Pioneer Knight

Chapter 147:

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However, the double protection did not spare them!


The loud noise of the earth shaking and the powerful power of the earth, centered on the two of Hughes and Monas, spread to the surrounding like waves. Whether it's trees, houses, rocks, horses, warriors, or dead bodies, they are instantly turned into dust!

In the end, there were only two bald men and short warriors, with a look of embarrassment, and the armor stood on the village open space in tatters.

Vasti, Piero and the remaining six warriors and eight horses have all disappeared!

Hughes and Monas also disappeared!

Looking at the ruined village, the short soldier said softly, "Brother, what should we do?"

"It must be impossible to go back. Let's find a place to hide!" the bald warrior touched the axe in his hand.

"I listen to my elder brother!" The squat soldiers trembled involuntarily when they thought of their young master.

"Go!" The bald man strode out of the village.

"Something didn't work out, I didn't want to go back and ask for guilt, but I wanted to escape!" Suddenly, a woman's voice came in the air.

"Miss Mira! We..." The stout soldier looked up at the woman, her face pale instantly.

"What do you want?" The bald warrior clenched the axe, shining cold light in his eyes, and shouted at the woman.

"Want to do it? With your two 9th-level fighters, not my opponent!" Mila floated in the air, staring at the two fighters under her feet.

"You just broke through as a seventh-level wind magician! Anyway, it's dead to go back, it's better to fight!" The eyes of the bald warrior are even colder.

"Okay! Worthy of being Master's most valuable warrior, and knowing to resist even if you die! Then I will fulfill you!" Mila floated to a higher position, and then read the spell to prepare to exhibit the wind magic.

"Hands!" The bald warrior shouted, and the axe in his hand immediately turned into a residual image. The splitting axe flashed the electric light and shot at Miss Mila in the air.

The stout warrior also immediately exhibited his special skill of "slinging fist", which is a top martial art. Every punch punched out is like a spider's silk, tough and lingering, and silk, it must be like anything. Falling into a spider's hole is generally full of sticky spider silk, making it difficult to cast your fists. If you reach a high depth, this silk fist can also entrap the soul of the enemy, achieving the effect of the magic sword warrior soul seal!

The stout warrior obviously has not yet reached that high and deep state, but the fists he shot also have a trace, tangled effect!

"Armor of the Wind!"

Miss Mila immediately exhibited wind defensive magic. I saw countless transparent particles of wind element condensing around her to form an armor shape, covering her whole body. If Mona Siqin sees this armor, he will definitely envy it, because this armor is not only tough and thick, but also more white and shiny than hers!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

The axe light flashing the electric awn, the fist shadows like the spider silk all hit the white armor, which had no effect on Miss Mila's body.

This is the gap between the magician and the warrior! Seventh-level magicians can completely suppress nineth-level warriors!

The reason for this is that in addition to the elements that the magician absorbs more finely than the warrior, the magician can display defensive magic, and the defense range can also increase as the magic power increases, and the defense power also increases. The soldiers have no protective measures, only the armor on their body can resist.

However, the armor only plays a protective role in the battle between the same soldiers, because both sides use swords, axes, whips and other battles, while the magician is in control of the attack of the elements of the world, so in the battle with the magician, The armor on the soldiers will not play any role!

"Wind System Taboo Magical Skill-Devouring the Storm!"

With the sound of Miss Mila, a white light flashed in the dark night, and a whistling storm came from the void and swept across the village. The original dilapidated village became flat and clean after the storm, except that in this flat and clean land, there was nothing but the bare earth!

"Use magic skills to store stones!" The bald warrior also knew how powerful it was, and immediately shouted, throwing amber and jade beads with nine levels of earth defense magic skills, and in an instant, set up a hard in front of the two of them. The iron-like earth wall blocked the fierce storm.

The magic skill storage stone is made by the magician storing the magic skill in the white tiger purple gold jade, Linghan stone and amber jade beads. Generally, the white tiger purple gold jade can only store the first-level to third-level magic skills (primary magic skills), the Linghan stone stores the fourth-level to sixth-level magic skills (intermediate and advanced magic skills), and the amber jade beads store the seventh- to nineth-level magic skills (advanced, Taboo magic).

It is said that the first person who made the magic storage stone was a female sanctuary magician 10,000 years ago.

Because of her beloved person, a warrior, she can't display defensive combat skills like a magician, and every time she fights, she is worried. So she suddenly wondered: Is it possible to store her defensive magic and give it to the beloved one, so that when he is playing against people, he can only play defensive magic when he throws it?

After continuous experimentation, she found that to store magic skills, she must find a medium that can withstand the great power of magic skills! After decades and hundreds of years of searching, she found the white tiger purple gold jade, this tough jade. As a result, the first magic storage stone was created.

In the following thousands of years, people kept experimenting, and finally found more tough stones: Linghan stone and amber jade beads in various media like a sea of ​​smoke!

"Huh! The magic skills exhibited by using the magic skill storage stone can only be maintained for half a minute. After half a minute, I think how do you still hide?" Miss Mila sneered, the soul kept controlling the storm and attacked the two warriors. !

In the Golden Phoenix Continent, there are five levels of martial arts: primary martial arts, intermediate martial arts, advanced martial arts, top martial arts and special martial arts. The higher the level of martial arts, the more combat power is needed, and the more powerful it is.

Similarly, there are five levels of magic skills: primary magic skills, intermediate magic skills, advanced magic skills, taboo magic skills and death magic skills. The higher the level, the stronger the soul power and the greater the power!

But practicing magic skills is different from practicing martial arts.

There are not many restrictions on practicing martial arts. Whether it is a strong person or a weak person, you can practice super-level combat skills. But practicing magic skills has a soul limitation. Only the soul power of level 7 or higher can cultivate taboo magic skills, and the death magic skills require the spirit power of the sanctuary to practice!


The stout warrior shouted suddenly, and instantly threw six Linghan stones and one amber jade bead!

It turned out that he had been lucky just now, thinking that he could not tear his face completely, but at this moment, Mira continued to strengthen the power of the storm. Seeing that the earth wall was about to be broken, once it was broken, they would die! He also fully understood in his heart that either they died tonight, or Mira's death, and he went out.

The six Linghan Stones are all six-level fire magic skills-big fireball, and one amber jade bead is actually a gold taboo magic skill-blasting golden hammer!

"Bang!", "Bang!", "Bang!", "Bang!", "Bang!", "Bang!"

Six loud noises exploded around Mila, making it too late for Mila to avoid it. She could only control the wind armor on her body to resist it. Then, at this moment, a very large golden hammer fell from the sky.


It's like the thunder is bursting, and it's falling apart!

The wind armor on Mila's body was shattered into pieces, and his body was smashed into the ground, blood spewing wildly!

"Haha..." Seeing Mila was seriously wounded, not far from death, the bald warrior and the stout warrior could not help laughing laughter!

"Dead!" Suddenly, under a piece of mud less than ten meters away from them, a cold and tender drink came out, and then two Ling Han stones exploded beside them!

One is the sixth-level magic of the fire system-Great Fireball, and the other is the sixth-level magic of the thunder system-Jiao Leishu!

The two soldiers didn't expect anyone to make a sneak attack. They were caught unprepared when they were unprepared. The two were instantly blown into serious injuries and their combat power was messy.

Suddenly, on the empty land of the village that had turned into nothingness, the golden light flashed, and two people appeared, it was Hughes and Monas. The two Ling Han stones were thrown by Hughes just now! The final mastermind is, of course, Laziborg, a veteran of murder and surrender!

It turned out that they did not turn to ashes, but at the most critical moment, the dragon eye ring on Hughes' chest sucked them all in! Then the dragon's eye ring was buried under the ground by the dust that swept from it.

After entering the dragon's eye ring, Hughes and Monas are very shocked!

However, Hughes was shocked with infinite joy: "The original dragon eye ring has such a wonderful thing, and it can also hide in the critical moment! This is definitely the best protective weapon!"

Meng Nasiqin was completely ignorant, I don’t know why I came to such an empty environment, and I don’t know where it is, just to see all kinds of babies scattered around me: the millennium blue fish, white tiger and purple gold Jade, gilt gold ore, blood jade rabbit clothes, martial arts boxing... and so on.

Finally, Hughes told her in detail about the magic of the dragon's eye ring, and she understood it completely, and also envied Hughes to have such a wonderful baby, but she was only envious and did not want to take it for herself. !

Lazibuge, who was attached to the soul of Hughes, was sad, resentful, and regretful!

"I already knew that Dragon's Eye has such an effect. I have to drip blood to recognize the Lord first. In that case, I will not have it. In the siege of the opponent, the body was smashed, the soul was hiding everywhere, and the Warcraft was The tragic fate of the arrest!" Laziborg shouted again and again, but he did not dare to declare it.


"Haha, Miss Monasqin, we can make a small fortune again!" Hughes became more and more greedy, perhaps because it was too poor in the past, and then became rich overnight, and tasted the sweetness of being a rich man, So there will be such a change.

"Wait a minute, let me vent my inner depression first!" Meng Nasiqin said as she floated up in the air, performing a wind blade technique on the bald warrior and the short warrior. I saw a wind knife that cut the two soldiers into perfection, not far from death!

Hughes couldn't help but tremble: "This is too cruel. Everyone has been seriously injured, and they have to attack!"

"It's not cruel, it's savvy! Only make sure that the enemy does not have any strength to fight back, can we relax our vigilance, otherwise we may fall into a crisis!" Raziborg very much agrees with Monash's approach.

"Quick! Search their bodies, and leave quickly. I saw a large group of people coming from the town of Yemo!" Mona Siqin landed on the ground and immediately took Mira from the big pit. , Preparing to search, but heard Hughes say: "It's too late!"

Meng Nasiqin looked up, and in the misty moonlight, she really saw a dark shadow, fluttering and flying, flew by, and blinked to the two in front of him.

The man was wrapped in a black robe, and he couldn't see how it looked, but the fingers he stretched out were as pale as chicken feet, and he only heard his voice grumbled: "You two little boys, so big Dare, even the people of Master Upson dare to kill!"

As soon as Hughes heard his voice, there was a sudden trance in his mind. The body of the soul was suddenly covered with a layer of gray and black things. Fortunately, there was a pattern of golden elements outside his soul, plus the mystery of the dragon's eye ring. Power, just to resist the further erosion of gray and black things.

However, when he looked at Meng Nasqin, he found that she was crumbling, and seemed to be in a fascination. He quickly went up to hold it and shouted, "Miss Meng Nasqin! Ms. Meng Nasqin!" Unfortunately, no matter what he called, Meng Nasiqin did not wake up, and soon fell into a coma.

"It turns out that your little baby also has a dragon's eye ring, and the soul is still mutated. Actually, only the second-level soul power produces the magic crystal, and the magic crystal is still generated outside the body of the soul. It's not easy!" Although surprised, the tone was even darker.

Although his words were slight, in Hughes' ears, it sounded like five thunders, the bombing sounded, and the gray and black things above the soul felt thicker and more erosive.

"Grandpa Lazibague, what should we do now?" Hughes stared at the black robe, but he was anxiously asking in the language of the soul. His most obscure secret was suddenly seen by others. Anyone would know Feeling helpless and panicked.

At this moment, a series of "bangs and booms" came, and a large group of people appeared outside the village. Only a young man who looked like a villager spoke to an old man riding a horse next to him, saying loudly: "Town Long, it was those people who destroyed our village!"

Afterwards, the mayor looked at Hughes in the open space, and they were about to yell a few times to cheer, but heard the black robe say coldly, "Blondel, there is nothing about you here, go back. !"

Hughes felt that there was no trace of gray or black in the voice. It seemed that the black robe and the mayor knew the old.

Sure enough, Hughes said with joy and fear in the mayor: "It turns out that Elder Carrick came to the town, and the younger one retreated!" Then he said hello, and the brigade retreated like a tide. There was peace again around the village, only the sound of frogs and crickets kept coming.

"Lazibog? Yalekovac, you didn't die! Oh, I remember, two months ago, you got a dragon eye ring, and then attracted countless people to kill, and finally the body was destroyed, Soul escape, it turned out that it escaped into the dragon's eye ring, hey, it's also fortune telling you!" Elder Carrick said grimly, there was no more gray and black things in the language.

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