Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 144: Confrontation between old enemies

The key to the power of the Earth Immortal lies in the realm of combining the Tao. They can combine the Tao of heaven and earth, or they can combine the Tao of a specific cave and heaven. If it is the former, it is similar to the Neidan sect, which has a bright future. After becoming immortal, one can obtain the magical powers of the "Five Innate Masters". If it is the latter, it is similar to the Waidan Sect, which can be achieved quickly, the cave sky is immortal, the body is immortal, the heaven and man are in harmony, and the cave heaven queen occupies a favorable location, and can even exert a combat power that can rival the Immortal Immortal, and there is no worry of disaster. However, there are gains and losses. After joining the Dao and Dongtian, there is no turning back. Not only can you not leave the Dongtian, but you will also be continuously assimilated by the Dongtian, and eventually your consciousness will be annihilated and become a part of the Dongtian.

There is not the slightest connection between the five immortals. The heavenly immortals can create caves but cannot merge with the caves. The earthly immortals can merge with the caves but cannot open the caves. The gods have the best of both worlds, but the kingdom they can create cannot last as long as the caves.

"Sheng Wuyou" undoubtedly chose Hedao Heaven and Earth instead of Hedao Dongtian. First, because the limitations of Hedao Dongtian are too large, especially when the "End of Dharma" arrives and the cave heaven falls to the ground, Hedao Dongtian It is almost equivalent to cutting off one's own retreat. Second, there are not that many caves that allow people to join the Tao. Most of the caves are under the control of Taoist sects. Even if you can't think of joining the caves, you still need the permission of the Taoist sect.

The reason why immortals can compete with earthly immortals is because the divine kingdom of immortals can isolate the world of earthly immortals, and then the two sides rely on their true abilities to compete. That's why it is said that immortals can fight against earthly immortals within the kingdom of gods as long as they have enough divine power.

At this time, the "Shopkeeper" unfolds the Dao Fruit Realm, which is the Hedao Realm that restrains "Sheng Wuyou".

But for the Earth Immortal, this is nothing. Regardless of the Kingdom of God or the Domain of God, it is limited after all. Just like the Dao Fruit Realm of the "Shopkeeper", it only covers a radius of thirty miles. The size of heaven and earth is It's everywhere, just leave this range.

The biggest flaw of the Kingdom of God is that it cannot move or moves slowly. It is far inferior to the earthly immortals, let alone the heavenly immortals who can freely travel through the world.

Even if he cannot leave due to various reasons, the Earth Immortal is known as the second among the Five Immortals, and ordinary immortals cannot compete with him based on his own ability alone.

"Sheng Wuyou" was not afraid and waved the invisible "Daozi Sword" in his hand to kill the "shopkeeper".

The "Shopkeeper" does not compete head-on. After developing the Dao Fruit Realm, within the scope of the God's Domain, one can obtain the magical power of "Words and Methods", similar to the magical power corresponding to the Condensation Method obtained after using the Dharma Body Realm. "The Shopkeeper" "The condensed Heavenly Emperor's Dharma is not complete, so the magical power is also missing. It is inevitable to be embarrassed when facing the "Daozi Sword" of "Sheng Wuyou".

The "shopkeeper" said the word "ding" dully.

The flying figure of "Saint Wuyou" suddenly stopped and could no longer move forward.

The "shopkeeper" said again: "Step back."

Although "Saint Wuyou" struggled a bit and was not without resistance, it still retreated.

The "shopkeeper" waved his hand: "Meteor from the sky."

A meteorite burning with blazing flames fell from the sky, cut through the sky, and fell towards the place where "Saint Wuyou" was.

The crimson light illuminated half of the night, and even made "Saint Wuyou" look like a blood-red afterimage.

As long as the power of wishing is sufficient, any wish can be realized, and Zhenjun Ziguang is a master of this way.

"Shopkeeper" is only the most superficial application, and it cannot be compared with the real gods.

But even so, this "Outer Meteor" summoned by the "Shopkeeper" is almost comparable to the "Fengyan Jiawu", covering an area of ​​about ten miles, enough to kill a heavenly being and severely damage a heavenly being in the immeasurable stage.

But when it comes to the heavenly beings in the creation stage, it is inevitable that they are a bit unsatisfied.

"Sheng Wuyou" broke free from the restraints imposed on him by the "shopkeeper" through his words. He did not dodge or evade, and soared into the sky, heading straight for the falling meteorite.

The next moment, a crack appeared in the middle of the huge meteorite, and it broke directly into two pieces.

"Sheng Wuyou" split the meteorite with one sword.

The meteorite split into two halves crashed down to the left and right, and landed on the ground. The entire forest disappeared directly, the earth trembled, and then billowing smoke and dust rose upwards, and was stepped on by "Sheng Wuyou" again.

The "shopkeeper" has no face

Expression, the shadow of the palace behind him was vague, and the sound of wind and thunder could be faintly heard.

On the other side, the fierce battle between "Mengxingyun" and "Paunangtang" was not so powerful. The two were sometimes above and sometimes below, sometimes appearing at the top of the mountain, and sometimes at the foot of the mountain.

He even appeared not far from Qiniang once, but Qiniang waved him away.

"Let's play while we're at it."

Qiniang's face was a little solemn.

She is getting closer and closer to the "Yin Yang Gate".

For the banished immortals in the pseudo-immortal stage, even if the "Yin Yang Gate" is destroyed, they can still trace it through the remaining aura.

After all, immortals can freely travel through the world. The world is so big that there is no place that cannot be visited, and it is so close to the end of the world.

Therefore, the imperial court simply did not do anything extra and still retained this sustainable "Yin Yang Gate".

Then layers of ripples appeared in the "Yin-Yang Gate", rapid and dense, and a terrifying breath was passing through the "Yin-Yang Gate".

If it were a temporary "Yin-Yang Gate", it would have collapsed under the impact of such huge blood energy. However, with the blessing of earth energy, the permanent "Yin-Yang Gate" could withstand this huge flow of blood energy. Even so, the ripples in the "Yin Yang Gate" are still very disordered, and there are even chaotic lines similar to bubbles, as if a huge thing is about to rise from the bottom of the sea.

Qiniang stopped and her whole person began to slowly change.

As if the lead was washed away, the robe embroidered with copper coin patterns turned into a white brocade robe, surrounded by five-color mist, making the whole person misty and uncertain. I don't know how much higher it is than Zhang Yuelu's "Five Qi Yanluo".

After a while, a figure finally appeared.

"Master Yao, we meet again. This time, you can try to exile me again."

"Proprietor" a deep voice sounded.

Qiniang laughed: "You and I both know that I can't do it as long as I'm within the formation range of Five Elements Mountain. Do you think I can't see this trick?"

"The proprietor" said slowly: "Then there is no trick."

Qiniang sneered and said, "I didn't want to fight you last time. You really thought I couldn't do anything to you, right?"

The "proprietor" didn't want to engage in a verbal argument, and said simply and concisely: "Then let me see the truth."

After the words fell, the "proprietor" no longer deliberately restrained his aura, and the energy and blood all over his body spread freely. To the ghosts and ghosts, it was like a dazzling sun, which would kill them if they saw it. If the "proprietor" shouted loudly, it would be spring thunder. The huge earthquake was enough to make the Yin Shen who was out of the body of the alchemist fly away. The power displayed by "Dongzhu" is completely based on the strength of body and blood. In a sense, he is still in human form, but he is not inferior to the ancient giant beasts. Qianlongchi and "Dongzhu" "Lord" is the difference between a child and an adult man.

Qiniang took off the "Ban Miansou" from her waist.

The next moment, the figure of the "proprietor" had disappeared, and instantly appeared at a position more than ten feet in front of Qiniang, with his five fingers hooked, grabbing Qiniang's face.

The "proprietor"'s speed was beyond Qiniang's expectation. It was incredible. In this flash of lightning, Qiniang could no longer dodge and could only point the cigarette stick in her hand towards the "proprietor"'s face. The door crashed straight down.

An inch is longer and an inch is stronger. After all, Qiniang has more length of cigarette rod in her hand. If the "proprietor" does not change his moves, Qiniang's cigarette rod will definitely arrive first.

The "proprietor" raised his hand to block, but Qiniang's "Ban Miansou" was not only unable to cut off the "proprietor's" wrist, it was even unable to cut it off. Immediately afterwards, Qiniang saw a punch from "Dongzhu". At this moment, Qiniang was too late and did not dare to parry, so she could only encircle Wei and rescue Zhao. The "Ban Mian Sou" in her hand stabbed "Dongzhu" in the eyes.

The "proprietor" had no choice but to jump back, avoid Qiniang's stab, and widen the distance between the two.

The acupuncture points all over the body of the "proprietor" light up one after another, shining brightly.

Now the "proprietor" only needs the last hundred or so orifices to become a human immortal. When the "East Master" has reached such a state, the qi and blood in his body are not active and rarely flow, almost like a pool of stagnant water, because the qi and blood have been condensed to the extreme, almost solid rather than liquid, and even the body and mind are in a dead state of sleep. Only in this way can we guarantee "East

"Master" maintains its normal form and will not harm those around it due to the escape of blood and energy in the body. But if he starts to transport the qi and blood, causing the qi and blood to start flowing again, inject it into the acupoints in the body, and activate the body and mind, then the "proprietor" can explode with majestic power.

Qiniang waved her hand and hit the "Ban Mian Sou", and countless smoke escaped. The smoke gathered into a long snow-white river, surrounding Qiniang layer by layer.

"Proprietor" exhales and then exhales.

There seemed to be a strong wind blowing between heaven and earth, and the billowing blood energy contained in it was comparable to the wind in the sky, and it was the nemesis of all sneaky evil spirits.

If the person fighting against "Dong Zhu" is an alchemist, even if he is in the same realm as Qiniang, he will still be affected at this time. However, Qiniang is not an alchemist, but a banished immortal. No matter how energetic he is, he will only feel a slight burning sensation on his face. That’s all.

After the two of them accumulated their strength, the "proprietor" moved.

In Qiniang's sight, the "proprietor" just leaned forward slightly, as if ready to run wildly, but in fact it was just an afterimage. The real "proprietor" had already rushed towards Qiniang, and Qiniang could only He relied on his spiritual sense rather than his eyes to judge the forward trajectory of "Dong Zhu". For a moment, wherever the "proprietor" passed by, the smoke laid down by Qiniang melted like ice and snow, and it could not last more than half a moment.

The punch of "Dongzhu" was nothing fancy at all. It was like destroying everything until it was three feet in front of Qiniang. At this moment, Qiniang's smoke was also condensed to the extreme. The majestic blood energy of "Lord" canceled each other out, and then the fists of flesh and blood collided with "Ban Mian Sou".

At this moment, half of the Five Elements Mountain seemed to tremble, and huge ripples of Qi spread. Wherever it passed, all the trees turned into powder, and the ground under the two people's feet was directly transformed by the burning of escaping blood. It is of glass texture.


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