Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3386: Two demon kings

Chapter 3386: Two Demon Kings

Experience and lessons are often bloody.

So impressive, even unforgettable.

Because of this, the gods of all races have contained the greed in their hearts, at least they did not act rashly.

But obviously, everyone is not willing to leave.

After all, in that treasure mountain, there are unclear treasures of heaven, material and earth, and you can get some at random. This trip to the ultimate land is not in vain.

Everyone is waiting.

As the number of gods of various races gathered around became more and more, they would act sooner or later.

At that time, there will inevitably be a killing.

Fight with the demon king.

Fight with gods of all races.

Seize opportunities and treasures.

Everyone thinks that he is the lucky one.

Everyone wants to fish in troubled waters.

In the face of greed, the ugliness of human nature will be exposed.

Divine cultivation is the same.

After all, spiritual cultivation also has seven emotions and six desires, so it is inevitable.

Finally, a spiritual practitioner began to act.

Strictly speaking, he is not a **** cultivator, but a demon cultivator, with the blood of the demon race flowing in his body.

However, his original intention was actually just to test it out.

But I didn't want to, I eventually became the fuse.

"Senior, below are the descendants of the Kunpeng clan, with Kunpeng's blood flowing in his body. I also hope that seniors will open up the net to allow me to enter the Baoshan and pick some magical medicine."

The demon repaired his mouth.

He stood in front of Baoshan with a respectful expression.

Then, no one responded.

He took this as a default.

Think that the demon king will not embarrass him, after all, why bother the demon.

However, when he stepped into Baoshan with one foot, something happened suddenly.

I saw beams of golden light lasing from Baoshan, swiftly slamming, and it was almost incredible.

However, since that demon cultivator dared to act, naturally he was not a general one.

He already has the level of combat power to rank among the kings of heaven.

However, as a descendant of the Kunpeng clan, his speed is even more comparable to that of a god.


His figure almost disappeared in the blink of an eye, successfully avoiding those golden light attacks.

At this moment, a figure appeared in Baoshan.

It was a white tiger, but it had a pair of golden pupils. It was not big, the size of a normal tiger, but it exuded a breath of power that made people very palpitating.


The white tiger with golden eyes is a monster.

Jin Tong Baihu's eyes looked at the descendant of the Kunpeng clan, and then, there was an incomparably sharp golden light that quickly shone out.

This is obviously an extraordinary pupil technique.

Belongs to the innate supernatural power of Jintong Baihu.

The monster race is different from the human race. They rarely practice divine arts, and even if they do, they won't have a particularly powerful power.

What Yaozu relies on is its own talent.

Their talents and supernatural powers are quite terrifying, and they are extremely compatible with themselves, and they can often explode with monstrous power.

At this moment, Jintong Baihu, and the descendants of the Kunpeng clan, are using their talents to fight.

Of course, when it was said that it was fighting, in fact, some of the descendants of the Kunpeng clan were praised, because basically, he was on the run, and the golden pupil and white tiger were attacking.

I have to say that the speed of the Kunpeng clan is indeed unparalleled in the world.

The descendant of the Kunpeng clan is clearly far inferior to the golden pupil and white tiger, but he can always avoid the deadly golden light attack in a crisis.

However, at this time, the other cultivators in the nearby area could no longer sit still.

The descendants of the Kunpeng clan dragged the golden-eyed white tiger. Is this a golden opportunity?

Everyone has been waiting for several days, aren't they just waiting for this moment?


"Quickly win the treasure!"


The cultivators of all races rushed to Baoshan from all directions.

At this moment, the greed in people's hearts was completely released, like a demon who had broken free.

Everyone seems to have seen the picture that they have obtained a lot of treasures, and then the cultivation base soars, soaring to the sky.

But reality, like a basin of cold water, pours them awake.


Suddenly, a dull roar sounded.

Immediately afterwards, a giant cow with blood-red skin rose into the sky from Baoshan.

On the back of the giant cow, there is a pair of **** fleshy wings.

Flying giant cow!

It exudes a monstrous demon spirit, and the terrible pressure belonging to the gods spreads.

Immediately afterwards, the huge hooves of the flying giant cow kicked out.

Within a single blow, hundreds of gods of various races were wiped out in ashes, and they died on the spot in an instant.

They didn't even have time to scream.



The cultivators of all races woke up.

They completely underestimated the protective power of this treasure mountain.

There is not only one demon, but two.

However, at this time, another golden light beam appeared in the sky again. Each golden light beam was accurate, penetrated the body of a **** cultivator, and the latter immediately died.

The spirit in his body was wiped out in an instant.

As for the life-saving hole cards, there is no time to use them.

"The golden pupil and white tiger actually kept their hands before! No wonder that the descendant of the Kunpeng clan was not killed." Yan Feng said.

At this moment, the golden pupil and the white tiger suddenly increased their demon power.

People understand how terrible it is once it gets angry.

Unfortunately, it was too late.

"Let's act!"

"Give me the golden pupil and white tiger."

He Tong left a sentence and walked directly towards Baoshan.

"Shan Ying, you and Xiao Yueyue, Yan Feng, go to deal with that flying giant cow." Su wakes up.

"Okay!" Gu Shanying nodded obediently.

Both Yue Zhijun and Yanfeng were a little nervous in their hearts. After all, the flying giant cow was an upright demon king, but the two of them quickly adjusted their state.

The main reason is that there is a awakening side by side, and the two are full of confidence.


Soon, those survivors who escaped from the Baoshan area were shocked to find that a little girl who was carved with powder and jade did not retreat but instead moved up the stream and rushed towards Baoshan.

"Which little girl! Why did you come here?"

"It's over."

Many people shook their heads and sighed.

But they were lucky enough to survive, so naturally they dare not have any idea of ​​saving people.

At this time, the little girl who was not optimistic about them had rushed to the front of Jin Tong Baihu, and then raised her fist and smashed it out.

In an instant, the terrifying power erupted, and the sky was trembling endlessly.


The survivors looked dumbfounded.

They couldn't figure out why a little girl who seemed harmless to humans and animals could contain such terrible power in her tiny body.

You know, even Jin Tong Baihu was repelled thousands of miles away by accident!


The next moment, Jin Tong Baihu let out an angry roar.

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