Online Games: My Start Infinite Plundering Talent

Chapter 344 Killing The World Guild

He pulled the iron chain vigorously, but suddenly found that the one in the sleeve was actually a fake avatar!

At the end of the chain, there was a sense of powerlessness as the avatar turned into light and then shattered.

Not even an inch of grass grows, and all of a sudden it's numb!



"Ahaha, no grass grows, thank you for sending me into your high-level Mage battle group."

After Fang Han wore the aura of "Nirvana" and entered the battle group where the enemy was casting spells continuously, Mage's team was in chaos instantly.

Here, Fang Han killed extremely happily like a fish swimming in water.

Any [Crazy Bomb] or [Electric Field] can kill several or even dozens of Mage.

From left to right, from right to left, after the attack of a few skill sparks, no less than ten Mage survived from the enemy!

Not even a blade of grass grew and exploded!

His hair stood up in anger.

"God Nirvana, the leader of this guild vows to kill you!"

"Oh, dead?"

Among the masters of the three major union guilds, in the team of less than fifty survivors, every Warrior stopped their attacks.

Seeing the one-sided situation on the battlefield, their faces turned green all of a sudden.

This is a high-level battle group of two hundred and eighty plane masters, and God Nirvana killed more than half of them in less than two hours of war time, leaving less than one-fifth of the original number. one!

Not a single blade of grass waved his weapon, and when he attacked Fang Han, he found that all members of his own guild Warrior under the beast were standing still, and their eyes suddenly narrowed into a line.

He felt his head was going to explode!

"Boys, don't stop, the more you fear, the more you will die! The will of war is calling you, the three major guilds, even if you die, you must let God Nirvana take off a layer of skin..."



The understanding is very full, and the facts are very skinny.

Even the leader of [No Grass Grows] was struck by [Sun Wings] by Nirvana who took the initiative to come forward.

The armor on his body turned into pieces of light and was completely destroyed.

【Ding! Your mighty mighty dragon battle armor has been shattered, its attack power has dropped by 19%, and its defense power has dropped by 26%...]

No grass grows numb again!

It's over, it's over~

This time it was all over.

Unexpectedly, when Fang Han sensed the opponent's gossamer breath, he didn't kill him, but used his own way to deal with him.

An iron chain was flung out, and it accurately caught No Grass in the sleeve.

Then, Fang Han started "walking the dog" mode.

"Your guild master 'No Grass Grows' has been shaved by me, the three major guilds, surrender immediately, or you will be killed without mercy!"

Fang Han, riding the Frost Tiger, led the rhythm in front of the remaining enemies, and dragged the barren grass for a thousand kilometers, from the battlefield on the left to the battlefield on the right. After playing around like this, an iron chain came from behind and was fixed on the ground on the sound.

It turned out that No Grass Born used his last strength to plunge his weapon into the land of the Valley of the Kings, completing self-salvation.


Once the iron chain is broken, not a single blade of grass will grow and die at the same time.

【Ding! You killed the World Extermination Guild...]

Fang Han couldn't hear these voices anymore, and he was very surprised by the "self-salvation" without a blade of grass.

This guy really has the will to dominate.

It is an existence that would rather die than be humiliated.

Fang Han took a deep breath and returned to [Bull Demon God True God].

Together with Long Sniper Zhiyue and Tie Mian Sheng, they completed the anti-killing against the three major union guilds as quickly as possible...

【Ding! You have completed the occupation of the third floor of the magic city of the plane]

【Ding! You plundered the petrified ring fragments of the United Guild x5]

【Ding! You have received 4425 points of area points reward]

【Ding! Due to your outstanding performance, the mysterious treasure box x20 for extra rewards has been distributed, please go to "Sangke" on the third floor of the magic city of the plane to get it (coordinates: 1025479887)]

Fang Han sent all the rewards into the warehouse, led his men to clean the battlefield, and immediately completed the remaining [Petrochemical Ring Fragments] task.


The main city of Misty City.

【Ding! Congratulations on your successful fusion, you have obtained the petrified ring god]

"World: Congratulations to God Nirvana for obtaining the first "Petrochemical Ring God" in Nine Layers of Gods

When Fang Han appeared in the main city with the equipment "Petrochemical Ring".

The whole world cast envious eyes on Fang Han.

Envy, envy, amazement, shock, admiration, rapt attention...

Countless glances glanced at Fang Han, making Fang Han feel a little swayed.

"Wow, it's really amazing that this impossible task has been accomplished by him."

"The petrification ring is the first ring with a main attribute (special attribute - petrification" in Nine Layers of Gods. God Nirvana has created another first."

"Damn it. I really want it!"

"If you want to, go and rob God Nirvana."

"Haha, this is the funniest joke I've heard today."

"To rob God Nirvana? It doesn't exist. It would be good not to be robbed by him."

"Look, [Petrochemical Ring God] actually has the "Petrochemical" attribute, and the rest of the attack power, defense power, passive trigger, and incidental damage effects are all the same. This attribute is so awesome."

You don't need to look to know that in the square, there are thousands of pairs of eyes looking at your equipment [Petrochemical Ring God].

But if there are too many people clicking, some players' field of vision will be covered.

In order to take care of their need to check the properties of this special ring.

Fang Han took down the [Petrochemical Ring God].

"What's going on? Suddenly I can't see it."

"God Nirvana doesn't seem to want to be surrounded by too many people. I guess he is trying to avoid being too high-profile."

"I said, I watched it and suddenly turned it off. It's not fun."

"I only saw the place where the attack power is 1728, and I haven't read the introduction of the petrochemical attribute..."

"What the hell are you doing? The boss of our guild wants to buy this ring with a lot of money, and is about to report the attributes to the boss. Why did God Nirvana take the ring off?"

Suddenly, just when all the players were depressed and could no longer appreciate 【Petrochemical Ring God】.

In the position of 【Trade News】.

Fang Han re-announced the ring of God.

[Player God Nirvana consigned the "Petrochemical Ring" to the management office of Misty City a18, please go there to check the details of the transaction. 】

Then, the four words petrified ring in the message bar immediately turned into a shareable blue color.

As long as everyone turns their eyes to the blue words, the attributes of [Petrochemical Ring] can be seen without restriction.

"Haha, clever, God Nirvana actually shared the [Petrochemical Ring] to the trading area in order to take care of those players who couldn't click in."


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