One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 409 Horror Speed

The most surprised person in the crowd was not the people in the Shadow Building, but the dragon who had the shortest contact time with Katie.

Working towards the realm of an awakened person, he is well aware of the extent to which Katie's qi and blood have fluctuated, and that kind of physical fitness can fully withstand the power of the law.

In other words, Katie in front of her can already be called a half-step awakener!

After counting the entire world, only the Four Emperors, the Admiral of the Navy, and the Five Elder Stars who hide Mary Joa are the only ones who can stand at this height!

Even if he is still close to being half-step awakened, but the powerful power brought by the awakening of abilities makes Long have the confidence to face them.

More importantly, improving physical fitness is more difficult than comprehending the law.

Among all the half-step awakeners, only Kaido and BIGMOM were the first to break through in physical fitness, and the others were the first to comprehend the power of the law.

However, today Katie became the first to break through the third physical fitness after Kaido and BIGMOM!

The sudden change made Long feel mixed feelings. Five hours ago, Katie was still a long way from the half-step awakener. Five hours later, this guy brazenly climbed to the top and broke through in one fell swoop.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Long would never have believed that such an incredible thing would happen in the world.

His meowing father took a nap, and you broke through to a half-step awakener.

If I take another nap, are you directly awakened? If I take another nap, will you be invincible directly in the world!

Give me the bed, I want to sleep!

Long secretly complained in his heart, maybe the world will be peaceful when he opens his eyes

Looking at the bewildered crowd, Katie asked suspiciously, "Why are you all looking at me?"

"Uh, nothing, nothing." Although everyone wanted to say a lot in their hearts, they didn't know what to say when they really opened their mouths, so they waved their hands to prevaricate.

Katie jumped onto the Noble Emperor, muttering, "Hurry up, it's already half an hour late."

Hearing that a mass of black lines rose from the tops of everyone's heads, and it was half an hour late, I don't know who to blame!

"Di Wuhao enters a different space!" Katie was not ready to explain her own changes, and gave the start order in a low voice.

The moment Katie finished speaking, a door to a different space opened, and the Noble Emperor slowly entered and disappeared completely from the real world.

Just as Anilu was walking towards the energy room by himself, Katie's voice suddenly came.

"Time is running out, change the way of departure today."

Hearing this, everyone was taken aback, unable to understand what Katie meant.

Because to hide their identities, they had to use the power of Emperor Wuhao to hide in a different space.

Under the premise that you must take the Emperor Wu, sailing in a different space is undoubtedly the fastest.

In this way, you don't have to worry about wind direction, weather and other issues, and you don't have to take detours. Coupled with the speed of God No. 300 kilometers per hour, it only takes more than two hours to arrive in a straight line.

This is already the fastest of all solutions so far.

So when they heard that Katie was going to change her method, the others failed to understand what Katie meant.

Just looking at the expressions on everyone's faces, Katie understood, and immediately jumped into the air.

"Dragon Transformation!"

With a low shout, Katie directly entered the golden dragon form.

"Why, why is it getting bigger again!"

Seeing that Katie was five times the size before, Enilo exclaimed.

Because compared with the golden dragon, I am really no different from an ant, and a single dragon scale is comparable to half of myself!

Although the others didn't say anything, they were thinking the same as Enilu.

The size of the captain in front of him can already be counted into the Neptune class.

Without giving them much time to react, Katie, who has transformed into a dragon, has already come to Di Wuhao's side, holding Di Wuhao firmly with her dragon claws.

"Sit tight!"

At the same time as the voice fell, Katie's body shook and rushed into the distance.


Just getting started, a clear Mach loop has been born.

Under inertial conditions, everyone in the cabin staggered and almost fell down.

Fortunately, with Katie's reminder and everyone's strength is not bad, there was no traffic accident.

Yet this is just the beginning.

Bang, the second Mach ring is born;

Bang, the third Mach ring is born;

Bang, the fourth Mach ring is born;

Half a minute later, when Katie's speed stabilized, there were as many as nine Mach rings behind her!

"Did I eat the Thunderbolt fruit or did the captain eat it?"

Looking at the Mach rings lined up behind the golden dragon's tail, Enilo doubted his life on the spot.

One Mach ring is one time the speed of sound, nine is nine times the speed of sound.

In other words, the captain's speed at the moment is three thousand meters per second! Equivalent to one hundred thousandth of the speed of light!

Although it is only one hundred thousandth, its unit is the speed of light!

Enilu once tried his own limit speed, and it was not much different from this.

The key is that if you want to achieve this step, you can't carry anything, and you can only hold on for a second or two, and then you will collapse directly.

Compared with the captain, the gap is not too big!

"Why is there no wind?"

Just when everyone was immersed in Katie's terrifying speed, the careful Koshiro realized another problem.

At such a speed, there is no breeze blowing from the front, so it shouldn't be too weird!

For a moment, everyone looked at Long subconsciously, because he was the only one who could control the wind among the people present.

Facing everyone's eyes, Long smiled wryly and shook his head, "It's not me, it's your captain."

The moment Koshiro asked the question, Ryu used his ability to sense the wind around the hull.

Then I was shocked to find that the surrounding space is not without wind, but the direction of the wind is the same as Katie's forward direction!

This discovery made Long Zhen really difficult to understand.

This is a different space. Under normal circumstances, it should be an absolutely quiet environment without the existence of wind.

However, when the Emperor Wu moved forward, the originally still air was equivalent to going against the blowing wind when the hull was used as a reference.

However, the current fact is that the wind is helping Katie move forward, which is completely contrary to the theory!

From Katie's appearance, in this short moment, Katie subverted many of Long's perceptions of the world.

The meteorological fruit that he is proud of has no advantage in front of Katie.

Even if he used his ability to awaken, he might not be able to beat the current Katie. Who knows if he has hidden other abilities.

Just when everyone was thinking hard and trying to understand all this, Katie's forward speed slowed down a little bit.


Just two words brought infinite shock.

That's just a little more time, three minutes? Or four minutes?

How did I get here before I figured out the answer?

However, the increasingly larger island scene in the field of vision proves what Katie said, the destination has really arrived!

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