Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3402: Chasing Luo Zhao

Chapter 3402 Chasing Luo Zhao

Luo Zhao's archery skills can be described as superb.

The so-called archer, compared with him, is also a thousand miles away.

His arrows are not only extremely fast, but also extremely powerful.

In addition, it still cannot be avoided.

Even if it is lucky to avoid it temporarily, the arrow will still track it up quickly. If it does not achieve its purpose, it will not give up.

Even if he fled to the end of the world, he would still be unable to escape the fate of being shot by an arrow, unless the frontal opponent blocked the mighty edge of the arrow, but it was also extremely difficult.

Luo Zhao's cultivation base is at the peak of the difficulty of crossing the sky.

It was only one step away from the Divine Sovereign Realm.

However, as early as a few years ago, he had a proud record of killing the strong man with one arrow.

It was precisely because of that battle that he directly pushed his reputation to the height of Dao Cheng's first disciple.

As a result, Luo Zhao's arrow has become a sign of him, and it has become an incomparably jealous existence for countless gods.


The purple arrow bloomed with unparalleled light.

The power contained in it is even more terrifying.

However, he woke up still looking calm as water, he waved gently: "Sword here."


Tianque Broken Sword emerged.

Along with the awakening, the unparalleled divine power was poured into the Tianque Broken Sword, and the original missing blade was quickly filled, making the edge of this ancient sword to a higher level.

Immediately afterwards, facing the gorgeous and powerful purple arrow, the straight sword awakened and pierced forward.


Jianwei broke out.

Like a mountain torrent, roar like a tsunami.

Two extremely powerful forces collided crazily in the sky, and terrible air waves and sound waves spread rapidly in all directions, destroying the mountains and earth below, and billowing smoke.

However, when everything is calm.

People were shocked to discover that not only did they wake up without injury, their footsteps did not retreat at all.

This arrow was still taken by him calmly.


"No wonder you dare to be arrogant in front of me."

"However, with your current strength, it is still far from enough."

When Luo Zhao spoke, it was the third time to bend the bow and shoot the arrow.

This time, on the quaint big bow, blue arrows appeared, and there were three blue arrows.


When the sound of breaking through the sky sounded, the three green arrows had already penetrated the void and reached the awakened body.

Its speed is many times faster than the speed of sound propagation.

The three green arrows are all powerful and murderous.

However, Awakening was even more domineering, he actually stepped out directly, cutting off the three green arrows at a very fast speed, and then, the figure disappeared out of thin air.

When he appeared, he was already thousands of miles away, and the distance between him and Luo Zhao was shortened by one third.

Such a move was Luo Zhao, and his eyes condensed.

Then, the indifferent and cold voice of awakening sounded: "Come and not be indecent, you have attacked so many times, shouldn't it be my turn to shoot?"


When the voice fell, the waking voice disappeared again.

Luo Zhao retreated.

As far as Jian Xiu is concerned, the Space Cultivator is their biggest trouble.

Because, in front of the space monk, the distance is no longer a distance, which allows them to approach Jian Xiu calmly.

However, Jian Xiu, who is good at long-range attacks, is obviously not good at melee combat.

This is their weakness.


The terrifying coercion appeared above Luo Zhao's head.

Although his reaction speed was extremely fast, he evacuated backwards in the first time, but it was still too late.

With the awakening current cultivation base, spanning tens of thousands of miles, it is simply easy.

Luo Zhao's body style is extraordinary, but in front of the space cultivator, it seems a little inadequate.

Luo Zhao raised his eyes, raised his big bow, and shot three arrows one after another, trying to stop the offensive that Wake was pressing down from above.

He deserves to be the number one disciple of the Daocheng, and all aspects of cultivation have reached an extreme. After shooting three arrows, he continues to retreat to buy time for himself.

But how easy is it to get rid of awakening?

"In front of me, don't quit easily."

The awakened figure rang out from behind Luo Zhao.

In an instant, Luo Zhao's chills exploded in an instant, and an extremely dangerous breath surged into his heart.

Without thinking, he raised his bow and slammed it back.

The power of this blow was equally extraordinary.

However, the big bow seemed to hit an iron mountain.

Luo Zhao was shocked to discover that waking up only flatly put out a hand, which is to firmly grasp the simple bow, no matter how strong he is, he can't shake it.

There was also a kind of domineering suppression that quickly flocked to Luo Zhao.

"Are you still the flesh **** king?"

Luo Zhao's face changed in shock.

The two characters that Jian Xiu feared most were the space monk and the flesh monk.

The former is the easiest to approach Jian Xiu, the latter is invincible in close combat.

But now, awakening is actually occupied by both, which is simply the biggest nemesis of Luo Zhao.

At this moment, Luo Zhao even regretted showing up.

Knowing that Awakening had such a dual identity, he would definitely weigh the pros and cons before choosing whether to play, instead of just standing up like just now.


Wake up palms to exert force.

The terrifying force rushed forward, pushing towards Luo Zhao through the simple bow.

Feeling the power of the overwhelming mountains, Luo Zhao had to give up the simple bow and retreat.

"This bow is good!"

Wake up holding the simple bow and nodded slightly.

He can feel that this simple bow has a restrained charm and is extraordinary.

Luo Zhao's archery skills can be well-known in the nine regions of the East Spirit, and this big bow is definitely a great achievement.

"Lao Huang, completely erase the mark on Luo Zhao from inside this big bow."

Wake throws the simple bow into the Chaos Pool.

Then, his figure flashed, showing a void shuttle, and quickly caught up to Luo Zhao, with a sharp leg whip, struck out.

Losing the simple bow, Luo Zhao is like a tiger whose claws have been plucked, and his strength is greatly reduced.

At the moment of crisis, a faint blue light mask appeared on his body, and his awakening leg whip slammed on the light mask without a single blow.

This is very unusual.

You know, with the awakening current cultivation base, even a simple one-legged force has reached the level of the gods, which is extraordinary.

Obviously, the faint blue mask is a good life-saving trump card.

This is over.

After all, with Luo Zhao's identity, his life-saving hole cards are definitely not less.

However, for awakening, the big deal is to spend more time killing the opponent.

In front of him, it is impossible for the other party to escape.

"Luo Qing, don't deceive people too much."

Seeing Wake chasing after him again, Luo Zhao couldn't help but roar.

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