"Hahaha, you will soon become a piece of broken light! Just wait!"

"Well, I look forward to your expectations, but this is impossible."

[Scepter of God King] appeared in Fang Han's other hand at the same time.

Then he snorted coldly and said, "[Scepter of the God King] Summon the peak beast!"

This is a staff blessed by the will of the Nine Layers of Gods.

Its power does not lie in its preservation of the [Eye of the Lich King], but in the mana produced by Fang Han's re-inserted secret treasures.

After all, the upgraded equipment forged by the [mysterious old man], even if it is a summoned beast skill, is a world-killing skill!

Fang Han can ignore other attributes. But the [...beast level +1] Fang Han in the skill is a must-see!

"It's wonderful, then summon a "Lich Queen Bee"!"

[God King's Staff] It seems that wisdom has been produced. In an instant, the magic light surges on the staff, and a lv70 magic giant bee has appeared in front of Apollo's soul.

This big man has not yet realized how this monster in the form of a bee will affect him.

"Buzz buzz~"

"Hate it, go away. Otherwise, I will kill you with the power of light!"

"Oh oh oh, who just boasted that he was going to crush me? Apollo soul, why did you change your mind so quickly? This is not you in my impression."

【Ding! Your summoned beast "Lich Demon Bee" hits Apollo's soul with its tail, extracting 17 points of Apollo's light energy]

【Ding! Your summoned beast "Lich Demon Bee" hits Apollo's soul with its tail, extracting 23 points of light energy from Apollo]

【Ding! Your summoned beast "Lich Demon Bee" hits Apollo's soul with its tail, extracting 54 points of Apollo's light energy]


【Ding! Your Lich Demon Bee has been upgraded, and the current level is lv71]


【Ding! Your Lich Demon Bee devours too much light energy, and the destruction mana has been released]


Fang Han was dumbfounded.

But fortunately, before the Lich Demon Bee died, it actually caused a total loss of thousands of points of light energy to the powerful [Apollo Divine Soul] of the power of light.

"This magic bee is so valuable even if it is a corpse, take it~"

Fang Han finished the task without hesitation, and then hit Apollo's spirit on the head with the 【God King Staff】.

The battle is over.

I'm sending you to hell right now.

Sen Han's gaze reveals a murderous intent of eternal annihilation!

Apollo's soul accepted this murderous intent.

When his light power withered extremely quickly, there was no way to stop the counterattack.

In other words, due to the outbreak of the Lich Demon Bee, Boos, the master of the second layer of the Demonic City of the Plane, was cursed by some kind of energy on the soul of Apollo!


[You have completed the second-level extermination mission of the demonic city of the plane, and the soul of Apollo has been beheaded by you]

[You got a reward of 100,000 experience points...]

[Your divine king's staff summoned beast skills have been improved...]

【You looted the equipment "Ax of Swallowing Light"...】

[You have obtained the permission to unlock the "Curse of Light"...]

【You have inherited the power of the soul from Apollo, the power of light X2】


In Fang Han's [Sun Wings], there is already such a great power.

If it is devoured again, will there be a "balanced catastrophe"?

Fang Han thought about it and decided to be more stable.

After all, after killing [Apollo Divine Soul], I am now very empty.

On the surface, he is bright and powerful.

In fact, the opponent's bright energy invaded almost all of his spellcasting domains.

Up to now, Fang Han is still weak~ It's like doing too much of that.


The barrier formed by the power of light was opened, and Fang Han got his wish to meet the masters of the planes under him...

"You son of a bitch, I'm out!"

"What is this~ Boss, why can't you even walk?"

"Oh, God Nirvana, you are not dancing a solo dance that can only be found in Nine Layers of Gods~"

"It's so strange, it's so strange, after the imprisonment of the light is lifted, the magic city of the plane has no light~"

Fang Han's "Four Heavenly Kings" gathered together.

[Bull Demon God True God] alone, he threw his master Nirvana to the sky.

Then, Fang Han heard the "monster words" sung by Tie Miansheng and the others.

"Follow God Nirvana, eat ninety meals in three days!!!"

After killing the Boos [Apollo Soul] in this space,

Fang Han fell asleep hard!

When you wake up, everything becomes detailed!

Fang Han checked his attributes.

ID: Nirvana (team battle glory, world plane leaderboard glory) [Level]: lv70 [Race]: Human (flame) "Strong" (Heaven Designated) [Occupation]: Annihilation Mage [Lord]: Level 7 HP: 899.31w/899.31w Mana value: 677329/677329 Five-dimensional attributes: Intelligence 5962, Constitution 4392...

Defense: 61126 (soul power trigger bonus 29%) Crit rate: 194% Resistance rate: 171% Movement speed: 1960% Damage Passive: 155% Soul awakening: 27% (lv3) Light force: 1018...


Finally reached level 70.

The devouring giant ax looted from the [Apollo Divine Soul] that was not equipped, was finally used by him as the bottom of the existence.

After inlaying the [Great Swallowing Ax] into the [Scepter of the God King], the attributes of this magic staff exploded! It's just [magic power 2888-3670] that has surpassed the attributes of the main weapon of all the great gods of the Nine Layers of God's Domain.

Regardless of level or plane ranking, Fang Han is still a [Proud World] existence!

"You bastards, why are you still here?"

"Master, my old cow thought you were dead. I cried for a whole month in the magic palace plane!"


Undoubtedly, Fang Han slapped [Bull Demon God True God] on the horn.

He cursed viciously: "You trash in the bull demon domain, how dare you curse me, God Nirvana, to die???"

The Bull Demon God fell down and came back up again, sitting next to Fang Han and laughing loudly.

"Moo moo moo~!!"

Tie Miansheng and Long Yi Zhiyue all came over. They didn't know Fang Han had woken up until they heard the cow mooing.

"Yo ho! God Nirvana, finally subdued the swallowing energy!"

"I told you that you don't have to worry about the old cow. What Constitution is the master? It is the Constitution that eternally annihilates Mage. This kind of magic Constitution is out of print. It is the only one, there is no other way! Come, God Nirvana, drink the magic wine to cure Get rid of fatigue!"

Fang Han took the wine poured from the iron face and asked Long Yizhiyue, "It really took me a month to transform the energy of swallowing light?"




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