Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1707: Table technique?

Ring Wei is still paralyzing herself, and Bracelet Wei is really unbearable, unable to maintain her elemental form at all!

You can only ride on a sheep muscle beast and let the muscle tissue fix itself to keep moving!

And the thousands of muscle beasts have already been pressed over, and the smoke is billowing, especially the thousand-meter muscle beast, which is full of oppression!

Looking at it is about to rush over!

Xiong Er's expression became ruthless: "Brother Zhen! You go to pull the nails, keep the road nails, and you may find Boss Pang to imitate when you look back!"

"Everyone is wearing a spiritual yarn. Brother Nan said, what kind of "species" do people in the thug organization have, and they can't touch their bodies!"

"Otherwise, it is estimated that it will also be controlled to become a muscle monster!"

"I'll stop here first, everyone hurry up!"

While talking, I drank a bottle of green sticks and horse biscuits, and even ate a mouthful of durian pulp!

Looking at the thousands of troops rushing over, he looked resolute!

Xiao Zhen has already rushed over to pull the nails. Under the action of the shock wave, the curse array is being destroyed, and the huge Spirit Sealing Road Spike is being pulled out little by little in the roar!

needs time!

And An Xiaoqi and Qi Delong brothers looked at the beasts rushing over, and their scalps were numb!

An opponent of this scale, and even a thousand-meter-high muscle beast, how can this be stopped!

But Xiong Er roared!

"Bear's blood boils, Mother Earth, Stoneman Legion!"

Unleash three magic skills in a row!

I saw endless yellow light gushing out from the ground and rushing into Xiong Er's body!

The ten stone bears even put their bear paws on Xiong Er's back to increase energy transmission!

But even so, the spiritual power in Xiong Er's body was instantly emptied, and when it was full, it was emptied again!

After going back and forth more than a dozen times, Qi Delong was fried!

∑(°mouth°?) "What kind of spiritual skill is it? It takes so much energy?"

Xiong Er grinned: "I want to play big, as long as they are still standing on the ground!"

This spiritual skill is also the only Daotian-level spiritual bead that Xiong Erhua has inhaled, and the most fierce one!

I saw Xiong Er roared angrily, and endless yellow light bloomed from his body!

"The skill of flipping the table? Earth-shattering!"

"Get up!"


The earth trembled wildly, in the shocked eyes of An Xiaoqi and Qi Delong brothers!

In front of Xiong Er, a rock slab of the earth with a length and width of more than 30,000 meters slowly lifted up at one end!

With a thickness of more than a kilometer, it is such a large piece of land that it was lifted up in a daze!

taller and taller!

The gravel the size of a mountain bag fell, making a loud bang!

Xiong Er's mouth and nose are spewing blood, and his body is shaking!

But the exaggerated bedrock slab stood upright, obscuring the sky, and even obscuring the sky!

In front of Xiong Er also appeared a giant earth pit with a length and width of 30,000 meters!

Qi Delong's eyes widened:

∑(?mouth?|||) "This... what is this riding horse? How can it be so big?"

Such a large piece of land, how much amazing weight? Was it erected by Xiong Er?

Little do they know that with this skill, as long as you give enough spiritual energy, the bedrock slab lifted up can be even bigger!

So Xiong Er used the durian pulp and the Mother Earth to restore himself, and even the Stone Man Corps used it!

It took more than a dozen times to clear the spiritual power to achieve the desired effect, and there are also bonuses from green sticks and horse biscuits!

At this moment, the charging muscle beast group was also stunned, and looked at the 30,000 meters of bedrock lifted up in horror!


What the **** is this!

But he heard Xiong Er roar: "Indestructible! Let me fall!"


The folded bedrock slab was immediately reinforced, and then smashed towards the charging muscle beasts!

The earth at this moment is like an open book, which is now closed!

The air was smashed into pieces, and despite the beast group dodging to the sides, most of them were still photographed under the bedrock slab!

Amazing weight, I don't know how many beasts were directly flattened!

The earth trembled violently, and everyone even jumped up in shock!

An Xiaoqi grew up with a small mouth, and her face was unbelievable!


This is no longer strong, this is perverted!

A group of fiends with their feet on the ground?

Really stopped the charge of the muscle beast group!

Qi Dongqiang sweated profusely on his forehead:

('-﹏-`?) "Damn it! Turning over the earth to play? Can you have more animals?"

God's special meow flipping table skill, your "table" is too big, isn't it?

But it's impossible to stop the muscle beasts with this alone!

I saw a series of blasting sounds, and several muscle beasts smashed the bedrock slab covered by the cover and rushed out!

The speed is like a blood-colored meteor!

The rest of the smashed muscle beasts are also recovering!

Seeing the muscular beast carrying the bracelet Wei rushing over, Xiong Er turned his head and said urgently, "Are you ready to pull it out?"

Hearing a "click", the core shattered, and Xiao Zhen hugged the road stud in his arms!

"All right!"

Xiong Er hugged everyone with a bear!

With this hug, the horsepower was fully activated, Xiao Zhen, An Xiaoqi and the others vomited blood and rolled their eyes, and Ring Wei was almost not hugged to death!

I saw Xiong Er headed into the ground, and the soil slid away like water when it met Xiong Er!

"Tudun? Xiong Xiong Submarine!"

Hearing the sound of "Boom", the ground was suddenly blasted away by the iron fist of the muscle behemoth!

But Xiong Er and the others have long since burrowed into the ground and disappeared!

Bracelet Wei pumped:

(?°?yi.°?) "Alright! At least the road studs have been pulled out, and the goal has been achieved!"

"But there is still a Wei in their hands, give me the chase!"

Just listen to the muscle beast roaring: "Thugs, deform! Muscle drill shape!"

I saw that the muscles on the heads of those muscular beasts were deformed and turned into blood-colored drills, which were all chasing after them!

The speed is not slow at all, and there are many spiritual warriors with earth attributes or earth-type abilities!

Even if it is parasitized by a parasitic species, the ability of the original body can still be used!

So even if you get into the ground, you can't easily drag and chase after them!

Xiong Er and the others ran in front, and they could still hear the violent roar of thunder behind them!

Xiao Zhen said anxiously: "It can't go on like this. Sooner or later, they will be consumed to death. What kind of perverted things are these?"

"You have to think of a way!"


Xiong Er suddenly remembered something:

(????) "Wall hanging bag! There are a few pieces of Yanling chewing gum in it, from Brother Nan!"

"Good spirits, bad spirits, eat them quickly and scold me to death!"

When Brother Qi Delong heard this, his eyes lit up, what the hell? And what about this good stuff?

Doesn't it match this?

So I quickly turned it out and put it in my mouth and ate it!

Taking a deep breath, he opened his throat and screamed backwards!

(?°? Mouth°?) "A bunch of spicy chickens dare to chase Lao Tzu? I'm afraid my head will be struck by lightning, right?"

All the way out, Bangle Wei sneered!

"Heh~ What about scolding people? Naive! When you die..."

Before I could finish speaking, I heard screams from the muscle beasts, and all of them looked down in horror, their faces turned green!


And Bracelet Wei is even more exciting, the newly formed thunder light blasted out, and it smashed into the heads of many muscle monsters!

The head is blacked out!

Bracelet Wei was stunned: (°Д.°) " this a coincidence or..."

The corners of the muscle beast's eyes twitched: "Spicy? I'll make you hotter? All the thugs are furious! How hot are you without me!"

Xiong Er almost didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood. Are you cruel enough?

Ring Wei said anxiously: "They are so angry, how can this be rectified?"

Qi Dongqiang's eyes are full of excitement, is he really so smart? Immediately yelled!

"Blue moonlight in front of the bed! Hemorrhoids on the butt!"

"Look up at the blue moon! It's itchy!"

The rolling sound spread, even through the thick soil, it spread far and wide!

In a word, the expressions of the muscular behemoths of all ages became subtle at that time!

Even Bracelet Wei twisted uncomfortably!

Damn, can you have more bamboo shoots?

Even if it's itchy, I can't tear it off? I don't want to be ashamed?

The muscular beast gritted his teeth: "Throw away the hemorrhoids! Don't be a young man with hemorrhoids! We don't want this either! Throw it away together!"

Qi Delong took a deep breath: "You guys are really cruel? I wish you a son..."

Before he could scold him, Qi Dongqiang grabbed his eldest brother!

(?????) "Brother! You're scolding wrong, they're all gone? You can't use any more scolding?"

Qi Delong was startled and scratched his head shyly:

?(??????) "Yeah~ Big brother didn't think about it carefully, I'll scold him for another one!"

The muscle beasts are going crazy, you are not alone, are you?

Where did Bangle Wei suffer from this suffocation?

"Thunder explosion!"

The surrounding rock and earth suddenly exploded into nothingness under the powerful thunder light, and the figures of Xiong Er and his party were exposed!

Everyone was scorched black by Leiguang's body!

The furious bracelet Wei's eyes locked on everyone!

"Mother this is..."

But Qi De Long Dongqiang also noticed Bracelet Wei, and at close range, the green grass above her head that was submerged in the light was unusually conspicuous!

The two looked at each other, is it a forgiveness cap?

Speak now:

"The sky is so bright! The wild is boundless!"

"The wind blows the grass/See the cows and sheep!"

"Cow and sheep eat grass/You will be cold!"

"Being beaten/Calling mother!"

Just after scolding, Bangle Wei was startled, Qingcao? What grass?

This is underground, where did the grass come from?

Suddenly, Bangle Wei was stunned, sweating coldly, and she raised her head to protect the grass above her head!

However, the goose was already late. The sheep-like muscular beast she was riding opened its mouth and smashed the grass on top of her head and chewed it!

And Xiong Er and the others naturally closed their eyes long ago and plunged into the ground without a shadow!

Bracelet Wei: ! !

24 hours have not passed at all. If the grass is pulled up, will the whole staff ridicule it?

At this moment, the eyes of other muscle beasts looking at Bangle Wei changed!

"If it weren't for you, where would we be so mad? I'm so mad!"

"Ride me? Who asked you to ride me? You are worthy of you? I'll kill you!"

I stopped chasing Xiong Er and the others for a while, but turned to Bracelet Wei again!

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