Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 1017 Tug of War

The three-headed saint who had sensed the danger and dodged it almost vomited blood when he saw this scene. One of his strongest trump cards was broken by a group of small insects in the out-of-body stage.

The most terrifying thing is that his life demon pill has gradually approached the edge of the mouth of the white-scaled demon python.

"Big big! Get bigger!"

The three-headed saint shouted again and again.

The life demon pill that had shrunk to the size of a walnut quickly grew larger and expanded to the size of a star again. Even the thousand-foot-long Xiaobai seemed to become an ant in front of the demon pill.

"Let's see how you swallow it. Even if you swallow it, you will be stuffed to death!"

But then, his life demon pill became smaller, and then it became smaller and smaller as it approached the mouth of the white-scaled demon python... This is the space being compressed!

This wild sky-swallowing ancient snake can swallow the stars, the sun and the moon, but when the ancient snake was young, it could not be bigger than the stars, the sun and the moon, so when they swallowed, it would cause space compression, and even the largest target would become small after compression.

The three-headed saint was anxious for a moment. A flash of light appeared in his hand, and a pill emitting dazzling blood light appeared. With a gulp, the pill was swallowed into the stomach of the three-headed saint.

For a moment, the three heads and six eyes of the three-headed saint turned scarlet, and blood and qi overflowed from his body, and his breath increased sharply.

The senior sister sneered.

"This is the blood soul pill. After swallowing it, he will kill 1,000 enemies and lose 800 of his own. His soul power and blood essence are boiling and overflowing. Even if we don't do anything, he will enter a long period of weakness after half an hour of the drug effect. It is very likely to cause his realm to regress and his soul to be greatly damaged."

"This guy wants to forcibly take back the demon pill at the risk of regressing his realm, which is enough to show how important this demon pill is to him."

The hair of the three heads of the three-headed saint also turned blood red, and the hair stood up. There was a hazy blood around his body. He grabbed the demon pill with his big hand.

"Come back to me!"

Instantly, the demon pill of the three-headed saint was also wrapped in blood and began to tremble. It seemed to be slowly flying towards the direction of the three-headed saint, and the size of the demon pill was also growing rapidly.

Seeing that the three-headed saint was about to take the demon pill back, Ye Lin's party would naturally not sit and wait for death. The sword immortals urged the sword energy to control the flying swords to attack the three-headed saint.

At the same time, the huge Xiaoqi and Ao Lingshuang grabbed the huge demon pill like a star again, and wanted to push the demon pill into Xiaobai's mouth. Ye Lin also pinched his fingers, and the ten-thousand-foot-long ancestor dragon incarnation appeared. The two ancestor dragon claws stretched out and grabbed the bottom of the demon pill tightly.

The three-headed saint once again controlled the golden flying sword and scissors to fight with the flying swords of the sword immortals, and at the same time gritted his teeth and burst out his magic power, trying to take the demon pill back.

No one could have imagined that what was originally a battle that could destroy the world turned into a tug-of-war between the two sides.

It must be said that the magic power of the three-headed saint king was boundless after swallowing the blood soul pill. With so many people working together, the demon pill was still slowly flying towards the three-headed saint king, and it was about to escape from Xiaobai's space compression range.

Ye Lin snorted coldly.

"Tug of war? It's not cheating if there are more people!"

Ye Lin waved his sleeves, and 150,000 spiritual lights appeared, and 50,000 golden-backed man-eating ants, 50,000 thousand silk spiders, and 50,000 snow silkworms appeared at the same time.



The golden-backed man-eating ants, which were covered with muscles, grew in size and resisted the huge demon pill. At the same time, the thousand silk spiders and snow shovels spit out extremely tough silk threads to wrap the demon pill and drag it towards Xiaobai.

With 150,000 spiritual insects joining the tug-of-war competition, the magic power of the three-headed saint king could no longer hold the demon pill. The demon pill became smaller and smaller again and slid towards Xiaobai's enlarged mouth.

The three-headed saint almost lost his soul when he saw this scene. With a ratio of 150,000 to 1, how could he possibly win?

"Primordial Spirit True Fire, burn these damned bugs to death!"

As a last resort, the three-headed saint burned his soul again with a "boom" and ignited the Primordial Spirit True Fire. The demon pill connected to his soul also began to burn with a raging fire. The terrifying high temperature instantly burned the silk of the thousand-silk spider and the snow silkworm, and the 50,000 golden-backed man-eating ants that resisted the demon pill were all on fire at the same time.

Fortunately, they all practiced the "Nine-turn Demon God Body" to the fifth turn, so they were not burned to ashes in an instant, but their whole bodies were burned red, and the surface of their bodies had already shown a tendency to melt and burn.

At the same time, Xiaoqi, Ao Lingshuang, and the incarnation of Zulong were also ignited by the Primordial Spirit True Fire.

The flaming devil scorpions, who had been prepared for a long time, opened their mouths, and all the soul fires turned into flame threads and were swallowed by the flaming devil scorpions. The soul fires on the three-headed saint were also close to extinguishing, and the soul fires on the demon pill were completely extinguished.

The 50,000 golden-backed man-eating ants, whose bodies were burnt black, did not seem to feel any pain. They all continued to work hard to resist the huge demon pill. The 50,000 silk spiders and snow silkworms once again spit out a large net to wrap the demon pill and began to drag it.

The three-headed saint finally showed a look of despair.

He had now exhausted all his means and had no trump cards to speak of. All his tricks were cracked by Ye Lin's various spirit insects one by one.

The demon pill was getting smaller and smaller. With a "gulp" sound, Xiaobai's throat moved and completely swallowed it into his stomach. The three-headed saint's eyes shed tears of blood and screamed in pain.


Because he had completely lost contact with his natal Taoist weapon, the Three-Headed Saint King suffered a backlash of his soul. All three heads spat out a mouthful of blood, his breath suddenly plummeted, his spirit became unstable, and his realm directly regressed to the early stage of Return to the Void.

If this demon pill was just his natal weapon, the Three-Headed Saint who lost his natal weapon would at most suffer a short period of weakness due to the damage to his soul, and he could recover from the injury by taking some elixir of heavenly materials and earthly treasures. However, this demon pill was a part of his body, just like a dragon losing its dragon ball, so its strength naturally plummeted and its realm became unstable.

The head in the middle of the Three-Headed Saint roared.

“This is impossible, this is impossible. I am the Three-Headed Saint, in charge of the Three-Headed Demon Realm with hundreds of billions of demons, and I have dozens of Return to Void Stage masters under my command. I have just broken through the Return to Void Great Perfection Realm. How could I be defeated by a Chosen Son of Heaven from a mere third-class mortal realm? I am unwilling, I am unwilling!”

The head on the left of the Three-Headed Saint seemed to only know how to laugh. Even now, he still laughed bitterly.

"If I had known this, I wouldn't have come... If I hadn't used the 'Reversal of Heaven and Earth' technique, my cultivation wouldn't have plummeted, and I wouldn't have entered this world... It looks like we're not going to get this great opportunity. Hahaha... What the hell is Return to the Void Great Perfection? It's a joke. After practicing hard for hundreds of thousands of years, I only experienced the feeling of Return to the Void Great Perfection for one day..."

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