Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3336: Phaseless Tiangong

Chapter 3336: Unphased Heavenly Power

If you change to someone else, you will be the first to rush towards Yue Qing, Yue Zi and others.

After all, Yue Qing, Yue Zi and others are now fighting back, it can be said that they are holding the determination to die. Whoever dares to approach will inevitably face their crazy counterattack.

Even the tragic death that would be killed by them was on the spot.

Therefore, people such as Ning Kuo and others are acting collectively and will not rely on big things.

However, when Ji Wuxiang rushed out, he made the ten Yue Qing, Yue Zi and other ten, the elders of the Yue family's gods and clans, look like a big enemy.

They felt extremely dangerous aura from Ji Wuxiang.

Just like a fierce tiger and leopard, culled.


Yue Qing roared.

Soon, he and the other gods around him performed all kinds of heavenly magic.

Divine light emerged from the sky, bright and dazzling.

Moreover, it is filled with extremely tyrannical power fluctuations, raging and flying.

At this time, Ning Kuo and others were actually far away from Ji Wuxiang, and it was difficult to help them.

That is to say, Ji Wuxiang alone is facing the ten great gods of the Yue family.

Such boldness is indeed extraordinary.

A more terrifying scene appeared.

I saw Ji Wuxiang in mid-air, and his figure suddenly became extremely distracted and erratic, and he passed by calmly in many magical offensives.

He quickly drew near, a sage of the Yue family.


Suddenly, Ji Wuxiang appeared not far in front of the elder of the divine monarch and great clan, and then, seemingly simple, but actually contained a powerful palm, burst out.

This palm is unparalleled.

The palm strength is extremely powerful, as if it can shatter the sky.

At the moment of crisis, the ancestor of the sage of the Yue family also performed a god-given magic.

But, soon his offensive was destroyed by Ji Wuxiang's palm.

The two sides are not on the same level at all.

Accompanied by a huge roar, the elder of the **** of the Yue family was blown out for thousands of miles, his body exploded and almost died on the spot.

"Yue Hong!"

Yue Qing and Yue Zi couldn't help but screamed.


The great clan elder of the Yue Family God Sovereign named Yue Hong had finally completed his physical reorganization, but he had already suffered heavy injuries and it was difficult to take action again.

The audience was shocked.

Ji Wuxiang is really terrible.

He used his own power to fight against the ten great princes of the Yue family, and he was still hitting one person severely.

You know, when it comes to age and generation, Ji Wuxiang is a lot lower than Yue Qing, Yue Zi and others!

This means that his practice time is much shorter than that of Yue Qing, Yue Zi and others.

However, latecomers are already on the top.

This last era, the first arrogant of the Ji family, really deserves a reputation, quite terrifying.

"Old folks, be careful."

"Ji Wuxiang's'little Wuxiang Tiangong' is weird and changeable."

Zhou Daoyuan couldn't help but remind.

He has fought against Ji Wu before, and he knows the latter's methods better than others.

Ji Wuxiang’s most powerful thing is the "little Wuxiang Tiangong" he cultivated, which was born out of one of the eighty-one wonders in the world, the "Wuxiang Tiangong", which is terrifying.

However, Zhou Daoyuan's reminder didn't have much effect.

In an instant, Ji Wuxiang severely wounded the elder Yue Hong, causing the morale of everyone in the Yue family to fall to the bottom.

However, the battle power of a **** was lost.

It also made their situation worse and worse.

At this moment, Ning Kuo and others rushed over quickly.

There is no unnecessary nonsense.

Everyone was quickly performing the god-given technique, and began to besiege the Yue family and others.

In addition, there is a mighty force from the formation, which fell from the sky.

Ji Wuxiang ordered the people in this monster beast swamp, and the formations arranged were far more than simple as imprisoning the enemy, but also possessed a very powerful attack and kill ability.

After all, it was the red moon he had to deal with.

There will still be no careless actions, and will go all out.

Ji Wuxiang calmly watched the battlefield, standing with his hands held down, his eyes like eagle eyes, looking for his prey target.

At a certain moment, his figure suddenly disappeared.

When he reappeared, another slap shot out. In an instant, another Yue family elder was beaten to pieces and almost died on the spot.

"Yue Qing, Yue Zi, accept your fate!"

"With me here, don't think of pulling someone to bury you."

Ji Wuxiang's voice resounded throughout the audience.

This is desperate.

Yue Qing, Yue Zi and others also discovered that their previous thoughts were a bit too naive. If Ji Wuxiang took the audience, even if they wanted to find someone desperately, they would have no chance at all.

"Ji Wen, urge the sword formation to kill!"

When Ji Wuxiang saw Yue Qing and others, he didn't surrender when he died, and couldn't help narrowing his eyes.

Ji Wen in his mouth was a very good formation mage, and he also had the cultivation base of a god, and this formation in the monster swamp was dominated by him.

Obtained Ji Wuxiang's order, Ji Wen quickly began to urge, attack and kill the sword formation in the formation.

I saw that above the sky, countless sword lights emerged, dazzling, like a huge sea of ​​boundless swords, quickly impacted down.

Seeing this scene, Yue Qing, Yue Zi and others couldn't help showing desperate eyes.

This sword formation is extraordinary.

Even if they can resist it, they will probably get injured.

Then in the next battle, Ji Wuxiang will soon be killed one by one.

At this moment, something happened.

The Jianhai that crashed down in between suddenly changed its direction and rushed towards Ning Kuo and the others.

"My Nima..."

Shen Gan's face changed drastically, and he couldn't help but explode with a foul language, and the anger in his heart could be imagined.

Ning Kuo, He Gang and other gods were also shocked.

One by one fled and retreated back.

Fortunately, they were a little far away from Jianhai, and they finally got out in time.

But at this time, even Ji Wuxiang, his face became a little ugly, and he cursed: "Ji Wen, what the **** are you doing? Don't you even know who the enemy is?"

No wonder Ji Wuxiang is angry.

This kind of mistake is too low-level, you are a majestic formation master, who is not against us?


Not far behind Ji Wuxiang, a figure landed, it was Ji Wen.

He looked bitter and embarrassed: "Patriarch Ji, I didn't do it. Our formation was taken over."

"what did you say?"

Ji Wuxiang appeared in front of Ji Wen with a cry, grabbed Ji Wen by the collar, and said with a frightened expression: "Are you **** kidding me?"

"Patriarch Ji, there is a formation mage with extremely high formation skills. He moved his hands and feet in secret, causing me to lose control of all formations." Ji Wen said helplessly.

In fact, his anger was even greater.

It is a shame that the dignified mage was actually taken over by others.

But in front of Ji Wuxiang, he didn't dare to show anger, so he could only explain as much as possible.

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