Alexander also came to join in the fun: "Heaven Designated, after breaking through the second floor of the magic city, I suggest that the cubs come here to upgrade. After all, all the guilds of the city-state alliance are clamoring that Nirvana will not bring them to the magic city to practice." Level, seems to have some opinions."

"But they just don't understand the truth. If they knew that it took so much energy and time just to penetrate the second layer, they would definitely not make such excessive demands!"

[Scanning Eye SS]!

"Congratulations, Alexander, you, the ruler of the main city, are now level lv67!"

Alexander burst into laughter.

"Isn't that thanks to Heaven Designated? I originally thought that I was just a person who sent missions, helped planners to trigger plots, and was responsible for receiving and delivering mission experience and rewards. Who knew that I could improve step by step? Sheng... from the original master of Yixing Palace to the current master of Yixing City!"

[Scanning Eye SS]!

"Congratulations, Iron Miansheng. Your shield skills are getting better and better!"

Indeed, one can tell by the appearance of Tie Miansheng now.

【lv68】Shield Warrior is definitely a second existence that Nine Layers of Gods cannot find.


"Old cow, has your blood volume increased?"


God Nirvana finally noticed himself?

[Bull Demon God True God] showed a flattered expression.

"Hey, my blood volume is not much, only 250 million, which is an increase of tens of millions of blood volume!"

Tie Miansheng enviously said: "Brother Niu, you are too good. The few of us have done nothing here, and we have only been with God Nirvana for a month. We have gained so much experience, and the level has also increased. , your blood volume has soared by tens of millions at once, and this is not disrespectful to the field of bull demons!"

"That's, that's, it's a must~" [True God of Bull Demon God] patted his chest and said.

Fang Han teased humorously: "Then you just hugged me and cried, and you were so happy to cry because of this—"

After saying this, he pointed at the blood strip on the head of [Bull Demon God True God].

Everyone laughed!

The Bull Demon God Chaoshen mooed again naively, and the audience was filled with joy.


[World Teleportation Stone] Teleport!

Fang Han glanced at it:

【Ding! Your city-state alliance has been selected by the enemy, and the enemy "Mecha Demon" has challenged the "city-state alliance"! The "God of War Head" has been submitted for the battle for the third floor of the magic city in the Nine Layers of God Realm]

After this news, he immediately decided to go back to the city-state to see what was going on.


Sending mana is believed to take the selected object away from the magic city of the Nine Gods Realm.

Alexander returned to his moving star city.

Long Sniper Zhiyue returned him and the Blood Field League.

Tie Miansheng stayed in Misty City.

[True God of the Bull Demon God] Returned to the field of the Bull Demon...

Tie Miansheng was also behind Fang Han at this time, and received the same message, "Master Nirvana, they are all gone. What should we do if the enemy declares war?"

Fang Han said: "This is a very strong plane force, but I have never seen it before. I heard that they are the embodiment of mechs and magic."

"They have combined the power of the two worlds. The homo sapiens part has excellent magic knowledge. The mecha part has excellent Constitution. I really don't understand why they came to the Jiuzhong God Realm and chose us The city-state alliance is the enemy!"

Let Tie Miansheng return to the guard position.

Fang Han went to a familiar place.

"Old friend, I'm here to see you again. Help me identify the summoning skill of [God King Staff]!"

"Heaven Designated, since your subordinate [Ox Demon God True God] brought down the restaurant last time, I have now decided to change to settle here. I didn't tell anyone about this location, how did you find it?"

Fang Han smiled lightly, and put the wine on the table. The magic light disappeared, and there were two more glasses on the table. While pouring wine, he replied to the other party: "Mysterious old man, you are a rich man, and you have a problem——"

Hearing this, the mysterious old man immediately slanted Fang Han.

"What's wrong?"

Fang Han continued to laugh and said: "You are not greedy for money, bah, you are wrong. You are not lustful, you are not in love with power, you only like to study weapons—"

"Then what?"

As a mysterious old man, he has no personal interaction with all the players in the Nine Layers of Gods, except for the character [Nirvana].

They formed a friendship over the founding of the Floating City.

Afterwards, Fang Han brought world-destroying equipment several times to him for identification.

Let [Mysterious Old Man] reach the peak of glory again!

At least in the field of identification, he is a unique existence.

1. The appraisal fee is ridiculously expensive.

2. The identification ability is so excellent that the players scream.

3. Creatively use the [mysterious old man's independent research] skills to help players forge equipment that surpasses bugs.

4. Any player who has found [mysterious old man] and received his help is either a master or a demon god.

5. He has only helped no more than ten players in his life, and Fang Han, the friend holder of his good friend [Nirvana], is one of them.


For such a powerful person, Fang Han must of course win over him with his favorite wine.

"Aha, good wine. Heaven Designated, you came at the wrong time today."

"What's the meaning?"

It was Fang Han's turn to be surprised.

"From the time when [Mecha Demon Race] launched a challenge to [City-State Alliance], I will no longer accept any equipment entrustment. Whether it is forging, identification, or storage, I will not accept it!"

Fang Han frowned.

Slowly put the jug down.

Could it be~! ! !

Sure enough, "[Mysterious Old Man] has proposed a secret conversation with you, do you accept it?"

Fang Han accepted decisively.

Then, he heard the memories of this [mysterious old man] who had experienced almost all the trials and hardships in the Nine Layers of the Gods.

"It was a windy and dark night. My family and I were admiring the moon in front of a certain building. The beautiful life infiltrated the paradise that belonged to the creatures..."

"...After the chaos happened, I joined the team studying these interstellar invaders, and learned of a grand plan of the mecha race."

"They only dealt with the Mage, but spared the Warriors, wizards, and orc warriors."

"After they collectively imprisoned these mages, they took them on the spaceship and disappeared into the boundless space until twenty trillion years later..."

"In the end, after many searches, I finally locked the existence of the enemy, but because my will to fight has been floating in the space for too long, I couldn't re-condense and return to my original Mage appearance... So, now, it is Nirvana Great God, it's time for you to help me carry this burden again."


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