Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3403: Long Ritian shot

Chapter 3403 Long Ritian shot

There are countless gods all around, looking at the scene ahead, everyone is dumbfounded.

The menacing Luo Zhao, at this moment, was actually awake and fleeing chased by awakening. If it hadn't had a strong life-saving card, at least he would have ended up in the same way as Zhong Feiyu.


Isn't Luo Zhao the first disciple of Daocheng?

Shouldn't his strength be the strongest among Xuantianzong's disciples?

How could he be chased and killed by a new disciple and fled everywhere?


"Luo Qing's strength is too strong."

"It has only been a few years since he entered Xuan Tianzong? The growth rate of this guy is like a comet, too enchanting."

Countless people gasped, shocked inexplicably.

Everyone can see the situation clearly. The reason for this scene is not that Luo Zhao's silver gun waxed head, which didn't make sense, but that the awakening was too evil.

His strength is obviously superior to Luo Zhao.

This is almost impossible.

However, it happened right before our eyes, causing everyone to believe even if they didn't want to believe it.


At this time, the Zhong family's strong people finally couldn't sit still.

They could not tolerate Zhong Feiyu being killed, nor could they tolerate that Luo Zhao was in a dangerous situation. After all, the latter came for their Zhong family, and their relationship with the Zhong family was irreversible.

There are more than a hundred Zhong family powerhouses with terrifying momentum.

This is an extremely powerful force.

It is also the confidence of the Zhong family to hunt for treasures and explore in this ultimate place.

However, without waiting for the Zhong family to take action, there was a figure standing in front of them.

The opponent's hand also carried Zhong Feiyu who was like a dead dog.

"If you want to be disadvantageous to my eldest brother, have you asked me first?" Long Ritian said faintly, as if he didn't put the Zhong family's strong people in his eyes.

"Zhuzi is looking for death!"

"Kill this kid, save Feiyu first, then deal with Luo Qing and save Luo Zhao."

The powerful members of the Zhong family quickly made a decision.

They also didn't pay attention to Long Ritian, who had converged in Longwei, thinking that Long Ritian was just a awakened follower, which was nothing to worry about.

It just so happened that they could take this opportunity to save Zhong Feiyu first.

Soon, there were four or five masters who had survived the peak of the sky, and quickly rushed to Long Ritian.

They stood in five different positions, and their full body of God King Power swiftly circulated. Then, a magical technique was cast out and quickly enveloped Long Ritian.

The light from the sky flooded Long Ritian in an instant, bursting into a roar.

However, when the light dissipated, everyone was shocked to find that Long Ritian stood still, with no injuries on his body, as if he had not taken the offensive.

"With this little strength, how about tickling Grandpa?"

Long Ritian shook his head with disdain, and said lightly: "I'll give you another chance! Continue."


The strong members of the Zhong family were furious.

They have not been so despised, even if they wake up, they dare not do this? What's more, just one of his little brothers? It is tolerable or unbearable.

Soon, more than a dozen powerful Zhong family members flew away.

Their level of combat power can generally be ranked among the kings of heaven, and they are all big masters on the kings of heaven.

More than a dozen masters of the Heavenly Kings Ranking have acted, and their offensives are obviously much more terrifying than before.

The terrifying force whistled quickly, covering Xiang Long Ritian.

The sky is turbulent.

However, when everything was too calm, Long Ritian still stood still, unharmed.

At this moment, even a fool could see some weirdness.

At least Long Ritian is not a general.

"The old man will kill you."

At this time, a **** from the Zhong family flew out.

As a god, even if his power dare not be fully exposed, it is not trivial, not comparable to a master on the list of ordinary heavenly kings.

The divine monarch used a flying sword, and accompanied him to pour a powerful force into it. The flying sword exploded at Long Ritian at a very fast speed.

With this sword, the momentum was like a rainbow, and murderous intent emerged.

However, Long Ritian was just light and fluttering, protruding out a palm, and without seeing him using his cultivation base, he directly held the opponent's flying sword.

The palm of his hand seemed to capture the sky, as if to slaughter the gods.

The dragon clan is not only strong in cultivation, but also with physical talents, which is also at the top of the food chain.

Because of this, the power of the physical monk is the power of the true dragon.

But the real dragon here refers to the strength of the dragon clan when it was born, not the strength of an adult real dragon.

After the real dragon reaches adulthood, its power is so powerful that it is many times stronger than before.


Long Ritian's palm exerted strength, unexpectedly, and crushed the flying sword.

Then, he raised his eyes, with an indifferent color, glanced at the Zhong Family God Sovereign, and said: "Even if your power can be fully utilized, it is like an ant in front of me."

"What's more, it's you now."

When the voice fell, Long Ritian shot out with a punch in the eyes of the powerful Zhong family.

A seemingly simple punch, but it possesses terrifying power.

The first to bear the brunt was the first to strike at Long Ritian. Those four or five masters who were at the pinnacle of difficulty, they didn't even have time to scream, and they were wiped out under the impact of the torrent of power.

Immediately after that are the dozens of top players on the list of kings.

They have the opportunity to make some reactions, but they are still useless.

When the terrible torrent of power smashed down, their same ashes were wiped out, and there was no chance of luck.

In the end, the terrible boxing Gang, like a broken bamboo along the way, slew the Zhong family's strong.


The Zhong family strong, the reaction is not unpleasant.

They quickly unleash a joint attack, attempting to use their overall strength to fight against Long Ritian.


Enchanted rays of light rose up from all around the powerful members of the Zhong family, protecting them.

At this moment, Long Ritian's fist gang had already been killed.


Amidst the earth-shattering roar, the formation barrier was quickly destroyed, and the powerful members of the Zhong family were defeated like a mountain, and many people were directly lifted out.

They were frightened and furious, but they couldn't hide their fear.

Finally came to understand that Long Ritian's strength is extremely unpredictable, even stronger than awakening, and is not a simple follower at all.

But, you are so strong, and still be someone’s follower, is it interesting?

Don't even need a little skin and dignity to be strong?

The powerful members of the Zhong family have no time to spit out, let alone understand that Long Ritian's heartache when he surrendered, because the other party had already killed him.

"True dragon waving its tail!"

Long Ritian gave a faint sip, and his sharp leg whip swept out.

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