Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3385: Baoshan

Chapter 3385: Baoshan

During the half month in the ghost capital of Wuyin, He Tong obtained a large amount of undead matter.

And, all refining.

Because she already has an innate blood sun divine body, it is impossible to cultivate an immortal divine body.

However, she can still enjoy the many benefits of immortal matter.

For example, improve cultivation base and increase strength.

At this moment, facing a Tier 1 monster, He Tong directly rushed up.


Fierce fighting broke out soon.

That area was shrouded in endless light, and smoke and dust billowed, destroying many mountains and forests.

"A group of **** actually dare to cause trouble, boss, I will teach them a meal." Yue Zhijun stared at the group of divine cultivators who had escaped from danger.

"Count me." Yan Feng said.

Soon, the two teamed up and rushed towards each other.

Soon after, fighting broke out.

During this period of time, both Yue Zhijun and Yanfeng's strengths have been greatly increased.

Today, their level of combat power can already rank among the kings of heaven.

And those **** cultivators, the most powerful, are just a few masters who are crossing the trilemma, in front of Yue Zhijun and Yanfeng, they are not enough to see.

"Would you like to let Yue Zhijun act lightly and get some useful information from them?" Gu Shan Ying said.

"Yanfeng knows what to do." Su Xing said with a smile.

"That's true." Gu Shanying thought for a while and nodded slightly.

Yue Zhijun might only care about being refreshed, not knowing the severity of his actions, but Yanfeng, he was a prisoner in the blood-colored sand at the beginning, able to survive in such a difficult and dangerous environment, naturally shrewd.

Even when he came to the ultimate place, there were many things to wake up, and he would ask Yanfeng's opinion.

Although Yanfeng is also the first time to come to the ultimate place, his knowledge of forbidden and dangerous places is beyond the reach of others.

At the beginning, it was difficult for others to break through the 100,000 sand hills in the blood-colored sand sea, but the scorching wind was fine, so he forcibly figured out a safe route.

The battle between Yue Zhijun and Yanfeng ended first.

After all, their opponents are many times weaker.

"get out!"

"Next time, I can't spare you."

Yue Zhijun kicked one of them, and those people immediately fled to the distance like a pardon.

Soon after, Yue Zhijun and Yanfeng returned.

Yan Feng looked at the awakening and said: "The group of people just now didn't understand the ultimate land, but according to what they said, it was because they picked the treasures of this place that led to the demon king."

Su Xing asked: "What do you think?"

Yan Feng said: "This matter is a bit weird. We didn't encounter any danger along the way. Every time we met the demon king, it was someone else who brought it out."

"This should have nothing to do with luck. It may be because we didn't pick the treasures of heaven and earth along the way."

Awakening nodded slightly.

Yan Feng's analysis makes sense, and he thinks so in his heart.

"So, isn't the boss's decision particularly wise?" Yue Zhijun said.

"Yes!" Yan Feng sighed with emotion.

What he admired and amazed most was not the talent of awakening, but, no matter what the situation, awakening can always make the most correct choice. This wisdom is hard to find in the world.

Ahead, the battle between He Tong and the first-order monster is coming to an end.

The strength of both sides has been raised to the extreme, fighting life and death.

Yan Feng, Yue Zhijun, and Kui Si all had frightened faces, but Gu Shanying was still calm.

As for waking up, he has more confidence in He Tong.

"Hey girl, the speed of this strength improvement is too fast! Actually, he already has the fighting power of the gods." Yan Feng said with emotion.

He asked himself to be considered a talented person.

In his sect back then, he was absolutely outstanding.

However, compared with He Tong, it was more than a little bit worse.

Yan Feng couldn't help but glanced at Su Xing and Gu Shanying. There were only two of them at the scene, which could be compared with He Tong.

Awakening should be able to stabilize the voltage over He Tong's head.

As for Gu Shanying, she has already created an innate divine body, even if it is inferior to He Tong, it will not be much worse.

"Sword formation!"

In front, sharp and tyrannical blade lights quickly emerged, covering the first-order monster.

In the huge roar, the first-order monster was finally beheaded by He Tong.

"I'm actually taking the opportunity to comprehend the High Sword Formation..."

Waking up surprised.

He Tong is not only talented, but also very perceptive.

She should have seen the Lingxiao Sword Formation displayed by Ye Dao when she was in the Ghost Capital of Fog, she had already gained a lot of experience, and she had begun to use it skillfully.

Such a skill is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Of course, this was also because He Tong was by Ye Dao himself, and it was related to his practice for a while.

With the foundation, she can understand the Lingxiao Sword Formation even more.

"The treasures here are ready to be picked." Su Xing said.

I didn't pick it before, because I didn't want to grow branches.

Now that the first-order monster had been beheaded by He Tong, naturally there was no need to worry about anything.

Kui Si quickly started.

He has a simple personality and has always been reticent, and as a poison repairer, his needs for the treasures of heaven and earth are second only to awakening among the people.

After all, if he wants to refine poisons, he needs to spend a lot of heaven and earth treasures.

As for awakening, he is preparing for the promotion of the gods.

Not only himself, but when He Tong broke into the realm of the gods, he would also need a lot of training resources.

Although he often quarrels with He Tong when he wakes up, he will naturally find a way for He Tong in these matters.

There are many treasures of heaven, material and earth within a radius of 100,000 miles. After the picking, the group continued to fly towards the east.

There is no absolute truth.

You don't have to pick heaven and earth treasures indiscriminately, and you won't encounter monsters.

Therefore, everyone has remained vigilant along the way.

A few days later, the footsteps of the group gradually slowed down.

They came to a very lively area, where there are many figures of gods and gods.

However, all the gods are almost scattered around a lofty mountain.

That towering mountain is quite extraordinary.

The mountain peaks are exuding precious light, and even a rock is like a very precious sacred stone. There are even rocks that emit a colorful halo, which is sacred and extraordinary.

And the mountains are full of sunshine, I don't know how many natural treasures grow.

Among them, the number of Tongtian Lingbao is not a minority.

It can be said that this is completely a treasure mountain.

Compared with this Baoshan, the natural treasures in other regions are not enough to see.

No wonder it has attracted a lot of spiritual cultivation.

However, after a few days, the cultivators had some preliminary understanding of this ultimate place.

Everyone knows very well that where there are treasures, there will be demon kings guarding them.

For a while, he did not act rashly.

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