

"It's horrible here, I want to go back."

Even Caesar on the side was also a little nervous. He knew his own affairs well. If the incidents of the year were really investigated, even he would not be able to escape the identity of a criminal.

After all, due to his mistakes a few years ago, the entire Punk Hazard was filled with poison gas and the naval base was completely shut down. The reason why the entire island is what it is now is also inseparable from him.

"They will never do anything good!" Robin said affirmatively.

"Indeed." Luo also agreed deeply.

Fishman Island;

A meeting had just ended when the phone bug in Long's pocket rang.

Long didn't shy away from connecting in front of Katie.

"I am a dragon, have you encountered any difficulties over there, Sabo?"

Listening to Long's words, Katie gave up her original plan to avoid it.

Because if I guessed right, the current Saab should be on Dressrosa.

For a long time, I have never forgotten this event with great influence, and I have always been willing to participate in it.

This call may allow me to get a lot of useful news.

"The leader is like this, I want to ask for reinforcements." Sabo's slightly embarrassed voice came from the other side of the phone bug.

One sentence made Katie and Long present frown at the same time.

Watching Sabo grow up all the way with his own eyes, Long is very clear about Sabo's style and strength.

If the situation was not really difficult to handle, Sabo would never ask for help easily. His words meant that the situation was too serious for him to handle alone.

As for Katie, she was thinking about the same thing as the dragon.

The role of the Dressrosa chapter in the original play is equivalent to the transitional paragraph in the composition, serving as a link between the past and the future.

Summarize the achievements of Luffy's practice in the past two years, and then pave the way for the subsequent battle of the Four Emperors.

Although Admiral Fujitora appeared, he was not very hostile to the Straw Hats, and finally let go of the Straw Hats with his own hands.

In such a situation, Sabo's strength may be weaker without the blessing of burning fruit, but it should not be enough to ask for support.

At this time, there is only one possibility, the situation has changed!

"Tell me in detail what you saw in Dressrosa." Long said in a deep voice.

"The thing is like this. At present, the forces I have seen in Dressrosa include the navy, CP0, the Don Quixote family, the Blackbeard Pirates, the Green Pepper family of the Kingdom of Flowers, and the Prodence King family. Power, and the Golden Emperor Gilder Tezzolo who controls 20% of the world's wealth."

"Of course there are also the Straw Hat Pirates that may appear, as well as Trafalgar Law."

"With a group like the leader, I really can't hold the scene." Sabo didn't forget to complain at the end.

Such a scene is already comparable to the scale of a half-top war. Sabo thinks that his strength is not bad, but the problem is that there are too many strong people and forces gathered here.

Yugong himself has to complete the task of destroying the arsenal, and Yu privately wants to protect Luffy from harm.

With the current situation and Luffy's super ability to cause trouble, let alone one, even ten of us are not enough!

Sabo was forced to ask for help.

Wen Yanlong was silent for a while, although he expected the situation to be complicated when he heard Sabo's first words, but he didn't expect it to be so complicated.

At this time, Long even thought about giving up the action against Doflamingo, but then he thought that his son might be there, so he gave up this plan.

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