Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1462: Dragon Nest!

Chapter 462 Dragon Nest!


Su Xing's heart sank slightly. He didn't expect that the other party's background was so big, he actually came from the He family.

Unlike the Shenhuo Sect and Yuqingmen, the He Family is the master of the Huoling State and controls the entire Huoling State.

Small sects like Shenhuo Sect and Yuqing Sect need to pay tribute to the He family every year to be eligible to continue to exist, otherwise they will be destroyed in an instant.

It can be said that looking at the entire Beiyin Divine Realm, the He Family is also considered a famous force.

Even, there is a true **** who sits at the seat.

Moreover, Awakening and the He family are considered old acquaintances. The He Yan he killed in the land of gods and spirits came from the He family.

Unexpectedly, I met the people of the He family so soon.

"I didn't see it." Su Xing shook his head. Even if the other party was from the He family, he would not really be afraid, let alone change his mind, and handed out Xue Ling.

"Then why are you here?" He Yunshang asked.

"Is it true that I came to God's Meteorite Mountains to experience, and the He family should also take care of it?" Su Xing asked in return: "It's you, why are so many people chasing a young girl?"

"This has nothing to do with you." He Yunshang said coldly. Naturally, she would not disclose the matter of the Snow Mountain God Fox. The Snow Mountain God Fox is of great importance, and even if the He family gets it, she needs to keep it secret.

Otherwise, if the opponent of the He Family knew about it, he would never sit back and watch the Snow Mountain God Fox grow up, and would do everything possible to kill it.

After all, the snow mountain **** fox that grows up is the lowest existence of the gods, and it will be invincible in the Beiyin gods.


Suddenly, He Yunshang took out a burst of flags, flung them in his hand, and inserted them in front of awakening. After a while, rays of light overflowed from the flags, and the circle of 100 meters around the center of awakening was enclosed. , Formed an enchantment.

"Your appearance is suspicious, stay here honestly." He Yunshang glanced lightly to wake up, waved his hand, and said: "We are chasing separately and digging three feet to find her."


A crowd of He family members quickly divided their troops and searched in all directions.

"I didn't find a problem on me, so I must be locked here. Is the He family acting so domineering?" Within the formation, the awakened face fell cold.

"My son, then... what shall we do?" Xue Ling, who was hiding in his awakening clothes, asked.

"A mere formation can't trap me." Su Xing smiled coldly, and explored with a big hand. The forbidden law field surged, forcibly breaking the power of the formation, and grabbed the formation flag in his hand.

"It's amazing! Although this banning formation is not clever, the materials and materials available are very good, without the strength of the eighth level of the Tongshen realm, it can't be broken at all."

Xue Ling was secretly frightened, she could see that she used physical power to wake up and break the formation, simple and rude.

In Xue Ling's eyes, Awakening turned into a humanoid sky monster.

Waking up without staying, he walked in the opposite direction of the He family. After a short while, he released Xue Ling out.

"Thank you son for saving my life." Xue Ling bowed.

"You're welcome, let's take what we need."

After waking up for a while, he said: "However, the matter of searching for treasures is set aside for the time being. I have something to ask you. Is there any place in the surrounding area of ​​the God's Meteorite Mountain that has abnormal spatial fluctuations?"

"A place with abnormal spatial fluctuations?" Xue Ling was startled, and shook his head blankly after a while, and said: "I have basically visited the inner surrounding area, and there seems to be no such place."

"Isn't there?" Su Xing's face darkened, indicating that either the space node was hidden too deep, or there was no space node in the inner surrounding area. His guess was wrong.

"However, there is a place I haven't been to. If there is an abnormal spatial fluctuation that the son said, it should be there." Xue Ling said again.


"Dragon's Nest!"

"Dragon's nest?" Su Xing was startled, "Is that the dragon's nest?"

Xue Ling said: "That was a long time ago. There are no dragons there anymore, but when real dragons look for their nests, they usually choose places where the laws of the gods are very rich, which is conducive to cultivation. So now, there are many sky monsters living in that place. , Is the most dangerous place in the inner surrounding area."

"Take me to see?" Su Xing said.

"If the son really wants to go, Xue Ling will take you there." Xue Ling paused, then said: "But let's say it first, Xue Ling will not go in because the place is too dangerous."

"Yes!" Su Xing nodded and agreed.

Immediately the two set out for Dragon Nest.

Xue Ling really knew the inner surrounding area very well, and avoided the territory of the powerful Sky Monster Beast along the way, saving a lot of trouble.

The Dragon's Nest is not particularly remote, and the two have arrived about ten days later.

There are huge mountains in the front, thousands of walls standing, and the roaring and roaring of giant beasts behind, which makes people's mind trembling.

In addition, the aura of Shinto law here is also very rich, far better than other places.

"Passing through these mountains is the dragon's nest. The laws of the gods inside are more concentrated. It is said that there are huge veins of the gods and countless treasures underground." Xue Ling said.

"It is indeed a blessed place for cultivation." Su Xing nodded secretly. Even if the space node is not here, it can be used to build sects. Of course, the premise is that you can clear out the countless sky monsters inside.

"Then I will send the son here. We have the chance to see you again." Xue Ling was about to leave. Because of its weakness, the Snow Mountain God Fox Clan was born with a vigilance towards male creatures.

"I'm afraid you can't leave." Su Xing raised his head and looked at the sky. A dozen rays of light galloped in, and He Yunshang was the leader.

"It's really not going away." Xue Ling also found the He family, and her expression changed slightly.

"Little beast, you really saved the Snow Mountain God Fox." He Yunshang stared at Wake with a murderous expression. She led people to search for Xue Ling and realized that something was wrong.

Returning to the place where the imprisonment was awakened, he found that the formation was broken, and even more suspicious in his heart, he immediately searched with all his strength, and finally found the awakening here in Dragon Nest.

"So what? You have the ability to fight in the Dragon Nest." Su Xing dropped a word, grabbed Xue Ling's fragrant shoulders, and floated towards the rear.

"Looking for death!" He Yunchang shot immediately, and with a palm slap, countless huge fireballs appeared in the void, rustling down, and shaking the mountain for a while.

However, the awakened figure is extremely flexible, a few flashes, it is to avoid those fireballs, the figure passed through the mountain and sank into the dragon's nest.

"Chasing!" He Yunchang was furious.

"Master Yunshang, the Dragon Nest is very dangerous. There are many sky monsters and beasts in it. Let's..."

"I asked for wealth and danger, and got the Snow Mountain God Fox. Everything is worth it. Who would dare not obey the order and kill without mercy." He Yunshang blocked other people's persuasion, his eyes were chilly.

A group of Hejia guards suddenly fell silent.

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