Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 1018 Poison Cloud Magic Pill

The head on the right side of the Three-Headed Saint still had a ferocious look, and his eyes contained endless unwillingness and hatred.

"No! We haven't lost yet, we haven't lost yet! Take out all our trump cards and kill them. They will all pay the price and regret everything they have done forever!"

Ye Lin didn't care whether the Three-Headed Saint was crazy or insane. With a wave of his sleeves, two strings of prayer beads flew out at the same time. They were the Ten Directions Ghost King Prayer Beads and the Shura Buddha Relics Beads.

These two magic weapons are treasures with powerful sealing abilities. The demons are invisible bodies, and they are most afraid of seals.

The Three-Headed Saint, whose strength plummeted, was unwilling to admit defeat. He flashed and wanted to escape, but unexpectedly, the silk of 50,000 thousand silk spiders and 10,000 snow silkworms had already condensed into a large net that could cover tens of thousands of miles. Each thousand silk spider and snow silkworm sat on a buttocks spitting fire. They dragged the large net towards the fleeing Three-Headed Saint.

The great catastrophe of the demons has been going on for hundreds of years. The spider silk and silkworm silk of the Thousand Silk Spider and the Snow Silkworm have long been able to net the demon spirit. As long as he is caught up, the three-headed saint will be netted by the tough spider silk and silkworm silk.

Following closely behind, Ye Lin started the Wind God Boat carrying six sword immortals, the white dragon Ao Lingshuang, and the half-demon god Xiaoqi to chase after him.

In the heyday of the three-headed saint, the insect sea tactics would only increase casualties, but now that the three-headed saint is no longer strong, the threat is greatly reduced, and the insect sea tactics will become his nightmare and end everything for him!


As the three-headed saint fled, the three heads cast spells at the same time. Purple lightning, flaming meteors, and the claws of the devil roared towards the insect swarm. At the same time, the golden flying sword and the best Taoist scissors also attacked the army of spirit insects.

Swish, swish, swish!

Sharp sword lights flashed by, the thunder was cut into pieces, the flaming meteors were hit by the sword energy and exploded, and the claws of the demon king were cut and dissipated.

The golden flying sword and the best Taoist scissors were also easily intercepted by the flying swords, and were beaten back again and again.

Before, even the six sword immortals could not resist the full-strength attack of the three-headed saint, but now, the three-headed saint has lost the demon pill that has been nurtured and condensed for hundreds of thousands of years, and his realm has fallen to the early stage of returning to the void, and he has to suppress the negative effects of the blood soul pill in his body. His strength is less than one-third of his peak period.

On the other hand, Ye Lin's side not only has no decline in strength, but also has added more than 100,000 out-of-body great perfection spirit insects to fight. As one side grows, the other side grows, and the three-headed saint also knows that there is no hope of winning a head-on battle with Ye Lin now, and can only try every means to escape.

As long as he is given enough time, he can recover his soul damage, and the side effects of "The Method of Reversing the Universe" will disappear little by little, and his cultivation can be quickly restored. Although it is hopeless to return to the Great Perfection of Return to the Void in a short time, the Three-Headed Saint is quite confident of recovering to the late stage of Return to the Void.

By then, the Three-Headed Saint can easily defeat Ye Lin and take away everything from Ye Lin. Although he suffered huge losses in this trip to the Continent of Ten Thousand Nations, as long as he takes away Ye Lin's luck and opportunity, or even takes over his body, everything is worth it.

He saw a glimmer of the possibility of transcending the tribulation and ascending in Ye Lin!

In the space turbulence layer, space turbulence is everywhere, but space turbulence is not half the material of seawater, but an invisible space power that can destroy the flesh and corrode the soul. Therefore, there is no resistance in the space turbulence layer, just like the outer space, it can be infinitely accelerated until it is infinitely close to the speed of light.

The Three-Headed Saint saw that his magic and two top-grade Taoist artifacts were unable to stop the approach of Ye Lin's spirit insect army. Seeing that he was about to be covered by the insect net, he gritted his teeth and took out another pill emitting rolling demonic energy from the storage space, and swallowed it with a gulp.

In an instant, the ink-like majestic demonic energy gushed out from the seven orifices and pores of the Three-Headed Saint. The speed of the Three-Headed Saint increased sharply, leaving a long black gas line wherever he passed.

The black gas spread rapidly with the turbulence of space.

Senior sister frowned slightly and warned.

"Be careful, this pill is called the Poison Cloud Demon Pill. After swallowing it, you will have a poisonous cloud demon body in a short time. Wherever you pass, you will leave a highly poisonous demon cloud to block the pursuing cultivators. Even the cultivators in the early stage of returning to the void cannot touch it too much!"

As expected, the mana shields of the spirit insects that rushed into the range of the black gas were all dyed ink black, and the mana shields began to melt rapidly.

Ye Lin's face darkened, and with a wave of his hand, the spirit insects whose magic shields were about to melt were directly collected into the ancient ring space. Many of them had been infected by the poisonous cloud magic energy, and their bodies showed signs of festering.

The entire pursuit army stopped instantly, and Ye Lin couldn't help but sigh.

"I have to say, this three-headed saint has a lot of life-saving cards."

Xiaobai burped and said.

"It makes sense. After all, this guy has lived for hundreds of thousands of years. Even if he gets one trump card every 100,000 years, there are still many."

Qin Jin'er asked anxiously.

"Husband, what should we do now? If we let the three-headed saint escape, he will definitely come back when he recovers his strength. By then, he will know our methods and it will be even more difficult to deal with him."

Xiaobai burped again and said.

"If Xiaobai hadn't eaten a little too much just now, he could have swallowed these poisonous clouds in one gulp. Now he can't eat anything at all..."

Ye Lin touched Xiaobai's head.

"Don't be too anxious. Although this spatial turbulence can interfere with my spiritual sense, he can't escape my spiritual sense in a short time. Besides, wherever he passes, he leaves traces of poisonous clouds. Anyone who is not blind can find where he ran to."

Senior sister also smiled.

"This poison cloud magic pill is indeed first-class in terms of life-saving ability, but it is not without side effects. On the contrary, the side effects are extremely great. First of all, it will consume 100,000 years of life. Secondly, within ten days, no matter what means he uses, he will not be able to stop the spread of the poison cloud. If he hides in a closed place, he will eventually absorb too much poison cloud. When the effect of the medicine is over, he will end up poisoning himself. These poison clouds can pollute the soul."

Ye Lin waved his sleeves.

Xiao Dan appeared in front of Ye Lin.

Xiao Dan is not good at fighting, so he rarely appears on the front battlefield.

"Xiao Dan, you quickly collect some poison clouds and find some spirit insects that are not affected by the poison clouds or can absorb the poison clouds. If you can't find them, you can only develop pills that reduce the poison effect or heal the poison injury as quickly as possible."

"Those poisoned spirit insects must also be treated as soon as possible. If the poison cannot be resolved in a short time, find a way to suppress the poison effect first, and then slowly research the antidote in the future."

Xiao Dan responded quickly.

"Yes, sir."

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