Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1486: Am I in the array to surpass human limits?

Seeing Batty being beaten by mobile, Dezet was in a hurry at the time!

If you don't get it out for Big Brother Barty, there will be no chance!

"Salon Nest!"

In the sand sea covering a radius of 10,000 meters, salons with a diameter of hundreds of meters sprang out!

A few people swept towards the south of the Yangtze River, even if Ye Zhenguo and Craig raised their fists and smashed several hundred-meter salons!

It collapsed into yellow sand in the sky, but there was still a new salon condensed soon!

The entire sea of ​​sand seems to have turned into a dragon's nest!

But the Jiangnan people are in the spiritual force field, and their means are greatly limited!

In the process of dodge the attack of the salon, I was still hit by a salon!

Also accompanied by Jiang's scared scream!

Each was smashed open, and that Dezet seized the opportunity to entangle the beaten Barty with a salon!

Going underground, three kilometers away from Batty, for fear of being enveloped by the bound spiritual force field!

Wang Dalei was full of anger!

(`⌒′メ) "In the end, did this grandson run away, Uncle Jiang? Can you still chase it? I feel that the lesson was not ruthless enough!"

"What if they don't have a long memory...huh? Uncle Jiang?"

At this moment, Jiang Nan was full of horror, hanging on Wang Dalei's body like a koala!

The whole body was shaking like a fascia gun, and I was almost crying!


"It's terrible, I almost died just now, the Daotian level powerhouse is really too fierce!"

"This is the moon. It's too dangerous outside the formation. Someone who is accidentally going to die here? Let's go back to the formation and hide!"

"My Jiang Yuetu can never put myself in danger?"

Wang Dalei:? ? ?

Craig coughed slightly!

(?ˇ?ˇ) "It's done, everyone ran away, I believe Batty has been completely insulted by you!"

Ye Zhenguo nodded his head, with a look of approval!

(?︶??︶?) "I have to say, Brother Jiang is hitting his face, it's a peak!"

"Is there a mocking slap in the face? We still have a lot to learn?"

Jiangnan:! ! !

My special cat is really scared wow!

Explaining lazily to the three of them, Jiang Nan teleported them back to the God Killing Curse array directly with them!

Before I went back, I didn't forget to stuff the spirit-binding orb in the iron box into the alien space.

After seeing a few people from Jiangnan teach Batty a meal, they returned victoriously!

Yang Jian's face was also full of excitement!

(??????)? "Don't say anything else, beating Barty is a real relief! Hahaha, it must be you! Just you beat..."

The words were not finished yet, I saw a spirit of Jiangnan!

?(?﹏?.)? "Then Batty is really terrible, atomic control? If he were not bound to the spirit, I would have nothing if he flashed helium!"

"Touch me, maybe I will be broken down from the atomic level! He is too strong, and he is not dead yet, what can I do!"

"I will definitely find me to avenge you in the future. When it's over, I can't cast a curse. Wolverine, come and protect me!"

As he spoke, he moved behind Xia Yao, revealing half of his head, looking out of the formation with a worried expression, shivering!


Xia Yao:? ? ?

(¬~¬?) "So who was the one who hit it just now? Both hands are not enough, so I changed 18 hands to fight together?"

They all gave other people's horses a scoop and made them into a mosaic. You said you were afraid?

Guicai believe it~

Everyone: (?_?)...

You told Barty so badly, but you called him daddy!

Come back and say you are scared?

This is the first time we have seen such a fresh and refined way of cupping!

Xiong Er's eyes brightened!

(?????)? "I see! Brother Nan must be trying to highlight his strength by complimenting Batty!"

"The reason for pretending to be scared is to show your senseless courage, right?"

"Quick! Everyone hurry up and praise Brother Nan to satisfy Brother Xia Nan's desire for performance!"

Before he finished speaking, Wu Liang raised his hand and gave Xiong Er a big leba!

(??(エ)?) "You know a lot, don't you? It's okay to be clear about this kind of thing? Don't say it! Brother Nan doesn't want face?"

"Next time you encounter this situation, don't hesitate, just boast! Nange Niubi! Yyds wow!"

Arashi: (????)...

These two bears are unsaved, and speaking out will only make Jiangnan even more embarrassed!

However, I saw Zhong Yingxue threw herself into Jiangnan's arms like a swallow returning home, with an expression about to cry, with a look of weeping!

(*??~??) "Woo~ I'm worried to death, don't do such dangerous things in the future? What if I get injured?"

"I'm so afraid that something will happen to you, the outside world is too dangerous!"


Jiang Nan couldn't help but nodded, his face was full of approval!

(????)? "That's right! The skin of the hands are broken, if you get tetanus sepsis or something, maybe you will die!"

nightingale:? ? ?

Are you feeling distressed a little too much, right?

My hand is broken even if it is hurt?

Other people, Barty, have been broken by you?

But Xia Yao looked suspicious, shivering as she watched Jiang Nan hug Zhong Yingxue and hide behind her!


The two of them ate rabbit biscuits, and it has been almost an hour now, right?

So this is a side effect of rabbit biscuit? Be as timid as a rabbit?

Otherwise, with Xiaonan's temperament, how could he be afraid?

There is no fear of this word in his dictionary?

So Jiang boldly becomes Jiang timid now?

I saw Xia Yao smirk all over her face!

(????) "Glitter~ Let Batty go away, maybe they will stop you out of the formation for revenge after they recover!"

"As soon as you leave the house, you will "bang" and blow you up into scum!"

Jiang Nan was almost crying, holding Zhong Yingxue and teleporting to hide next to Xiaomi!


"! As soon as I go out, I will definitely be killed by revenge!"

"It's better that Gou stays at home and does not go to practice to the heavens! No, no, no! Without breaking the limit of the human race, I will never go out in Jiangnan!"

Yang Jian: (??????)? ? ?

Is it so decisive? Jiang Tailang, who has already been out of the blue star, has decided to practice in Gou's family now?

Is the sun coming out from the west?

Jiang Tianchen was about to ask Jiang Nan, why he can survive in space without a spacesuit!

However, the next moment, a fierce fire burst out from the equipment manufacturing factory!

The powerful blast wave even shattered the glass of a nearby building!

The fire is blazing, and the black smoke is billowing!

This sudden explosion gave everyone a glimpse!

what's the situation?

Jiang Nan and Zhong Yingxue were even more frightened by the explosion!

? (Afraid????? Afraid)? "It's over! It's not safe in the formation! Wow! Barty really came to retaliate against me!"

While talking, he took out the floor cloth and directly covered himself and Zhong Yingxue in it, unable to escape!

Xia Yao looked at them speechlessly!


These two people are already stunned. Are you a **** who can carry the sky with your bare hands?

Do you want to be scared like this by the explosion?

Jiang Tianchen looked surprised: "Damn it! It is the equipment depot and the manufacturing plant. The Spark spacesuits we made are stored in them!"

"what happened?"

Yang Jian's expression was gloomy: "Isn't it just the Maple Leaf Country family that is jealous? Good! Good!"

"Is the identity check already so rigorous, or has it been mixed into the nail?"

"Order the entire area of ​​Silvermoon City to be sealed off! No one is allowed to open the battle before this matter is over!"

"The Eye of All-Knowing!"

I saw Yang Jian opened his eyebrows and opened his eyes, and a golden light burst out from it!

Start screening the identities of everyone in Silvermoon City one by one!

Wang Dalei has already rushed towards the manufacturing area!

In just such a short time, the power plant and the experimental center exploded at the same time!

Even at the Stargate Vortex under the tree, fierce battles and riots took place!

The entire Silvermoon City was attacked by unknown forces, and the calm was instantly broken!

However, Ejiang was timid and shrank into a ball by the sound of the explosion!

I've teleported and killed it on weekdays, but now I can't move it!

But the city of Silver Moon is full of masters, plus Yang Jian's screening!

Soon some of the messy nails were subdued, but the damaged buildings were out of equipment!

Martin outside the array looked excited!

Although Batty pulled, Vinnie took the opportunity to get in!

He didn't expect that Vinnie would come up with such a big hand?


Little did she know that Vinnie was also nervous when she was lying on the backbone of Xiaoyueyue!

"Damn it? Which gang is this? Must make trouble at this time?"

"What about the seeds? How come there are no seeds on the main plant of this laurel silver vine?"

Martin didn't know that the explosion in Silvermoon City had nothing to do with Vinnie!

Vinnie didn't do it at all!

Originally, she thought about stealing the seed, then hiding it, and then opening it through the God-killing Curse Array, she sneaked out without knowing it!

But who would have thought that after looking around, this thing has no seeds at all?

What Vinnie didn't know was that the laurel silver vine was the product of Li Bing's use of the spiritual beads fragments of the sky clump ivy vine, the dried vine pulp vine, and the blood of Mira, and the product of modifying the genetic chain!

And after the evolution of the Origin Stone, it is a monster created!

The only one in the world, there is no way to cultivate exactly the same through seeds!

And the vine seeds floating out will lose their vitality as soon as the silver moon force field is released!

Li Bing considered the anti-theft at the beginning of the design, even if someone else steals it, he can't steal it!

As the foundation of life on the moon, how can it be so easily mastered by others?

Just as Vinnie was in a hurry, Yang Jian had already opened his omniscient eyes and looked over there!

The scared Vinnie hurriedly used magic skills!

"Extremely dusty!"

The whole person shrank again, even smaller than the dust!

It can be regarded as avoiding Yang Jian's omniscient eye!

However, Govini looked worried, the seeds were not found, and the city of Silvermoon was under martial law!

If the curse array doesn’t open, how can I get out?

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