One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 410 Arrangement and Deployment

At this time, Kitty also reappeared in human form on the deck of the Emperor Wu.


Letting out a sigh, Katie sighed, "It's a bit tiring to fly so far all at once." After speaking, she stretched her waist symbolically.

After finishing the work, Katie returned to normal, her face not blushing and her heart not beating.

"No, no more?" Enel couldn't help asking.

Facing Enilo's inquiry, Katie was at a loss, "What's missing?"

"You brought us here at nine times the speed of sound, just stretch your waist, and it's gone!"

Enilu said unwillingly, his wide eyes seemed to want to see some flaws in Katie, so as to comfort his deeply hit heart.

Katie slapped her head and suddenly realized: "Oh yes, I would have forgotten if you didn't tell me."

Hearing this, Enilu breathed a sigh of relief subconsciously, but Katie's next words made him go berserk.

"Please give me a glass of water, I'm a little thirsty."


The grief-stricken Enilu turned his head and left after leaving a series of gorgeous words, because if he stayed any longer, he was afraid that he would not be able to control himself and attack the captain.

The consequences of doing that, let alone offending or not, the key is that I can't beat it at all. The result of doing it is not only being hanged and beaten, but also twice, or three times.

"Pfft ha ha ha ha!"

Enilu's miserable appearance made others laugh out loud. Although I knew it was not appropriate, I really couldn't help it!

The laughter lasted for two full minutes before it stopped. After everything was over, everyone except Long no longer cared about why Katie had changed so much.

They only know that no matter how Katie changes his identity, he is his captain after all, and he is his crew after all.

Moreover, Katie is getting stronger and stronger, and her situation is getting more and more secure, so why bother to find out everything? What kung fu is not as effective as finding ways to improve yourself.

"Captain, what's next?"

After calming down, Estes asked first.

The destination has been reached, and it is time to start acting or preparing to act.

Hearing this, Katie didn't answer in a hurry, but turned to look at Long aside, wanting to see if he had any suggestions.

Seeing this situation, Long said seriously: "You can arrange it, this is your home field."

It's not that Long can't come up with a plan, but he knows that as an outsider, if he really stretches out his hand to command the people in the shadow building, it would be a bit over his own strength.

Only Katie can hold back these people, no one else can!

"Okay, then I will boldly arrange it." Seeing Long's refusal, Katie stopped being polite.

After sorting out her thoughts, Katie said: "As far as the whole Dressrosa is concerned, there are currently two places that need the most attention. One: the arena; the other: the northern island of Greenbit."

"In order to control the situation, it is the best choice to divide the troops into two groups to monitor at the same time, but I don't plan to divide the troops into two groups, but three groups."

After a pause, Katie continued: "I want to hand over the arena to you, Long, and I will send Magellan and Weipa to assist you. Do you have any questions?"


The three answered one after another that there was no problem, especially Long, who wanted to take over the area of ​​the arena. After all, Sabo and Luffy were there, so naturally they would not deny Katie's arrangement.

After getting the affirmation of the three, Katie turned her eyes to Koshiro.

"Greenbit in the north will be in charge of you. The situation there is complicated. You should stay in the different space on the Emperor Wu and don't show up. Linna, Alice, Kuina, and Tyrone are responsible for assisting Koshiro. Is there a problem? "


Hearing this, Katie looked at the rest of the people who were not selected.

"Currently Dressrosa is mixed with good and bad people. There are too many types of personnel such as underground forces, kingdom forces, pirates, and navy. Only with accurate information can we take the initiative."

"So me, Estes, Tsunade, and Enel, what the four of us have to do is to spy on the enemy, do you understand the intelligence?"


At this time, Enilu had already returned to normal, facing the task assigned by Katie with a serious and serious face.

"I have only one request for everyone. You must not reveal your identity before receiving my order! There are only two exceptions. One is: your life is threatened, and the other is: your family's life is threatened."

After listening to Katie's words, Long was obviously taken aback, and after realizing it, he cast a grateful look at Katie.

He knew very well that the reason for the second situation was to take care of himself. After all, Luffy and Sabo, who were in the same arena with the Blackbeard crew, had a high risk factor.

For Long's gratitude, Katie waved her hand to signal him not to care.

Leaving aside that he is the child's father, even if he gives the order not to let him take action, he may not listen to him in times of crisis.

After all, according to Garp and Luffy's personalities, the probability of Dragon obeying the rules is too small. In this case, it is better to explain directly and gain the favor of the other party.

"Captain, what is the purpose of our trip?"

Tsunade on the side couldn't help asking.

The entire shadow building and the leaders of the revolutionary army are all dispatched, so we can't just be a bystander, that would be too much of a fuss.

"Our goal is two people," Katie said.


Tsunade asked immediately, his eyes full of curiosity.

Not only him but also Long, everyone's eyes were on Katie, wanting to know who is worthy of Katie's efforts!

Katie opened her mouth and spat out two names, "Schibukai Don Quixote Doflamingo, Golden Emperor Gilder Tezoro."

Hearing this, everyone was stunned for a moment, they didn't expect it to be these two people, but after thinking about these two people, it was useful.

Needless to say, the Golden Emperor Gilder Tezzolo, who holds 20% of the world's wealth, is naturally important to the current Shadow Studio.

After all, Pluto and Uranus need money.

As for Doflamingo, everyone soon realized his role.

As the emperor of the underground world, his wealth needless to say, the most important thing is the intelligence network.

What the shadow building lacks most now is information, because of the lack of information, many things have fallen into a passive state, such as the visit of the Four Emperors, the Navy Slaying Demon Order, and subsequent support.

If the information is timely, it can be done better and more easily.

It would take too much time to start laying from scratch, and it would undoubtedly be much more convenient if we could find a way to make Doflamingo surrender.

"Of course there is a small goal in addition to this."

"Kill Bashas of the Blackbeard Pirates, and if you really find other members of the Blackbeard Pirates, kill some of them!" The slightly deep voice was full of killing intent.


Everyone except the dragon answered in unison.

In the Battle of the Wind Island in the North Sea, they didn't even hate the navy that besieged Katie, but they hated the Blackbeard Pirates' sneak attack!

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