Hearing Fang Han's words, Tie Mian shook his hands.

"God Nirvana, you are looking down on me! Even without your orders, I would do the same. The Warrior of the Siyuan Elf Clan is an admirable existence. In fact, I have long intended to join the Rixian Pavilion, but I just don’t want to. I know if Ji Yanyun is willing to let me join!"

"The Lixian Pavilion welcomes all brave people to join us at any time!" Ji Yanyun brought Yimeng and the others over, and several senior officials of the Lixian Pavilion were present.

They got the "treasure" pointed by Fang Han and opened up the transmission channel of Lich Castle.

The sphere of influence of Yixing City has moved to the mountains outside the city.

"Is it true? Then the rest of us will join the Lixian Pavilion now! Master, please pay respects to us!"

Fang Han nodded to Ji Yanyun, expressing that she can accept the important task of leading them with a tough face.

After all, they are all plane ability users. Although they are men, it is not a big problem to be a guild guardian.

Then, Fang Han used [Totem Curse] to help Tie Miansheng take off the mask.

"Yo, so he's still a handsome boy!"

"This kid really looks good, haha, brothers, we will change our address in the future, and if we call him tough, this guy will cry."


Fang Han also laughed, Tie Miansheng blushed on both sides, knelt down excitedly, kowtowed respectfully, and thanked Fang Han for helping him realize his lifelong dream.

"It doesn't have to be like this. You just need to remember what you promised me. I can trust you."

Ji Yanyun asked Fang Han curiously: "God Nirvana, what did you ask Tie Miansheng to promise you?"

"Oh!!! Well, I'll tell you later. Everyone, this time we have completed the task assigned by Alexander, and we can go back to the city to claim the reward!"

As soon as the teleportation mana spread, all the existences on the hillside were involved.

At the same time, tens of thousands of players from all walks of life appeared in another area of ​​Yixing City.

[Announcement: Tens of thousands of warriors from Lixianguan and other guilds have completed the task of sweeping up the Lich Fortress, and received 54.27 million guild experience and 300,000 gold coins as rewards from the city lord...]

[Announcement: Heaven Designated Nirvana, hunted down the evil Summoner Haimo, successfully delivered the main city mission, and obtained 633,256,700 mission reward experience, 800,000 gold coins, and a city building token...]


Before the world announcement was finished, a golden light appeared on Fang Han's body.

【Ding! You have successfully upgraded to lv60]

id: Nirvana

[Level]: lv60

【Race】: Human Race Heaven Designated

【Occupation】: Annihilation Mage

[Lord]: Tier 3

HP: 460.32/460.32 million

Mana: 65820/65820

Five-dimensional attributes: Intelligence 5381, Constitution 3640, Agility 3714, Energy 5010, Charm 3001

Attacks: 27627

Defense: 46955

Critical rate: 143%

Anti-riot rate: 73%


【Ding! Your level upgrade has triggered the hidden task of 'building a city'. This task requires a city building order. I checked that you already have a city building order in your package. Heaven Designated, do you want to activate the city building order now?]

Building a city is a big deal. With Fang Han's strength, it is indeed enough to create a city-state.

However, collecting materials for building a city, looking for talents to manage the city-state all over the world, planning the city, subdividing functional blocks, etc. are very troublesome and cumbersome...

"Hahaha, Heaven Designated, you seem to have encountered sweet troubles. I wonder if I, Alexander, can help you?"

Alexander? Aren't you busy with distributing missions? Why are you here with me?

"Heaven Designated, the completion of the mission of Lich Fort has greatly enhanced the strength of Yixing City. With the invasion of forces from multiple planes, the city lord cannot guarantee the safety of the city, so..."

Fang Han understood that Alexander wanted to use Fang Han's strength to fulfill his dream of jointly "defending the enemy".

If a big city is built next to Yixing City, Yixing City and this big city can form an alliance.

At that time, the two cities can rely on each other, provide security for each other, and achieve joint construction and common prosperity. This is a good idea.

"Alexander, I will leave this matter to you."

"So, Heaven Designated, you agreed to build the city?"

【Ding! Alexander handed over to you 19,872.25 million pieces of construction wood, 4,576,825,400 city bricks, 72,595,257,000 pieces of green tiles, and 12,873 talents of various types to manage the city-state...]

My good boy, this old boy is really willing to spend a lot of money to help me build the city!

With so many materials, it probably takes half of Yixing City to get them together!

【Please enter the city-state name】

Fang Han thought for a while, and chose the three words [Misty City].

[Announcement: Nirvana successfully created Misty City. This is the first human main city in the second world of Nine Heavens. Nirvana is worthy of the pride of the human race. He has won the honor of the owner of Misty City with his excellent performance...]

[You have received an alliance invitation from Alexander, do you agree?]

It is a rare opportunity for Alexander, as the representative of the Yixing Palace forces and local forces, to be able to help so much in the establishment of Misty City.

Fang Han chose to agree without hesitation, and Alexander sent an invitation to all guilds, players, and plane masters in Star Shifting City by means of a world announcement to celebrate the establishment of Misty City.

At the same time, the players in the city received a private message from Alexander at the same time.

【Ding! The lord of Yixing City and Piaomiao City send you an invitation. To celebrate the success of Piaomiao City, all players can stay in the two cities for free for one month, buy all supplies with a half-price discount, and open the water table for ten days at the celebration banquet...]

"I'm sorry, I just teamed up to kill a 100 million blood boos, and all the potions in the package were emptied. I just went back to the city to replenish, and I received this good news. What a bloody profit."

"My heavenly grandfather, Yixing City and Misty City are too generous. I have decided that I will go there for a few days without upgrading. Anyway, all the entertainment is free, and it is so cool to join a guild to play."

"I have to go. I live in the senior monk's apartment for free. What the hell, I collect materials in the wild and sleep in the wild mountains every day. I can hardly straighten my waist. I really miss the big inn bed in Yixing City!"

"It's very impressive. The owner of Misty City is not a mortal. I guess it's not just us humans who want to celebrate. Even other races will be moved by Misty City's arrogance. By then, Misty City will be extremely lively."


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