Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1461: Snow Mountain God Fox!

Chapter 1461 The Snow Mountain God Fox!

In a few days!

The awakening cultivation has already reached a critical moment, and the whole body's breath fluctuates violently, revealing a mysterious and mysterious smell.

At a certain moment, accompanied by bursts of roar, an extremely powerful wave of strength suddenly burst out of his body, far better than before.

"Finally broke!"

Awakened and stood up, feeling the unprecedented powerful force, he couldn't help but smile, and the Demon Queen who refined the Mojing Sky Demon Python, his cultivation level finally broke through to the second level of the God-Communication Realm.

"The inner area is really different. Although the risk is high, it is also accompanied by opportunities. If I can persist, my strength will change drastically after nine years."

Su Xing's eyes couldn't help showing a touch of expectation.

Not long after he had just arrived in the inner surrounding area, his physical strength and cultivation strength had risen to the next level, which was undoubtedly a good sign.

Of course, a battle with the Smoky Crystal Sky Demon Python was also extremely dangerous.

Wake up and set off, go on the road again, while paying attention to the mountains and rivers, looking for space nodes, while fighting fiercely with the sky monsters.

If you encounter a Sky Monster Beast in the Profound God Realm, Awakening will choose to avoid it far.

With his current strength, fighting against the sky monster beast of that level is completely looking for death.

Time passed in a hurry.

Three years later, after awakening after hardships, his strength has also been greatly improved.

The cultivation base reached the fourth-order of the Tongshen Realm, because he was the fifth-order God Realm, and his combat power reached the ninth-tier Tongshen Realm.

But what is even more powerful is his physical strength. In the past three years, his physical strength has grown extremely fast, and he has already had 100 dragon powers.

The power of a hundred dragons is comparable to the Profound God Realm.

In other words, relying on physical strength, Awakening is no longer afraid of the existence of the first-order Profound God Realm.

Undoubtedly, this greatly improved his life-saving ability.

But he still did not find the space node.

"With my current strength, be careful to deal with it, it should be possible to hunt down the Profound God Realm Sky Monster Beast." Su Xing's eyes flashed, and the Profound God Realm Sky Monster Beast was full of treasures.

Its flesh and blood essence and demon pill are very effective in improving physical strength and cultivation.



After thinking about it, Suwaken frowned when he heard the call for help.

The inner surrounding area of ​​the Shenyue Mountain Range is sparsely human. He has experienced three years and has never met anyone else. At this moment, someone called for help, and he heard the voice, it seemed to be a young girl, which surprised him secretly.


The awakened figure flashed and ran towards the source of the sound.

Soon after, I saw a young girl running towards him.

The girl was wearing a snow-white dress, her figure was graceful and graceful, her features were delicate and flawless, her skin was white and tender and delicate, and she was very beautiful and moving.

Only at this moment, her beautiful pretty face was filled with anxiety and panic.

After seeing the awakening, as if he had encountered a savior, he hurriedly said: "My son, please save me."

"Oh?" Su Xing smiled faintly. From the girl's body, she felt a breath different from human beings. Although it was hidden deep, she still couldn't escape his eyes and ears.

This girl should not be human.

It may be some kind of monster, transformed into a human form.

But Wake up did not say anything, just smiled and said, "What is your name?"

"Snow... Xue Ling." The girl said with a tender face.

"Why do you come to the inner surrounding area of ​​the God's Meteorite Mountain Range, this is not something ordinary people can come to?" Suwa asked tentatively.

But she didn't want to. The girl didn't mean to conceal it. She honestly said: "My home is here. I am a snow-capped fox. Some people are chasing and killing me. Please save me."

"Snow Mountain God Fox!" Awakened, the girl's confession exceeded his expectations. What was even more surprising was that the girl was actually a Snow Mountain God Fox.

This tribe has always been very rare, but its potential for growth is enormous. Even the lowest bloodline in the Snow Mountain God Fox can become a god-level existence after cultivation.

"I am also a human race, are you afraid that I will harm you?" Su Xing smiled.

"My son won't." The girl shook her head with a certain face, and said: "We Snow Mountain God Fox, our perception is very keen, other races only have the five sense senses, but we have the sixth sense, spiritual sense."

"Through spiritual sense, I can feel that the son and the people who chase me are different."

The five senses are eye sense, ear sense, nose sense, tongue sense, and body sense.

Normal races will have it.

The Snow Mountain God Fox family has its talents and supernatural powers, possessing the sixth sense, spiritual sense.

They can perceive things that other races can't perceive, which is amazing.

"You guessed it right, but why should I protect you?" Awakening is not harmful, but he is unwilling to make more trouble.

In particular, Xue Ling's strength is not weak, with a cultivation base of about the sixth-order of the god-passing realm, and this family is very special, and most of its combat strength is more powerful than the cultivation base.

In this case, he would be chased and killed. Obviously, the person who chased him was not weak in strength and might have the cultivation base of the Profound God Realm.

"I know the inner surrounding area very well. The son should come here for experience! I can help the son find some treasures." Xue Ling said, she has the sixth sense, is exquisite and considerate.

Su Wake's heart moved. He didn't pay much attention to the baby in Xue Ling's mouth. Instead, he thought of another thing. Since Xue Ling knows the inner surrounding area of ​​the God's Falling Mountain Range very well, does she know the space node?

Taking a step back, even if Xue Ling didn't know, with the guidance of the host, he could save a lot of effort.

"Deal!" Su Xing nodded and agreed.

"Thank you, son, I know the law of change, son relax my guard, let me cling to you, it should be able to hide those people's eyes and ears." Xue Ling said.

"Okay!" Wake did not refuse. He was a physical martial artist. If Xue Ling dared to mess around, he was absolutely sure and pinched the opponent to death at the first time.

"Wow!" With a flash of light, Xue Ling turned into a dust and got into the awakened clothes.

Soon after, there were roars in the sky, and then a group of men and horses quickly descended, a total of more than a dozen people, each with a strong aura of cultivation.

Especially the head of a middle-aged woman, giving people a full sense of oppression.

"Profound God Realm!" Su Xing's gaze narrowed slightly, and it was not difficult to find out that the opponent was a Profound God Realm existence through the fluctuating aura emitted by the opponent.

The middle-aged woman looked up and down to wake up, used her spirit to investigate carefully, and found nothing unusual, she asked: "Boy, have you seen a girl?"

Su Xing frowned, disliked the other person's superior attitude, and asked, "Who are you?"

"I'm He Yunshang from the Hejia family, please answer my questions honestly." He Yunshang obviously didn't have so much patience. She hit the great luck this time and discovered the Snow Mountain God Fox. She understands the Snow Mountain God Fox better. value.

Once cultivated, the lowest is the existence of a heavenly god, which is very terrifying.

The most important thing is that the Snow Mountain God Fox family is very easy to domesticate, because they have a natural flaw, that is, once they are broken by a man, their life and death will be controlled by the other party, and since then they will be faithful and loyal.

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