Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3337: Unreasonable woman

Chapter 3337 The Unreasonable Woman

The sword light is like a sea, majestic and majestic.

It seemed that this monster swamp, which was a hundred thousand li around, was torn into pieces.

If Ning Kuo, Shen Qian and others hadn't retreated in time, at least some of them would suffer severe damage.

And such an accident naturally made everyone frightened.

On the other hand, Yue Qing, Yue Zi and the others were blank and surprised.

But obviously, this is a good thing.

"Old Yue Qing clan, what's going on?" Zhou Daoyuan asked.

"It seems that someone secretly took over Ji Wen's formation." Yue Qing said with an incredible expression.

"That's the Ji Family's Great Array Mage! Who can take over the formation from his hands?" Yue Zi exclaimed. Anyway, their Yue Family has no such talent.

Then, it also shows that it is not the Yue family who came to help.

This is also normal.

Now that the army is pressing against Yueyang Tianhu, the situation is tense and severe. Where does Yue'an Mountain dare to take people away without authorization, he is the last line of defense of the Yue family.

It is estimated that he is still singing the empty city plan.

I don't even know what happened here.

"Can you bring back control of the formation?" Ji Wuxiang said to Ji Wen with a calm face.

"I'm afraid it can't be done." Ji Wen looked bitter, and the opponent could quietly take over the formation he arranged, so the opponent's formation skills must surpass him by a lot.

In this case, how can he regain control of the formation.

Ji Wen felt aggrieved, angry and angry.

It's like building a house hard by yourself, but as a result, others have quietly become the owners of the house.

"Patriarch Ji, the other party is about to show up."

At this time, Ning Kuo said in a deep voice.

Everyone's gazes unanimously looked at the sky above the sky.

There, a gap was revealed in the formation enchantment, the light radiated, and two figures gradually emerged.

One man and one woman, all young people.

The man is handsome and handsome, with a long slender figure and heroic hair between his eyebrows, as if he is hiding a touch of cloudiness.

The woman is even more extraordinary, tall and radiant, with a graceful and graceful curve, wearing a red neon skirt, moving with the wind, adding a bit of freedom and heroism, not inferior to men in the world.

Its facial features are even more perfect.

The skin is white and soft like the snow in early winter, and it can be broken by blowing.

Dai's eyebrows are like distant mountains, her red lips are glittering and her eyes are clear.

Such a woman can only be described as Peerless Warriors.

Probably under this day, few men saw her, so they could not lose sight of her.

It's a pity that there is always a sense of indifference in the woman's eyes, coupled with her extraordinary and special identity, so that no one can really approach her.

Not to mention, walked into her misty heart.

"Luo Qing!"

"Red Moon!"

People exclaimed again and again.

This man and woman are naturally awakened and red moon.

Obviously, their presence at the moment caused a great sensation.

The hearts of everyone on the scene could not be calm.

Everyone was shocked by their sudden appearance, and even more shocked by their action together.

This is true of Yue Qing, Yue Zi and others.

The same is true for Ji Wuxiang.

On the contrary, it was the two parties, one with an indifferent expression, and the other calmed down after seeing Yue Qing, Yue Zi and the others, although they were injured, but there was no life worry.

"Yueshi, what do you mean?"

Ji Wuxiang stared at the red moon with a gloomy expression.

This is an attempt to sue the wicked first and win the first call.

Anyway, Hongyue should not know who his specific plan is aimed at.

However, facing Ji Wuxiang's questioning, Hongyue just glanced at him calmly, and said: "Ji Wuxiang, isn't it me that you set ambush here?"

Ji Wuxiang's heart burst.

Hongyue's bright eyes seemed to be able to see everything in the world, and he actually knew his plan.

Ji Wuxiang asked himself and did not expose.

There is no inner ghost of the red moon around to reveal the news to her.

Then, it was Hongyue who had guessed everything with her own wisdom.

"I don't seem to understand what Yueshi said. I am here to set up an ambush. The target is Yue Qing, Yue Zi and others. What does it have to do with Yueshi?"

Ji Wuxiang shook his head and denied.

At this time, it is naturally impossible for him to admit anything.

Then it really makes a mistake.

Without waiting for the red moon to speak, Ji Wuxiang said again: "It's the moon messenger. It is clear that we are a cooperative relationship. Why do you want someone to secretly take over Ji Wen's formation?"

This is in turn questioning Hongyue.

Now, Ji Wuxiang wants to take the initiative.

Waking up to see this scene, could not help but shook his head.

Ji Wuxiang is indeed very smart, but he doesn't understand women's hearts! Especially, women like Hongyue.

She won't tell you so much truth.

Sure enough, Hongyue ignored Ji Wuxiang’s questioning at all, just saying: "Ji Wuxiang, your path of cultivation is too smooth, and it's time for you to bear some setbacks."

"Yueshi doesn't want to make sense anymore?" Ji Wuxiang said with a calm face.

"With you, there is no reason to tell." Hongyue said flatly.

Seeing the atmosphere became rigid.

Shen Gan hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Master Yueshi, it is very pleasant for everyone to cooperate during this time, but don't cause too much conflict because of some small things!"

"If there is something we didn't do well, Shen Gan apologizes to you."

"Today, let's deal with the Yue family first!"

"After killing Yue Qing and others, in the next step, we can directly enter Yueyang Tianhu."

He Gang and Ning Kuo also started to persuade them.

However, Hongyue looked indifferent, without any thoughts of changing her mind.

"Juechen, do it!"

When He Gang, Ning Kuo and others all said their saliva was dry, Hongyue said leisurely.

But the order to attack was directly issued.


In the sky, dark clouds pressed against the top, sword light and sword aura emerged.

More terrible thunder was surging.

"My sword double formation!"

"Also incorporated into the power of Thunder..."

Ji Wen watched this scene, feeling smoke in his throat.

The sword double formation is what he has prepared this time, the strongest killing and defeating formation.

Now, not only has been taken over by Juechen.

In addition, Juechen incorporated the power of Thunder into it, turning the original double sword array into a "sword and thunder array", and its power increased to the next level.


However, facing this scene, Ji Wuxiang laughed frantically.

Then, he stared at Hongyue with cold eyes, and said: "What if you find out? As long as I catch you, my plan can still succeed."

"Red Moon, let me see, what is your ability this month!"

Now that the red moon has decided, Ji Wuxiang is too lazy to hide it.

He left a word and let Ning Kuo and the others hold it back, and then rushed to the red moon on the sky at an extremely fast speed.

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