When the Warriors in the Rixian Hall were reaping other rewards, Fang Han had already plundered Jinesi's [Totem Spell].

To be honest, I feel a little excited.

After killing Octo, he also obtained the same equipment from the opponent.

【Ding! You looted Octo's ancient ring. 】

"What is this?"

After handing over the affairs of handling the battlefield to Li Xianguan and other guild Warriors, he told Ji Yanyun where the gold, silver, and bronze treasure chests were by the way.

And ordered them to send the property back to Yixing City, and Ji Yanyun and Tie Miansheng led the team to the Lich Castle to occupy that place.

Then, Fang Han began to concentrate on researching this 【Ancient Ring】.

Fang Han was lying lazily on the hillside with a piece of grass in his mouth and a ring in his hand.

I took it under the sun and looked left and right, but I never understood the value of this ring.

"Could this be a piece of trash? Impossible, my plundering skill is SS-level, and the attribute that can almost explode is destined to be an extraordinary ring. But no matter how I look left and right, I feel that this ring is very What about mediocrity?"

The prismatic shape of the ring has been leveled after thousands of years of honing.

On the surface of the bronze-colored ring, there seems to be a faint layer of green streamer, just like the smallest veins on a leaf, if you don't look carefully, you can't see it.

"Hey, I got it! The secret of the entrance to the Land of Totems is hidden here!"

A certain awakening skill was activated, and the green fluorescent light on the ring instantly magnified. Before Fang Han had time to snort, he was brought to another dimension by a ball of light.

Land of Totems!

Fang Han glanced at this space with only countless rocks.

The surrounding world is densely covered with engraved mysterious symbols, which verifies Fang Han's conjecture.

This place is the totem land of his dreams.

The secret place that Octo, the awakened master of the siren tribe, defended with death.

I heard that in this place, you can get some ancient totems left by the plane powers of the Kraken clan, but I don't know if it is true.

"Heaven Designated, how did you come to this place? I'm sorry, totems above lv12 are temporarily not open to the second world of the Nine Heavens Domain!"

A little old man with a strange appearance, sleeping on a "totem inscription" with a wine gourd in his arms.

There are all kinds of "totem trees" growing around him. These trees are like succulents without edges and corners, and they are not slippery, and they just cover the totem characters on them.

"Who are you, please? How did you know I would come here? Are you waiting for me here?"

"No no no, you misunderstood. I should ask you, Heaven Designated, do I need to repeat myself?"

Fang Han shook his head, grabbed the other party's wine gourd and drank it.

Tsk tsk applauded: "This wine is not bad, it looks like it has been aged for a thousand years."

"You boy, your eyesight is pretty good, but it's a waste for you to drink my secret magic wine."

Fang Han's eyes lit up: "I'm 'Nirvana', you actually regard me as a mortal body? Old man, you don't respect the power of the plane too much. After all, it is also the existence of the pinnacle of the plane, you actually underestimate me so much, blind!"

The old man laughed without arguing, and asked directly, "Let me ask you, what level is your [Totem Spell] now?"

"I haven't studied this yet, but I have a few totems here for you to look at."

Fang Han unfolded the totem word by word, looting these treasures from Octo, Fang Han didn't keep any of them, and offered them all for the old man to see.

"Oh! Hmm! This is not bad... this is barely strong. Hey, this life totem is a bit interesting. I didn't expect your attainment to reach level lv11!"

"Old man, don't be envious, tell me, who are you! What's the secret of Totem Land?"

Hearing Fang Han's question, the old man smiled bitterly: "Don't move, I'm looking at your talent!"

id: Nirvana

[Level]: lv59

[Race]: Human race (flame) "Strong" (Heaven Designated)

【Occupation】: Annihilation Mage

[Lord]: Tier 3

HP: 445.27w/445.27w

Mana: 642820/642820

Five-dimensional attributes: Intelligence 5347, Constitution 3618, Agility 3694, Energy 4930, Charm 2995

Attacks: 22162

Defense: 46510

Critical rate: 141%

Anti-riot rate: 72%


"Hey, the talent is not bad, but the level is a little low. But this talent can improve the totem spell to lv11, which is quite good. Young man, do you want to break through the ultimate totem spell?"

Fang Han nodded seriously, and took out the best wine from his backpack to bribe the old man.

The old man was probably a totem master. Just look at him lying in the totem place for a long time, and he is surrounded by mysterious totems around him.

Dealing with these mysterious totems every day, you know that he has been immersed in them for many years, and he is definitely an authoritative existence.

"Okay, if you can find me the 'ancient ring' and give it to me, then I will pass the lv12 ultimate totem spell to you."

[The other party has accepted your 'ancient ring', and the other party has given you the 'lv12 totem spell', do you accept it?]

Fang Han chose to accept, then sighed, and was teleported back to his original location by a burst of light.

It was like a dream, but it didn't last long.

"God Nirvana, finally let me find you. Do you know that the bastards of Lich Castle are almost the worst forces since Yixing Palace was promoted to the main city, they..."

"By the way, God Nirvana, when will you help me lift the curse?"

Tie Miansheng drove up to Fang Han with a few brothers.

Also find a place to sit down on the hillside and ask Fang Han for something.

"I think, I have no hope. Anyway, Octo is dead, so that's it. It doesn't matter if I wear this iron mask for the rest of my life."

"Don't worry, Brother Huixin, the rest of us practice in the Nine Layers of the Gods, don't we all have a little regret, it's just a mask, it's no big deal."

Fang Han laughed when he heard the lonely warriors brought by Tie Miansheng comforting him.

Said: "Octo is indeed dead, but the spell is still there. I can help you take off your iron mask! Iron Miansheng, join the Rixian Hall. Da Neng will surely receive the news, although the Yixing City Grand Guild has joined forces to wipe out this dark force, but its background is very deep, if I put someone beside the Rixian Hall to protect it, I will feel much more at ease."


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