Stepping on a cheerful beat, [True God of the Bull Demon God] rushed towards the eclipsed space.

The bull's horn stabbed in, but was bounced back by a colorless and transparent barrier in the eclipsed space.

This secret energy has a familiar feeling.

[Bull Demon God True God] touched his horns, and said to the powerful men behind him in horror: "Brothers, master Nirvana is in trouble! I convey to you the will of war, that Shield Warrior, unless you have already been defeated by the boss Scared the balls, otherwise get up and fight."

Shield Warrior?

Am I the only Shield Warrior here?

The iron face turned black.

Standing up abruptly, the giant shield was summoned in hand.

Then put the shield flat on some kind of energy, and the whole body sat on the shield.

【Shield Flying】!

Whoosh! ~


There was another dull sound of breaking the wall, and the huge transparent barrier bounced back the [Shield of Glory City Lord], which was so powerful that it was trapped in the formation.

In the space area where "light" and "eclipse" were jointly created by the spirit of Apollo and the opponent Nirvana, the possibility of entry by masters from other planes was ruled out.

After all, now is the time for the final duel between the Devouring Giant Ax and the Phantom Wind and Thunder Chain!

Even gods have scruples, fearing that others will spoil their own good deeds!

Even demons also have worries, fearing that their achievements will be taken away by others!


"Nirvana, the little god of the human race! You must persevere under my devouring giant axe. If I kill you instantly, I will mock you!"

[Apollo Divine Soul] has already made a mocking sound.

His Devouring Giant Ax and Fang Han's Illusory Wind and Thunder Chains have activated their mana, forming a fortress duel.

The surrounding area, which is bright and dark, transparent and sensitive, is the result of the confrontation between the magic weapon and the divine weapon!

With such powerful energies confronting each other, the master of the plane in the general sense would not even be able to get close, and would be dropped in seconds if he showed up.

Therefore, it is quite rare for the masters of the planes such as the Bull Demon God and Tie Miansheng to be able to hold on to the barrier until now.

"Listen, your subordinates are crying for you, God Nirvana~!"

"Is that so, they are waiting for me to serve~ You made a mistake, [Apollo Soul]!"

"Yo, are you so confident?"

"Of course, self-confidence is my son, and I am self-confidence its father! Call him father~"

Apollo Divine Soul: "..."

"Didn't you say you wanted to devour my [Sun Wing]?"

"Yes, look at your back!"

Sure enough, Fang Han glanced behind him.

But he didn't finish his glance completely, so he looked away.

Apollo Spirit is a treacherous Boos.

Cannot be guided according to his will!

The giant ax lay horizontally in the space, blocked by the magic power of [Phantom Demon Wind and Thunder Chain]!

In this way, the eclipse and the barrier of light formed a hedge, and both sides were consuming, without the disturbance of other planes, just consuming it like this, to see who would collapse first...


All around, there are echoes from the space after the light is squeezed!

It's a terrifying, terrifying echo!

"It's so stalemate, don't you feel uncomfortable?" Fang Han asked Apollo.

Then, the wings [Sun Wings] on his back really produced some subtle changes, and the wings seemed to be swallowed by some kind of energy.

The eclipse has indeed begun!

The other party's attention must be distracted!

The divine soul of Apollo, holding the huge ax in one hand, maintained the movement of slashing on the phantom wind and thunder chain, and scratched the itch with the other hand.

"I don't feel bad at all, really!"

Apollo said with a shy smile.

In Fang Han's mind, another idea popped up.

"Your mother's last name!"

This is definitely not a stalk, but a question that hits the soul directly.

If you have to say it's a stalk, it's more advanced than Yuan Hard!

The problem lies in the name of [Apollo Divine Soul]!

Undoubtedly, this is a ray of consciousness from the ancient giant god Apollo. After obtaining some mysterious power, it gathered into his own will...

Finally, under the arrangement of fate, it escaped here.

And by accident, he became the master of the second layer of the magic city of the plane!

The spirit of Apollo hates others, mentioning its original owner!

However, the existence of the Great God named Nirvana still stroked his reverse scale~

"My will is unshakable!"

Apollo's spirit roared angrily.

"The unshakable will is not expressed by the mouth, but by the weapon during the duel, which is extended with strength! Apollo god soul, your swallowing giant ax seems to be shaking! Why are you really cold? Then I will use it Let the power of light keep you warm~"


Absolutely sarcasm.

"Go away, you little bug from the human race. You have no idea what light means, and you don't even know what death light means."

The giant ax loosened, and [Magic Wind and Thunder Chain] gained the initiative in the first round.

An opportunity like this is once in a lifetime.

After all, for them, this is a battle between gods.

If during the duel, one of the "gods" had a shake of will, the impact on it would be catastrophic.

I accept~

[Phantom Demonic Wind and Thunder Chain] When it was retracted, the barrier formed by the second wave of bright energy was pushed forward violently. Apollo's soul was hit by this surge of energy, and its huge body shook violently twice in the air.

"Enough of you! Little biped, I'm going to crush you to pieces!"

This is definitely not intimidation.

It was a terrifying skill from Apollo's soul.

【Hold the hand of light】!

[Skill entry - this skill is owned by the light clan, requires level lv100, requires strength, light power 999~]


this guy~

Fang Han narrowed his eyes, and then put all the equipment on his body with wings.

"[Wings of the Sun]! Start your storm, use the storm to blow the opponent's power of light!"

【You have summoned the magic "Bright Storm"】

[The "Hand of Light" of Apollo's spirit has eroded your body, the mission value continues to drop, the magic "Bright Storm" has weakened the opponent's energy, and the loss of life has slowed down...]

Fang Han glanced up at the blood bar above his head.

It was found that under the aura of "Nirvana", the blood bar showed an unclear contraction and release state.

These two states overlap and overlap, sometimes extremely fast, sometimes extremely slow, every time you look at it, your heart will beat.

Fighting against [Apollo's Soul] is so f*cking exciting!

He felt that his dormant will to fight was ignited again like the power of light!

Fang Han had never felt this way when he killed [Yingying Fawangshen], this kind of excitement hit Tianling Gai directly!


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