"I saw it, I saw it, it's as cool as ever. The attack power of 1728 is comparable to the golden ring of God's Domain! It's amazing."

"Look at the attribute introduction of its 'petrification' part."


【Petrochemical Ring God】

[Equipment Sign: Special Ring]

[requires level lv75]

【Type: All types】

【Occupation: Eternal Annihilation Mage】

[Required lord rank: 5]

[Blessed skills: Hellfire from the Otherworld, Voodoo Frost, Mage Taboo...]

[Blessed Talents: Heart of Frost, Ice Element Talent, Shadow Rebound...]

[Petrification feature: add a target to petrify for 5 seconds (no occupational restrictions), the success rate of the selected target lock is increased by 13%]

Crit Rate: 32% Anti-Riot Rate: 10%

[Increases overall set attributes by 6%]

[Status: Binding (can be undone)]


Fang Han saw that the bottom right corner of the blue block "Petrochemical Ring" displayed a "clicked number 10076268".

Got it right away.

in just a few minutes.

His special ring [Petrochemical Ring God] has been shared by more than 10 million players.

Among the more than 10 million players, those who have watched his attribute panel before are not included.

"If I could just get my hands on a ring like this. Lie down straight away and rent out this ring for an hour a day, it would make me a rich man."

"The key is that its occupational requirements are very special. I'm afraid we can't equip it. You see, its occupational requirements are [Eternal Oblivion]."

"This should be the special ring that Great God Nirvana obtained after completing the mission and obtaining the lucky value reward from Nine Layers of God Realm."

"Let me tell you, if this ring falls into our hands, it is guaranteed that we will not survive tomorrow."

"That's true, who made this ring so eye-catching."

"Look, God Nirvana set [Petrochemical Ring God] at 100,000,000 gold coins, a total of 100 billion gold coins, wow haha, the combined gold coin income of all players in Nine Layers of Gods is estimated to be about the same value."

"Who knows~"

"But then again, 100 billion gold coins is not expensive."

"I just don't know if there are such awesome players in this world. If it is really bought, then there will be a big gimmick, haha."


At this time, in Fang Han's message bar.

[The guild leader of the "Heart of the Sea" sent a message: God Nirvana, good luck, congratulations on getting a petrified ring, can you negotiate a price? 】

[The leader of the guild "The Road Turns to Heaven" sent a message: Your ring is cheaper, sell it to us. Our boss is willing to exchange it with a 10000x50 experience chest (large)]


Fang Han received about a hundred thousand messages in a short period of time.

Most of them are greetings.

In the remaining part, there are tens of thousands of transaction request messages.

Then, Fang Han set up a unified reply in the message bar.

"Petrochemical ring god, only for personal use and not for trade! Thank you!"

At this time, the sky was suddenly covered by dark clouds.

In the sky above Misty City, a mass of bloody characters appeared:

"Nirvana, the ruler of the city-state alliance, has obtained 100 million Nine-Layer God Realm "envious eyes from the strong" to trigger the [Disaster Island] mission."

[Disaster Island] mission.

"Main task x3"

"Dungeon task x10"

Rewards for completing tasks: experience rewards, equipment rewards, mysterious treasure chest rewards...

"Task duration: 20 days"

After Fang Han read the mission introduction, he decisively entered the [Disaster Island] from the teleportation array. When he came to the island, he saw a tragic scene of the end of the world.

I saw that many victims were skinny and hungry, and there were many victims begging on the streets, squares, and leisure areas in the central area of ​​the city.

Some disorderly soldiers dragged their tired bodies and walked towards the strange intruder.


【Ding! You are already in the conversation with Tokas of Calamity Island]

"Hi Heaven Designated, I'm Tokas of this calamity island. I can see that you are a brave Warrior. Although you are a Mage, you have the courage of a Warrior..."

Fang Han asked directly: "Tokas, is this a hidden mission?"

"That's right, you are very discerning. This task is related to food. You know, I used to be a powerful character in a certain plane. Later, I was recruited and sent to this island. It has been more than 1,000 years..."

"In the past 1,000 years, I have experienced countless wars, disasters, etc., and now the disaster has hit this unfortunate island. All of this is related to the legend of the treasure on the island. I have not eaten rice for seven days. Can you Can you get me some rice?"

Fang Han was a little surprised.

This Tokas, after going around for a long time, the hidden task for him turned out to be to find a bowl of rice!

Apparently, Tokas is a southerner.

"In your plane, you are a southerner!"

There was a hint of blue in Tokas' tired eyes.

"Heaven Designated, how do you know?"

Fang Han said: "It's very simple, because Tokas you have a very strong obsession with rice."

"Hmm... Heaven Designated, you are really my bosom friend. Since you understand me so well, I entrust you with the task of finding food."

【Ding! You have accepted the entrustment of Tukas, and you can submit the task here by helping Tukas find x1000 rice]

This task is not difficult.

But its strangeness made Fang Han very interested.

After all, the current high-level powerhouses of the Nine Layers of Gods, most of what they eat and drink, including supplementary medicine and the like, are things with (God).

Rice is such an ancient energy replenishing element, and only when the human race has not yet raised the level of civilization can it be regarded as food.

Judging from this point, this Tokas was still a human race a thousand years ago!

Isn't this a human race like me?

Fang Han showed the expression of meeting an old friend in a foreign land.

Then the [World Teleportation Stone] turned around, and the person had already flown to a certain place on Calamity Island.

"Heaven Designated Hello, our country people are on the edge of Calamity Island, this is a space that has been exiled, because our civilization level is not enough. So we can only get some ancient planting here to maintain our livelihood. I have here Rice, coffee beans, bananas, red potatoes...what do you need?"

In front of a girl who looked primitively dressed, Fang Han triggered Tokas's task entrustment.

Fang Han told the other party: "Hello, I need x1000 servings of rice. Can you help me process the rice and pack it into rice?"

"Of course there is no problem."


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