Pioneer Knight

Chapter 187:

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"Girl, what the **** do you want to do?" The old man in red robe pretended to be miserable, trying to confuse the chasing girl, as long as he was given half a breath, he could perform the fire-fighting taboo magic technique-Flame Burning city!

Morans, who was standing on the back of the Vampire Bat King, was not fooled at all. With a finger in the center of his hand, a silver seal energy immediately shot at the old man in red robe.


After listening to a soft sound, the old man in red robe was sealed without any resistance. He did not want to resist, but could not resist at all. Even the ninth-level magic sword master-Morson can only resist the sealing energy of 50,000 yards when he has the Xinan wood sword. He will not seal the seal once. Second, there is no Xinan wood sword. Third, Moran. The energy of the seal issued by Si is far greater than 50,000 yards. In the past four years, there is no time to issue the taboo magic technique. The combination of various factors makes him easily sealed like an eagle catching a chicken.

Looking at the old man frozen in the energy of the seal, Moran smiled slightly, and his white hand flicked forward, grabbing him on the back of the vampire bat king. Then he said softly, "You don't have to look at me so angrily, my master will give you to Grandpa Murd. This is your honor, and you will thank my master in the future."

Although the old man in the red robe can't move, his ears can hear Moran's words, and he can't help but feel more angry in his heart: What is this called, giving him a big living person as a gift, and thanking him? Did he really take him as a bad person? !

However, his idea is exactly what Moranth is thinking. In her heart, she really didn't take the old man in red robe as a person, at best it was a gift.

After catching the old man, Moran immediately flew to Hughes.

Suddenly he heard the screams of mountains and tsunami in front of him, Morans immediately fixed his eyes and saw that Hughes was standing on the tall city wall, screaming in the sky.

"Master!" Moran was shocked and immediately urged the vampire bat king to speed up.

However, she had no soul induction with the vampire bat king under her feet and could not pass the order clearly. This also led to that vampire bat king did not understand her meaning, thought she was urging it to attack, so with a roar, chased to the numerous soldiers who had fled.

Morans stomped his feet anxiously, fearing that Hughes would be in trouble. She just wanted to jump off the ground and ran to the North City Wall in person. Suddenly she found that Hughes disappeared like a gust of wind. Then she heard the screams of "Ah, Ah..." outside the city wall. "" The sound of artillery gradually disappeared.

With a little thought, Morans understood the truth, and he was relieved in his heart, and then he was no longer anxious, but took the peace of mind and saw which resistance was more stubborn, and sealed him directly.

Her sealing technique is no less than a hundred times more proficient than Hughes, and her energy is as big as she wants, as small as she wants, if she wants to seal a large piece, she seals a big piece, and if she wants to seal a person, she seals only one person. Xin Anmu is like a life-and-death book in her hands.

"Bang, Boom, Boom..." The soft sounds were one after another, and soon she was sealed by hundreds of thousands of soldiers, plus surrendered, killed, trampled to death, the whole Ulan City 600,000 The army is almost annihilated.

Very few have escaped.

"Haha...Ulanc City is finally occupied by me." Standing on the city wall, looking at a large group of soldiers with their heads squatting on the ground and being sealed, Hughes couldn't help but laugh, his soul "remnant" It also flew out at this time, and hey he said to the soul: "Boss, you are now more brutal than me!"

"It's not influenced by your kid!" Although another soul spirit "Golden Spirit" did not fly out, but he heard the words of "Remnant Demon", he could not help humming. The remnant demon, the golden spirit, and the main soul of Hughes all communicate in the language of the soul, no matter which one they speak, they can hear each other.

"As the saying goes: As long as you succeed, you can't be too benevolent if you want to accomplish great things. However, I am still very kind. Otherwise, I will order the city, where else will these people submit to me?" Said.

"Yeah, these people actually turned to you just for their lives, not sincerity." Jin Ling nodded.

"Then kill them!" The fierce killer flashed in the ghost's illusory eyes.

"Simple violence can't achieve perfect results. Use your brain!" Jin Ling is the soul spirit that Hughes's soul has been nurturing since the birth of the magic crystal. Therefore, he has more wisdom than Hughes's main soul A little higher.

The devil is different.

It was produced by Hughes when he broke through the seventh-level barrier and continuously impacted the magic crystal, which caused the energy of the magic crystal to be extremely compressed. Therefore, the wisdom is quite low, thinking about the problem is very simple, the strength is not mellow, but it is more brutal than Jinling.

"Jin Ling is right, we should also use our brains to think about how to soothe these people and let them be used by me." The main soul of Hughes agreed.

At this moment, Morans took the old man in red robe and came anxiously and asked, "Master, why did you scream?"

Looking at the exquisite girl in front of her, especially her pair of concerned lenses, Hughes suddenly felt a warm and strange feeling, and he could not help speaking a little hurriedly: "I saw Vampire Batman killed by a head Death, so I can’t suppress my sadness."

It turned out that Hughes screamed just after he ordered the Vampire Bat King to attack the Demon Cannon position.

The vampire bat king at his feet is the leader of the entire bat group, and is also an eight-level peak Warcraft, only one step away is nine-level Warcraft.

After killing hundreds of rebellious soldiers in one breath, it turned around and flew towards the twenty Demon Cannons under the order of Hughes. It also greets other nearby vampire bat kings to attack at the same time.

They attack very cautiously and have been hovering around the periphery of the energy wave, and will only impact when they find a gap.

However, no matter how careful they are, in the end there are several vampire bat kings who are miserably bombarded into pieces.

Looking at the broken pieces, Hughes realized that he had made a stupid mistake: the size of the vampire bat king, even if it is fast, and the action is careful, it will still be affected.

If you personally attacked, this would not happen.

First of all, his body is five or six times smaller than the vampire bat king. Secondly, his body is better than them. Again, his own speed is not worse than them. Finally, he has three lines of defensive magical body protection, which is really the best. The offensive candidates were all ignored by themselves.

So, after letting the leader of the Bat King put himself behind the city wall, Husden uttered a mournful roar and poured out all the depression in his heart.

Then he carefully observed the Demon Cannon positions outside the city.

He found that the longest range of the Demon Cannon was 500 meters, and the effective energy wave after the explosion was only 800 meters, but the 200 meters inside it was a safe zone. In other words, as long as you can quickly rush into the two hundred meters, there is no danger.

He also found that each demon cannon can emit ten shells in a row, each one is the size of a fist, and the energy wave after the explosion can radiate 300 meters away. The closer to the explosion point, the greater the power, and vice versa.

Knowing this, he immediately glanced at an opportunity to cast a fascination step towards the Demon Cannon's position and swept away, as if a gust of wind blew past, and his figure disappeared instantly.

Then everything becomes simple...

In the vast sky, a bleak sun shed the cold light, which made the originally miserable city of Ulanq even more bleak.

Hughes and Morans stood quietly on the north wall of the ruined city, with dozens of black and huge blood-sucking bat kings hovering overhead.

"Master, what are you going to do with these people?" Morans asked softly, stretching out his slender fingers to hundreds of thousands of soldiers under the wall.

"I used to have a dream, want my father to live a noble life, and let my descendants no longer be abused and abused by others. I want them to be respected by everyone in this world. Morans, you Say what should I do?" Hughes turned his head and looked closely at Moranth's beautiful eyes.

"This is the world's largest nobleman, and the nobleman everyone respects is the royal family. Master, do you want to be an emperor?" Moran's eyes showed a shock.

"Do you disagree?" Seeing the surprise in Moran's eyes, Hughes shuddered suddenly. He has not yet understood why he cares so much about Moran's feelings. Is it because she grew up with herself? Or is it because she has the same tragic childhood? Or did he have a spiritual attachment to her? Or her beautiful beauty?

Hughes is difficult to determine. The only thing he can be sure of is that if Morans disagrees, he will change his original thinking and realize his dream in another way.

"Master, Morans told himself as early as ten years ago: in this world, you are Morans' only relative and the only person Morans cares about and depends on, as long as it is your decision, Moran will definitely not have the slightest objection." Morans said with a slight upward head to meet Hughes's gaze, Morans said very firmly, as if he was talking about his life's promise, as if he was talking about his inner feelings.

Listening to Moran's words, looking at the firmness in her eyes, in the cold sunlight, Hughes suddenly appeared a sudden loss, as if standing in front of the eyes was not Moran, but a bright lily, holy And elegant.

It was this sudden loss of mind that made Hughes make a move that already existed deep in his heart but was hidden deep.

He lowered his head and kissed Morans's charming red lips deeply.

Moran's eyes suddenly widened, and then he closed it gently, but his heart was tumbling, surprised, sweet, and nervous. Time seems to be frozen at this moment, the desolate pictures around it are as beautiful as spring, and the cry of the vampire bat king's cry is completely gone.

It wasn't until I felt the softness from Morans' red lips and the enthusiasm that she spewed out later that Hughes finally understood why he cared so much about Morans, and finally realized why he liked to stare at Morans' dumbstruck.

All this lies in one word-love.

Whether it was hundreds of thousands of surrendered soldiers in the city, tens of thousands of slaves outside the east city, and countless city residents in the city, they all looked up at this fragrant scene on the north wall. The emotions that appear in their hearts are different, with envy, envy, surprise, blessings and smiles.

After a long time, Hughes left the red lips that made him obsessed, and said softly: "Morans, I will take you to meet an important person."

"Important person?" Moran's eyes were gleaming, and the red glow on his face had not faded, and it was infinitely more charming and charming, and he saw Hughes again.

"Master?" Looking at Hughes' demented eyes, Moran's heart was sweet, and a soft call came out.

"Uh... yes... you don't want to call my master in the future, just call your name." Hughes recovered, and his face was hot.

"Morans doesn't dare." Morans said.

"Then whatever you want." Hughes couldn't help it, so she had to rely on her.

Hughes then greeted the leader of the bat and pulled Morans on its back. The two rode together and headed towards the stone yard outside the east city.

On the stone yard outside the East City, thousands of slaves were still immersed in the enviable scene just now. I haven’t been back to God for a long time, and I suddenly saw these young men and women like fairy couples flying towards them on a scary Warcraft Everyone is frightened.

Could it be that the small talk just now was heard?

These slaves knew very well how arrogant the powerful nobles were, and even some good-hearted comments might arouse their anger. This pair of young men and women is more powerful, and even the powerful officers and men in the city have been fixed by them like magic. I am just a lowly slave, and I can't bear a blow at all. It is estimated that as long as the young men and women move their little fingers, they can be crushed instantly.

With this in mind, all the slaves looked nervously at the two who were getting closer.

Suddenly, they found that the horrible Warcraft stopped about two hundred meters away, and the young men and women walked down its back and smiled toward it.

Many soldiers and city residents standing on the broken wall in the distance are also confused, unable to understand what the young men and women who have just defeated them with super strength want to do.

Slaughter? Check the stone? ...

Everyone found it difficult to figure out, all staring at the stone yard in the distance.


When everyone thought that the slave had offended the young men and women, they suddenly heard an excited cry from the young man's mouth.

This scream made everyone instantly petrified, stupid, and his mind was blank.

"Is he calling dad a slave?"

"Yes. He called a slave. He turned out to be the slave's son. Who is he?"

"The son of a slave has such a powerful strength, it is too unfair! I have been diligently practicing combat skills since I was a child. For decades, I have been a panacea for dinner, but I have only been a sixth-level soldier so far. The son has been able to sweep the ninth level master! This is too unfair!"

"Unfair? Hey, how fair is it in the world! One of his slave sons can be so powerful, but one of my noble children is the lowest one-star mercenary among the mercenaries. Where do you tell me to complain? Right."

"Do you know who he is?"

"who is it?"

"Remember ten years ago, that popular Husse? He spent huge sums of money to buy a female slave. He defeated two eighth-level fighters in one move. He had the greatest treasure in the world. Chairman Benz Jersey did not hesitate to cooperate with him. The two big families are enemies. Have you ever remembered these?"

"Who would forget such a sensational thing, not to mention that the war that spread across the continent was caused by him. However, at that time he was only six years old, but now he is a sixteen-year-old boy, a full ten-year difference. , Is it a person?"

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