Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1476: Slice research! Ability analysis! (Plus more)

It's not Jiangnan bragging!

The slow domain that Hoshino blows covers a wide range. In the domain, everything will be forced to slow?

That's too much operability?

And Nightingale has a speed ability that can counteract the impact of the slow field?

Others are slow, but I am fast?

Isn't the one-eyed planting something casually hitting?

I have Bo Bo lipstick, so I can use this divine tool to borrow Nightingale's abilities?

Is it still her spiritual power?

Simply Nice!

I saw Hoshino blowing a crying expression, slowly placing both hands on his face, rubbing it in circles!

?(o)????~????(o)? "You ~ bad ~ Jiang..."

The more Jiangnan thinks about it, the more feasible it becomes?

Hastily hit Nightingale with his elbow!

(????) "Quick... Take me a bite, try my idea whether it is mature or not?"

Nightingale's eyes widened fiercely!

(o?口?) "I don't know if your idea is immature? I only know that this idea is dangerous?"

"Aren't you behind your back?"

Raised an eyebrow at Xia Yao while speaking?

Xia Yao: (?`~'?)

[Resentment from Nightingale +777! ]

Jiangnan hit a fierce spirit!

(What? What?) "Ahem~What do you think? Use this boo! They are all brothers, so why are you so particular about it?"

Put a Bobo lipstick to Nightingale while talking!

[The grievance value from Xia Yao +1000! ]

(?°??°?) "Originally it was free! Now it takes 10 small puddings to eat! Ten in a bite!"

Jiang Nan stared, and immediately took out a basket of small puddings and smashed them on the table!

(o?????) "So are you ready to be a merciless print Ji?"

nightingale:? ? ?

Do you want so much? Hey, she suddenly feels that she is missing?

So he quickly wiped on Bo Bo lipstick, leaving dozens of marks on the back of Jiang Nan's hands and arms!

Yang Jian: (¬_¬?)

Say you can't find a wife? Lie to you!

You don’t even want to send it to you!

Jiang Nan, who was blessed by Nightingale's ability, was happy to fart, and he raised his hand and bounced towards Hoshino's forehead!

And Nightingale also untied her spirit in a timely manner!

Hoshinobuki who perceives the danger releases the slow domain again!

However, Jiang Nan directly activated Nightingale's talent skills, extreme speed!

Jiangnan, who was blessed by the extreme speed, raised his hand and gave Hoshino a brain collapse!



Playing one seems not to be addictive. For a while, Jiangnan's fingers popped out phantoms!

Hoshino's eyes widened, his hands wanted to cover his forehead, but his movements were still very slow!

Jiangnan is so happy, really useful?

Can not help but slid sideways and ran to Da Lang Mie!

Xia Yao's beautiful eyes slowly turned to Jiang Nan!


What is Xiaonan doing?

Wouldn't he want to take the opportunity to do something weird to himself, right?

I saw Jiang Nan smirk all over his face, and stretched out two small sinful hands, facing Xia Yao's squeak, the ribs were tickling frantically!

(っˉ??ˉ?) っ 叽~叽~

The boss with staring eyes, Xia Yao slowly opened her mouth, and a smile that was about to collapse gradually appeared on her face!


(?°ˉ??ˉ?°?) "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

(?°?????°?) "No~Yes! Stop~Wow!"

Even laughter has been slowed down!

She watched Xia Yao laugh out her tears, she looked almost suffocated!

However, the action was too slow to resist at all!

(っ?????) っ "Oh, don't you stop? Got it! Got it!"

Xia Yao:! ! !

[The grievance value from Xia Yao +1000! ]

[From Xia Yao...]

Jiangnan is full of excitement!

My Jiang Jisu! Invincible? Who is hurting?

Immediately Jiang Nan stared at Yang Jian again, and rushed over with a flash of excitement!

I wanted to do this a long time ago!

So I raised my hand and pierced Yang Jian's eyebrows. I wanted to see, what is the principle of your third eye!

Yang Jian:? ? ?

Don't pick it up! You are going to blind me again!

I'm the Eye of the East, I don't want face?

Seeing that something was wrong, Nightingale quickly put the knife across Hoshino's neck!

The area of ​​sluggishness dissipated suddenly!

Yang Jian opened his eyebrows and opened his eyes: "The eyes of the fixed body!"

Jiang Nan's movements were suddenly stopped!

The whole person was stunned! What eye? The fixed eye?

Isn’t the abbreviation...

This is similar to the visual locking of the one-eyed species.

Before Jiang Nan could think about it, he saw Xia Yao flutter and bite Jiang Nan's hand with a bite of chaff!

(?°? ve°?) "Bite and wash you!"

Jiangnan:? ? ?

(? Mouth?.) "Yeah! It hurts! Spread your lips! Spread your lips!"

Xia Yao glared: (??????)? "Don't spread it! Why do you slap me? What's the difference between you and Monkey King who do nothing at the Seven Fairies and then pick the peaches?"

Jiangnan was stunned, so what weird things are you expecting?

"Uh... really didn't do anything? How did the seven gourd babies come from?"

Nightingale looked at Jiangnan dumbfounded!


So how did the Seven Calabash Brothers come from? I heard it for the first time!

Yang Jian quickly closed his eyes, hiding far from Jiangnan!

"Certainly! This prisoner will be dealt with for you, Li Bing has made the latest developments, and asked us to hold targeted meetings in the past!"

Jiangnan's eyes brightened. Has the study of the one-eyed species come to fruition?

"Walk around ~ go to a meeting!"

Nightingale was stunned: "Don't care about this captive? Don't you need to lock up the spirit or something?"

Jiang Nan shrugged: ?(?′??`)? "What do you care about her? Leave it here. Give her a chance, and she can't run away?"

"Just grab it and use it when you want to use it?"

The space imprint has been left on her face. Jiang Nan doesn't believe it at all. With the speed of Hoshino's blowing, she can run 100,000 meters!

So a few people threw Hoshino here and went to the experimental area for a meeting!

Hoshinobuki finally covered his forehead at this moment, with a look of weeping!

?(???????﹏???????)? "Pain~"

No, no, I have to run away. As Liuhua said, Jiangnan is a veritable devil, right?

Hum~ You don’t even defend me?

Then you are too underestimated that I Hoshino blows, I will run away for you to see!


While thinking, his eyes fell on the door handle of the detention room!

Started a long and slow run...

The female logistic soldier cleaning the detention room entered the room with a vacuum cleaner!

Seeing Hoshino stunned, is she playing one, two, three, wooden people?

After she finishes cleaning, she wipes the saliva from Hoshino's mouth when she sleeps and walks out of the room!

Hoshino couldn't blow it and ran out for three steps...

Silvermoon City Experimental Zone!

Everyone gathered in the meeting room, they were all familiar faces!

There is the command of Longyuan, the elites of the dark night, and the direct persons in charge of various departments!

Ye Zhenguo also pulled his hips, his expression uncomfortable!


Just now he finally crossed the link that was about to come out, but who knows he got stuck halfway!

It almost didn't make him feel uncomfortable, and it took him half an hour to let it go. Ye Zhenguo once suspected that his aging pipeline was no longer usable!

Zhong Yingxue and Wu Liang also gathered early!

As soon as Jiangnan arrived, everyone's eyes focused!

A look of horror!

Why does this person still have a pendant?

Xia Yao kept biting the back of Jiang Nan's hand and didn't let go, she was dragged all the way by Jiang Nan!

Yang Jian looked around: "Is it all here? Let's start!"

He gave Li Bing a look!

I saw Li Bing wearing a white coat, and his whole body was in excitement!

A holographic projection appeared on the conference table at the touch of the remote control!

In the projection is a picture of the body structure of a one-eyed species!

Li Bing leaned on the conference table!

(*?°???°) "Thanks to the samples brought back by Jiangnan's younger brother, the biological laboratory conducted a slice study on the samples!"

"Get the most detailed information!"

Jiangnan:? ? ?

Was it really sliced?

I can't help but mourn for the 105 local specialties. It's hard work, you can finally get off work this time!

I saw the holographic projection directly listed the detailed ability data of the one-eyed species!

Li Bing said with a solemn expression: "The one-eyed species of pupils are divided into dormant forms and combat forms!"

"In the dormant state, in order to maintain the lowest energy consumption, even the energy supply to the brain will be minimized, so as to realize the mechanical mining operation!"

"In this form, the one-eyed species has almost no threat, and the brain is not easy to use!"

"The one-eyed species has another fighting form!"

Jiangnan looked at him, and passed all the abilities of the one-eyed species, letting everyone know that it was extremely necessary!

Can reduce unnecessary casualties during the battle!

Li Bing broke his fingers like many treasures, and the holographic projection also showed the battle scene between Jiangnan and the Cyclops at that time!

"And there are four fighting forms!"

"Full energy operation! In this state, the one-eyed combat consciousness has reached its peak!

"Perspective, infrared imaging, ultra-long-distance detection, mind control, visual lock, memory reading, predictive action, weak spot detection, super regeneration!"

"These abilities are all available to the one-eyed species in combat mode!"

"Then it is full-energy opening? Thunder-fire form. In this state, the energy in the one-eyed eye bursts out, regardless of loss, which belongs to full-power operation!"

"In this state, the body's strength is greatly increased, and it can launch a long-range star pupil cannon, and it can also detonate the energy in the one-eye, triggering the pupil of destruction!"

"If it's powerful, Brother Jiangnan should have experienced it firsthand!"

Everyone's eyes fell on Jiangnan!

The corner of Jiang Nan's mouth twitched: ('-﹏-`;) "Is it the pupil of destruction? Everyone treats this as a small-yield nuclear bomb explosion!"

The power is indeed amazing, but what Jiangnan doesn't know is that the one-eyed species can even read memory?

Everyone gasped, and it was so violent just like this!

But this is not all?

Li Bing went on to say: "There is also a third combat form, the energy absorption mode, which is also a channel for the one-eyed species to obtain energy!"

"It has been determined that the one-eyed species rely on absorbing solar energy to store energy, but it is not limited to stellar energy!"

"Fire attacks, energy attacks similar to dragon's breath, lasers, and supernovas can also be absorbed by one-eyed species!"

"And you can cut the energy mode in a second during the battle, block the attack, and convert it into energy to store into the one-eyed!"

"The fourth fighting form, energy transfer! One-eyed species can transfer energy to each other, which can play a role similar to a power bank!"

"Gather energy to a one-eyed species, keep it at its peak state, and burst out the strongest combat power!"

At this moment, there was silence in the conference room, there was no sound, and everyone's expressions were not very good!

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