“In this sensitive time, what do you want to talk about when you come to me here?”

Akainu looked at Li Yi with a puzzled look on his face. Could it be that this brat suddenly wants to support me!

Li Yi: “Akainu, why did you choose Marine Admiral?”

Akainu (▼へ▼メ): “Isn’t this nonsense? Of course, absolute justice must be implemented!”

Akainu (▼へ▼メ): “The current navy is too weak to the outside world. I will lead the navy to completely eliminate pirates on the sea and end the era of great pirates!”

“Snap, snap, snap!”

Li Yio(* ̄▽ ̄*)o: “You are worthy of being the toughest man in the Navy. Your goal is greater than some fools clamoring to be the Pirate King. At least what you do benefits all civilians in the world who long for peace. !”

Li Yi→_→: “It’s a pity that when you become the marshal, you are destined to be unable to accomplish this great goal!”

Akainu (▼へ▼メ): “Kid, what do you mean!”

Li Yi→_→: “With just a few hawkish generals, can you really become the marshal of the navy?”

Li Yi→_→: “There are many dove generals who support Qing Pheasant, and the old man from the Warring States Period also intends to let Qing Pheasant succeed him. Coupled with Garp’s prestige in the navy, how many supports can you win?”

Li Yi→_→: “You look so confident now, it’s just because of the support of those five old guys from Marie Joa!”

Li Yi→_→: “Why do you think those five old guys support you? It’s because you are tough and have high execution ability. They just want an obedient marshal.”

Li Yi→_→: “In their eyes, the navy is just a tool to rule the world. To put it bluntly, he is just a dog of the Tianlong people!”

Li Yi→_→: “You must unconditionally implement any decision made by the World Government. You have no ability or strength to resist the World Government!”

Li Yi→_→: “Can such a naval marshal be able to carry out his own justice? It’s really ridiculous!”

Akainu(▼Van▼#): “Shut up, you brat!”

It seems that Li Yi’s words have hurt Akainu’s self-esteem. In fact, with the support of Marijoa, Akainu knows that he will definitely become a navy marshal. The price is to become an obedient dog, but for Guan Tetsu’s own justice. He must become this marshal and can only surrender to the Five Old Stars.

The anger caused Akainu to continuously emit hot magma from his body. He suddenly blasted out his right hand at Li Yi, and the hot magma fist hit Li Yi.


Akainu’s angry punch was easily grasped by Li Yi with his right hand. He looked at the angry Akainu with disdain and said, “What’s wrong? I’m talking about your sore spot!”

Akainu(▼ヘ▼#): “You are right. Even if I become a navy marshal, I will carry out any order issued by the World Government no matter what. But even so, I will still be this marshal!”

Akainu(▼ヘ▼#): “I can’t watch Aokiji turn the navy from a fierce tiger into a weak cat. Aokiji’s style is too gentle. If such a person becomes a marshal of the navy, it will only make the navy worse. Towards weakness!”

Li Yi╮(╯_╰)╭: “Your idea is too extreme. In fact, there is a better way!”

Akainu: “What can I do?”

Li Yio(* ̄▽ ̄*)o: “Support my uncle Kizaru to be the navy marshal!”


Akainu (▼へ▼メ): “Are you kidding me?”

Li Yi: “Don’t get angry in a hurry. Come on, let me tell you my big plan!”

after an hour.

Li Yi: “How about this plan? It will allow you to get rid of the control of the world government and truly implement your own justice!”

Akainu: “I have to say that your plan is very bold. If Mariejoia’s Five Old Stars know about it, the consequences will be very serious!”

Li Yi: “Actually, you and I both know that it is not the pirates who have caused the current situation in the world, but those high-ranking Celestial Dragons!”

Akainu: “What a brave guy! He dares to say such things!”

Akainu: “I want to consider your plan!”

After Akainu said this, he left the rooftop. After Akainu left, a fourth person came to the rooftop, an old man with gray hair and a stooped figure, who was the naval staff officer.

Tsuru: “How was your conversation with Akainu?”

Li Yi: “Don’t worry, under my carefully designed pie, which should be a great plan, that guy Akainu is moved.”

Li Yi: “Rather than being a lackey of the World Government, he should prefer to implement his own justice without restraint!”

Crane: “But your plan is very dangerous and can easily split the navy!”

Li Yi: “Rather than letting two people with different ideas be together, it’s better to separate and just treat it as another force established by the navy!”

Today’s sea situation is very serious. Whitebeard died and the four emperors were left vacant. Countless pirates poured into the new world. The Supernovas of the Extremely Evil Generation have a vague tendency to stick together, and they are ambitious enough to challenge the position of the Four Emperors.

What’s even worse is that countless vicious pirates escaped from Impel Down City. Among them, the Red Earl joined the Blackbeard Pirates for his own purposes. The World Destroyer Bondivaldo carried out retaliatory destruction on the sea alone, and the navy Patrolling around.

Nowadays, the navy needs a strong and powerful army dedicated to hunting pirates on the sea, especially those with devil fruit abilities.

Crane: “It’s almost time, let’s go to the election meeting venue!”

At this time, the huge conference room was already filled with naval generals. These naval generals sat in two separate areas, all staring at each other with unkind eyes, while their supporters sat in front, staring quietly at their opponents.

Sitting in the middle of the two camps was the current navy marshal Sengoku, and next to him were Garp who was silently picking his nose, the general candidate Momo Usagi, and drinking tea and pretending that it had nothing to do with him. The yellow ape.


The door of the conference room opened, and Li Yi and He entered the conference room side by side. Their appearance attracted everyone’s attention, and they all showed expressions of surprise. They never expected that the two of them would arrive together.

The two of them glanced at Akainu and Aoki and went straight to sit in the middle. Li Yi originally wanted to sit next to Peach Rabbit, but unfortunately He saw through this little thought and sat down directly next to Peach Rabbit without giving any chance, and exposed his A proud mischievous smile!

Li Yi╰_╯╬: Damn old woman!

When Seng Guo saw all the people present, he didn’t say anything. He directly announced the opening of the naval marshal election meeting.

In an instant, the entire conference room turned into a noisy vegetable market. Supporters from both sides started shouting, except for that guy.

But supporters of both sides sat calmly, as both sides did not agree with each other’s ideas at all. Akainu believes that Aokiji’s behavior is too much influenced by Garp, and his treatment of pirates is too gentle and tolerant.

But in Aokiji’s eyes, Akainu’s so-called complete justice is too extreme, so extreme that it makes people crazy.

The concepts of both sides are as incompatible as fire and water, and they are destined to have a war!

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