Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1708: unlucky southerner

On the Jiangnan side, everyone stared nervously at Fa Kawei!

She kept twitching, only Corki, who was holding Fa Kawei, smiled like a sunflower!

I don't know what to do in Nagada's brain!

Just listen to Fakawei's electronic voice:

Hu~(︶ε︶?) "It's over!"

Corky: ?(??????)?

"I'm done too!"

Jiangnan: (?'mouth'??)?? ? ?

What the **** are you over? Is it that fast? Is it really the same thing you two said?

"How are Xiong Er and the others?"

Fakawei trembled: "Qidlong Dongqiang ate chewing gum and cursed Bangle Wei Qingcao, and now Bangle Wei is being beaten by muscle beasts!"

"Xiong Er and the others took the opportunity to run away with the road spikes, and followed the space door to other spiritual ruins. They are temporarily safe, and no one is left behind!"

It's just that you're safe, can you stop poking at Ring Wei?

In order to deal with Bracelet Wei, it is also a loss of conscience!

Jiang Nan who heard the news was also relieved, Mo Tian couldn't be more excited:

?(??????)? "Er Xiong is a great hit!"

Jiangnan just laughed, didn't he give him a wall bag for nothing?

But Jiang Nan is not surprised at all about this result. If this can't be done, Xiong Er has been with him for so long in vain!

It's just that there are only two of the three road studs left, the other lynx and the others are guarding, and the last one is still missing!

Jiangnan is a little anxious, everyone has gained something, how come he wandered around 60 spiritual ruins, killed a load of Wei, and encountered either a blank map or a spiritual ruin without road spikes?

Yang Que also let go.

When did your character become so bad?

So his eyes could not help falling on Liu Mang:

(?°?д°?) "I'm afraid it's not me who is black-faced, right? Ah Qiuqiu~ Who missed me twice?"

Liu Mang's face turned even darker. Who do you think I became so dark?

But even if Jiangnan is in a hurry, he can only find it slowly, at least there are Sister Shan Miao and the others!

(??~??) "Tsk~ I'm so annoying!"

Fa Kawei: (?_?)

Can you please stop stealing my lines?

In the Huosangling Ruins, Xia Yao and Zhong Yingxue were looking around in the volcano, hand in hand!

Xia Yao jumped happily, and the furry wolf's tail flicked!

(??????)? "Xingyao~ Xingyao~ Yaoyao is really the best~ oooo~"

Singing while cocking his nose, he is clearly distinguishing the taste of the sunbird!

Zhong Yingxue was speechless:

(????) "You've been singing all the way, why are you so happy?"

Before the two planned to engage in Yangque, Xia Yao even made flg on the spot!

Sure enough, after a lot of hard work, Xia Yao managed to break through to Xingyao Yixing at this moment!

Xiao Nan failed again!

Xia Yao excitedly said: (??????) "Super accurate, Xuexue, you also have a try, anyway, you have drilled ten!"

"Maybe it will break through just after standing?"

Zhong Yingxue blushed, his eyes dodged:

(??ε???) "No... don't say it, you don't know how to be ashamed? Hurry up and find Yangque!"

"If we can't find it again, we'll have to change the spirit market. It's more important to find road spikes!"

Xia Yao was a little annoyed: (???~??) "After finally getting on Xingyao, why can't Yangque find it? Damn!"

The two of them walked around the entire Huosang Lingxu, and even found it in the volcanic magma pool!

Zhong Yingxue didn't want to waste any more time here!

Xia Yao gritted her teeth: "Look for another 3 hours, if you still can't find it..."

Before the words were finished, Zhong Yingxue secretly beeped beside her!

(?)????) "I swear, I have to get one for Yangque and Xiaonan, otherwise..."

Xia Yao: (??.???) "Oh, what are you doing, Xuexue?"

Zhong Yingxue's expression froze, and her face turned even redder!

??o·(???﹏???)?o·? "No! I didn't, you heard wrong!"

It was a three-line negation, but the next moment, the fog in the distant space suddenly emerged!

A white sun slammed into it at an astonishing speed, burned everything, and finally slammed into a volcano, and the lava splashed everywhere!

Xia Yao: oДo*)

Zhong Yingxue: ∑(°mouth°?)

Is this... so accurate?

How unlucky is Xiao Nan!

"I want Yangque!"

God: "This is too difficult, change another one!"

"I want to go to Xiaonan!"

God: "Come on, let's discuss about Yangque..."

Just swearing, Yangque crashed in?

Co-author I just couldn't find it. Did it fly around in other spiritual markets? Is this jogging back?

The two looked at each other with excitement in their eyes!

Are you so lucky? Hey, Zhong Yingxue once suspected that she had eaten Yanling chewing gum!

(???-??) "By the way, is it really good for us to swear on Xiaonan's happiness like this?"

(??????)? "Don't worry about it! Get Yangque first!"

The two quietly hid and peeked!

I saw Yangque hit the volcano, the flames on the body gradually extinguished, revealing the body...

A flesh-colored bald chicken looked at its wings angrily, flapping non-stop!

No matter how hard it closes its eyes, the feathers still won't grow!

The two legs kicked the stone angrily, screaming non-stop!

Xia Yao: ???(??????)? "Pfft~hahaha! Where did its feathers go? The last time I saw it, wasn't it still golden ornate feathers? What's the matter..."

Zhong Yingxue's eyelids jumped: "It... when it first went out, shouldn't it have met Xiao Nan?"

With Yangque's ability, how could it be possible? And it has nirvana, can it grow back even without hair?

This is obviously the effect of being vigorously poisoned, right?

Xia Yao suppressed a smile: ('?ж?) "No need to guess, that's it! The bird has plucked its hair? Like Xiao Nan's style, this sunbird is unlucky enough!"

"It's just that he didn't deduct the Spirit Orb? Did Xiao Nan discover it with his conscience?"

How could this Yangque escape from Xiaonan's hands alive?

Yes, great!

Xia Yao said excitedly: "What's the matter? I can seal it now! Daotian Erxing is no problem!"

Zhong Yingxue pondered: "You can't rush in, the diameter of your compressed Jiri Yunxuan is only three meters!"

"It doesn't wait for you to get so close to it, it will find out. Once you cast Yanyang, we will both be gone!"

"And Yangque's defense is also a problem. We have to find a way to break through the defense of the heavenly level!"

Xia Yao frowned and said, "Let it approach unpreparedly, control it with sealing techniques, and then draw blood and get beads? Hmm~"

I saw Xia Yao staring at Yang Que non-stop, her eyes brightened:

(?°.??°)? "I have a solution! Giggle~ Or it's only a mother? Nice~"

Zhong Yingxue hurriedly turned her head away: "What are you paying attention to? Hey!"

The Yangque has no feathers, so the male and female can see it clearly!

Xia Yao smirked:

(¬?¬o) "Of course the male and female are very important~ Look at me, just watch the big wolf kill you and kill the beast!"

As he spoke, he took out chicken biscuits and pudding from his wall-mounted backpack!

Zhong Yingxue opened her mouth wide, Yaoyao probably wanted to…

The melodious cry and song came, echoing in the firewood forest!

Yang Que, who had been sitting on the top of the volcano and complained about herself, became very energetic when she heard the song!


It can hear it at once, this is a special cry that only sunbirds can make!

Are there other sunbirds here besides yourself?

And this hoarse and magnetic voice is clearly from a cockroach?

It couldn't sit still at that time, and wanted to fly to have a look, but when he saw his bald chicken, he was not confident at that time!

I look like this, even if I fly away, people won't fall for me, right?

But in the end, he couldn't hold back and turned into a flaming sun and flew over there!

Following the song, I came to a fiery forest, and it couldn't look away with just one look!

I saw a golden sunbird the size of a washbasin standing on the firewood branch, singing to the sky!


A gorgeous golden feather, gorgeous tail feathers!

The long one is called a handsome man, with a striking temperament, and he is definitely a handsome bird!

Crimson flames lingered around him!

The eyes of the two birds intertwined in the air and collided!


Yang Que felt that her heart was hit in an instant, and it was beating non-stop!

That's what love at first sight is all about, right?

Xia Yangque: ! !

Ah, ah, roast me to death, don't come any closer!

Even under the protection of Zhong Yingxue, Xia Yangque still felt that she was going to be roasted and smoked!

But on the surface, it still looks indifferent:

(o?????) "This girl, please don't come any closer!"

"I'm afraid your charismatic flame will burn my heart!"

After eating chicken biscuits, pudding, and popping candy, Xia Yangque naturally understood animal language. After being with Xiong Er for so long, if she didn't know how to speak animal language, Xia Yao would be in vain!

Yangque is agitated, God! Is he... is he complimenting me for being charismatic?

This little handsome bird is so delicious!

So he took Yan Yang, but his body still kept the flame burning!

Xia Yangque was obviously startled: "Your feathers..."

Speaking of this, Yangque exploded:

(?°??°?) "Don't mention it! It's all down to that stinky human! Damn it! Don't let me touch him again, or I'll eat it!"

Xia Yangque held back her smile, don't think about it, it must be Xiao Nan!

I saw Yang Que shyly said:

(?)?(ヾ) "I... I look ugly, right?"

Xia Yangque looked affectionate:

(??????) "How could it be? You must be smart enough to be the best! It's just that God is jealous of your prosperous appearance!"

"Besides! When two birds get along, shouldn't they pay more attention to their hearts?"

"You have no inch of feathers, you have deeply attracted me!"

"You may not believe it, but I think I'm already in love with you!"

At this moment, the flame attached to Xia Yangque was shaking non-stop!

Zhong Yingxue is about to go crazy, the **** wolf is gone, and the sparrow is online!

What level of flirting skills is this? Hey, if Xiaonan had one tenth of you, the dolls would be running all over the place, right?

Yangque shyly covered her face with her wings:

(づ?ど) " hate~"

Xia Yangque laughed heartily:

(o???) "Giggle! Mingque doesn't speak secretly! You are really hot!"

"So... let's have a baby bird together?"

Yangque: ∑(?°?°) Ga?

Zhong Yingxue: Pfft~??(??ε???)

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