Pioneer Knight

Chapter 186:

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As soon as he opened his mouth, those ordinary people suddenly felt that the pressure on his body had reduced a lot, but the heat around him had increased a lot. The cold early autumn seemed to return to Yanxia all of a sudden.

Van der Hayden and dozens of Class 8 and 9 soldiers behind him immediately rose to fight against them, but still felt uncomfortable.

At this moment, the silver seal card floating in mid-air suddenly shot a larger force, as if thunder thundered from the sky for nine days.

"Run away!"

I don’t know who yelled. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers retreated into the city like a tide, and dozens of masters standing on the wall also plundered into the city at the same time.

Even the old man in the red robe, who had just been very arrogant, saw this power and could not help but step back 50 or 60 meters.

"Come well!"

Seeing that vast energy, Morson was also taken aback, but the success just now made him feel more confident. I believe that it can still be motivated by his full strength. So with a loud shout, An Mu was about to greet him.

"Haha... You are playing lanterns in the latrine-to death." Hughes laughed.

He had long seen that Morson's use of Xin Anmu was not yet skilled enough, so he dared to immerse all the soul's power into the seal card, barely triggering the second layer of 100,000 yards of seal energy.

This energy is equivalent to the energy of the invisible seal wall in the dragon's eye ring. They were trapped inside for ten years before they broke.


With a loud noise, Hughes immediately looked intently, and saw Morson as if a sculpture had been sealed in a silver energy wave. His appearance was very strange, his shriveled face showed shock, and his right hand held the Xinan wood sword , Doing the posture of pursing upwards, like a man practicing sword is suddenly frozen.

Not only him, but many soldiers who had no time to escape, were also sealed. At a glance, tens of thousands of people were frozen outside the city walls, some had just lifted one leg, some were running forward but their heads were looking back, some were full of fright and squeezed forward, and two were hugging Together, there are three people stacked on top of each other, and so on.

"Haha..." Seeing Morson and the generals, Hughes couldn't help laughing.

"You are less proud!" Although the old man in red robe, who had long been far away, was shocked in his heart, he was still tough in his mouth.

"You also want to taste the seal?" Hugh sneered. However, he knew very well that his soul had already appeared weak in the previous move, and if it was launched again, it would probably be cracked. The seal card consumes too much power of the soul, even if he double soul spirit plus the main soul can only seduce once.

"Huh, it's okay for the children to be proud, but if they are arrogant, they will be killed!" The old man in red robe raised his brows and sneered. He was already a veteran ninth-level magician forty years ago, and his soul sensing was extremely sensitive. At this time, he also felt the weak soul revealed by Hughes, so he became fearless.

As long as Hughes cannot exert such a huge amount of energy, he will have absolute confidence that Hughes will die.

"Gentlemen, he has weakened his soul and his strength has dropped greatly. Now it's our turn to perform. Let this kid see how powerful our great Xifeng Empire Army is! Push it up!" the old man in red robe shouted , The surviving but troubled generals suddenly settled down. At the same time, there was a rumbling sound of wheels pressing across the floor in the city.

Soon after, Hughes saw twenty cannons lined up on the martial arts field outside the city wall. Yes, it was the cannons.

"What is this stuff?" Hughes looked at the strange thing in front of him inexplicably. He hadn't seen it when he was so big. Even after reading so many books in the Xuanlong Temple, he didn't find such a strange thing. Introduction of things.

"Haha... This is the original "Devil Cannon" created by the great Sosco of the Xifeng Empire. The barrel is made of high-grade purple gold and ten thousand years of meteorite. The shells are even more valuable. It is made with three or more magic crystals, black gold, pyrophosphate, soul eater, and Linghan stone. A shell is worth one million gold coins. This is specifically used to deal with such powerful magicians and magic swords as you. Master and Warcraft. So, boy, you are very blessed! The average person absolutely has no such treatment." Van der Hayden said while watching the face of the old man in red robe, and he was very proud of his compliment. It seems that the "Demon Cannon" was introduced in its entirety.

"The Demon Cannon? Specially deal with magicians, magic swordsmen and Warcraft? Sure enough, it's imaginative!" After listening to Van der Hayden's introduction, Hughes also appreciated it, and then thought again: "Look at the officer to the red robe The old man was pleased. It seems that the demon cannon was invented by the old man." The eyes of the old man who looked at the red robe couldn't help but look strange.

It turned out that what he thought in his heart was that Old Mand likes to create inventions. If he is given a red robe old man who also likes to create inventions, it is estimated that he will be very happy.

The old man in the red robe didn’t know that Hughes was looking at him intently, trying to catch him off, thinking that he was worshipping himself, and sneered, "Why, afraid? Now it's too late to surrender, our Xifeng Empire The emperor always likes talents, especially young talents!"

Regarding the solicitation of the old man in red robe, Hughes didn't pay attention, but sunk his mind into the black dragon ring.

"Morans, are you awake?" Hughes asked softly, looking at the girl's still somewhat misty eyes.

"Master, we..." The girl looked at the scene before her, the restless mind relaxed a little, then looked at Hughes nervously, and asked anxiously, "Master, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, did you see anything?" Hughes asked. He only remembered his battle with the ten-headed vampire bat king, but he knew nothing about the changes afterwards. He wanted to know who issued the powerful force and how he walked out of the catacombs.

"I only saw ten bats instinctively attacking at the same time, and your body suddenly had the illusion of fragmentation, and it was at this time that the blue water column that saved your life ten years ago appeared again. After that, Seeing Grandpa Laziborg's soul sucked into the invisible seal wall, I don't know anything about the back things. Because at that time, I was also in a coma." Morans said.

"Cyan water column? That's life energy. As I guessed, the mysterious person saved me. It turns out that Grandpa Lazibague was sucked into the Xuanlong Temple, that's fine. Grandpa Mod Now, Grandpa Lazibague will be fine." Hughes smiled happily and then shouted again: "Yes, I met an old man outside who likes to create inventions like Grandpa Murd. I want to He grabbed it and gave it to Grandpa Murder. Can you seal him?"

Ever since the first sealer gave him the "Handbook of Seals", he knew that the mysterious magical skill Morans learned was sealing.

"Where?" Moran's instructions to Hughes were always obedience. He never thought that Hughes's idea was ridiculous. He even caught a big living person as a gift.

When the old man in red robe saw Hughes, he kept silent, thinking that he was weighing the pros and cons, so he did not launch an attack, but looked at Hughes in midair with a sneer.

Suddenly a white light flashed over, and he saw a gorgeous woman appear beside Hughes, standing on the back of the vampire bat king.

"is it him?"

While the old man in red robe was stunned by the woman's beauty, she suddenly found that she stretched out her tender fingers and pointed at herself, and she couldn't help tightening her mind, and heard her voice like a sound of natural sound, and she was even more confused.

Hundreds of thousands of soldiers in Ulank City were shocked by the sudden appearance of women. Snowy white dress, flowing hair, delicate to flawless face, perfect woman curve, sound like a sound of nature, as if the goddess descended, let these rough men struggling to survive in the battle of life and death Bright, breathing also seemed to stop at this moment, all of them stared at the eyes bigger than the bronze bells, for fear of missing a hint.

Even the many slaves hiding in the stone yard outside Dongcheng stood up in a daze, seemingly no longer worried that they would be crushed into pieces by the powerful magic skill wave, and they fixed their eyes on the beautiful woman.

"My mother, this is too beautiful!" Liz swallowed her throat and said dryly.

"It's really beautiful!" Mark was also dumbfounded, but another beautiful figure appeared in his mind, although that figure only spent a total of two days with him.

Just as everyone was stunned, Morans smiled slightly, and his small white hand took out a slap-sized heart of peace, and in the mouth read the ancient spell, suddenly a force from the void wanted Morans to accumulate around him.

The crowd hadn't responded yet, and they saw the force flying straight towards the old man in red robe.

The old man in the red robe was also in front of the power, and then he woke up and hurriedly started to move backwards, and at the same time the flames rose again in front of him.


Van der Hayden only felt a burning heat wave passing by him, and then he was sealed. He never imagined that he would be affected if he stood a hundred meters away.

It must be said that the old man in the red robe was very fast, and he couldn't breathe, so he ran out of two miles. However, the power of the seal has always been behind him. Anyone who is touched, whether it is a person or a city wall house, is sealed.

The old man in red robe is also very skillful in escaping. He ran to the place where there are many houses and alleys. While running, he also issued the commander: "Fire!"

Suddenly, the twenty malignant cannons outside the city wall lifted their dark muzzles and aimed at them.

Boom, boom, boom.

One after another, the shells fired and burst in mid-air, making a loud noise, and a powerful wave of energy spread around.

Although Hughes had ordered the bats to scatter around, many bats were unfortunately hit, and were instantly bombarded into debris, and some were injured by energy waves. They fell and were chopped into meat by the generals. sauce.

"Death!" Looking at such a tragic phenomenon, Hughes finally learned the power of the Demon Cannon, and his heart rose with anger, and issued an order to attack the bat.

As he screamed, the bats who had been impatient for a long time immediately seemed to enter the flock of tigers, killing the hundreds of thousands of soldiers. They haven't drunk fresh blood for 10,000 years, and now facing many human beings, their dark eyes have already flashed a red blood of excitement. The killing was even more merciless. The huge pointed mouth opened, and the soldier's neck was bitten off, and then he heard the sound of grunting blood.

Many soldiers looked at these legendary vampires, all frightened like birds and beasts, and lost their minimum resistance. Even if they think of resistance, it is useless, because these bats are seven-eighth-level Warcraft, and the soldiers are the highest level six warriors. Resistance is nothing more than dying and struggling with eggs.

Seeing the horrifying scene of dozens of calf-sized bats biting people and sucking blood, Hughes couldn't help but tremble slightly, and could not help shouting: "Just hold your head on the ground, surrender to me, listen to my order, I Let the vampire bat king not kill him!"

Hearing this shout, the crowd squatted on their heads and yelled, "I surrender, and I will give in." And the bats who heard them shouting seemed to understand what they meant, and all passed directly to the next one. Chase.

Hula, all of a sudden, hundreds of thousands of soldiers surrendered to one or two hundred thousand, while the other hundreds of thousands desperately fled, or made final resistance. The scene was extremely **** and terrifying.

If at the moment Hughes appeared, Morson ordered an attack, with the six hundred thousand troops of Ulank City plus Van der Hayden's dozens of eighty-nine masters, they would definitely defeat Hughes.

However, the bad is because the Morson undermines the enemy.

He thought that a seventh-level magician, even if he had one hundred seven-eighth-level Warcraft, could not lift any storms, so he relaxed his vigilance. Even in the heart there is the same mind as the old man in the red robe: recruit Hughes for his own use.

This light enemy, not only was sealed by himself, but also van der Hayden and dozens of masters behind him were sealed by Moranth. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers under his command became a delicious meal in the mouth of the vampire bat king.

Boom, boom, boom.

The Demon Cannon continued to bombard.

Knowing that the Demon Cannon is powerful, those surviving Vampire Batman dare not come close, even if they emit an instinctive black light attack, they will be blocked by the air waves scattered by the shells.

"Look where are you going?"

There was a trace of sarcasm in the sound of natural sound, which passed into the ears of the old man in red robe. He was suddenly angry but helpless, and even had some chills.

He is already a ninth-level peak magician, and he is also the most powerful fire magician. However, in addition to only displaying a third-level defensive magical skill beside him, other powerful attacking magical skills are not exhibited.

It's not that he won't, but that the beautiful young girl who has been chasing him all over her head is not giving him this time. He couldn't be as fast as Hughes. Every time he casts his magic skills, he must read the spells honestly and gesture. Although the speed is already fast, it still can't be exhibited under the pressure of a beautiful girl.

At this moment, he was standing in a dead end without escape.

It was also his destiny that he should be arrested. Several times before, he rushed into the dead end, but the walls were not very strong, and he was knocked away as soon as he hit them. However, this wall is very strong, and I don't know what the material is, even with the combat strength of his eighth-level fighters.

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