Pirate: Trying 200 times harder, but too arrogant

Chapter 147 What’s a newcomer if he’s not “crazy”?

Night falls.

Bonfires were lit on the shore.

Ace was sitting by the fire, with bandages all over his body and a brace around his neck to prevent his shattered cervical spine from being injured again.

The companions were all nearby, with lingering fears.

It's great to have escaped.

I'm desperate!

Me too, that brunette is too strong!

I didn't expect that the navy would invite the captain to serve as the king of the Shichibukai.

Maybe this is Ace's luck!

The crew looked at Ace. The moment the black hair drew his sword, they were ready to rush out and fight.

Although they knew it was useless and that there would be no return, they could not watch the captain being caught.

No one expected the situation to suddenly change.

God is taking care of the captain!

The crew's hearts were on fire.

Captain, do you want to promise the navy?

Of course I won't agree. I don't want to become King Shichibukai, let alone become famous in this way!

Ace denied it without even thinking about it.

The reputation of the King's Shichibukai is not good. Just his status as a lackey of the World Government is enough to be despised by the pirate world.

But, Ace.

Deus hesitated for a moment and said, If we don't agree to the navy's request, the black-haired man won't let us go.

Then let's run.

Ace looked indifferent.

It's not like I've never been chased by the navy before, and I just ran away and that was it.

If you can't fight, can't you run?

There are no pirates who are fighting with the navy.

What's more, he didn't regard Luo Ya as an enemy in the first place, and there was no need to fight Luo Ya to the death.

Ace cheered up: How about we escape now?


The partners were moved.

The record pointer has accumulated enough magnetism and is ready to sail at any time. It is indeed a very good idea to take advantage of the night to escape.

Being on an island with brunettes is so scary!

Boys, let's set sail!

Oh oh oh!


In the small town of Mister, a tavern near the port.

Loya sat by the window, savoring the local specialties and drinks.

Soon, the phone bug rang.

The subordinate responsible for monitoring the Spade Pirates sent a message: Major General Loya, the Spade Pirates are escaping.

Oh, I see.

Loya hung up the phone and continued cooking.

Lu Yun sat across the table, holding his chin with one hand, and asked curiously: Senior, aren't we going to chase him?

Don't worry, let them run for a while.

Loya took a sip of wine.

Ace's running away was expected, but if that guy could accept the invitation, he would be surprised.

Give Ace half a day to think about it, just to let him run away.

Luo Ya picked up a tissue and wiped his mouth, then looked at his adjutant: Lu Yun, what is our mission now?

Recruit Fire Fist Ace?

Lu Yun somewhat understood what Luo Ya was thinking.

That's right!

Loya smiled and said: Since we are recruiting Fire Fist Ace, what are we anxious about? We are not trying to catch him. This is an important task assigned to us by the Navy Headquarters, and we need friendly exchanges.

At first, he was a little annoyed.

Then I thought about it, it was just 200 million beli's contribution, nothing to be sorry about. There are too many pirates in the New World with bounties over 100 million.

Compared with a little credit, it would be great to follow Ace to the depths of the new world in the name of recruiting Ace.

He had wanted to do this for a long time.

This is an opportunity delivered to your door!

As long as he doesn't provoke the Four Emperors, he really has nothing to fear from other underground forces. Even if there is friction with the Four Emperors, as long as he doesn't take the initiative to stir up trouble, he can shake people off.

Of course, tasks are also important.

If Ace could become a Shichibukai, it would be a good thing for him, at least they would have a closer relationship with each other.

Plus, he didn't want Ace to fall into Whitebeard's hands.

What can you do as a second captain?

As for the war on top, it is definitely possible to have an impact.

But the essence of the war is the navy's action against the Whitebeard Pirates. It is to eliminate Whitebeard, combat the arrogance of the pirates, and stabilize the hearts of people around the world.

Ace's arrest forced the Navy and Whitebeard to go to war, but if the Navy didn't plan to go to full-scale war, there were still ways to do it. Secret execution and imprisonment could de-escalate the battle between the two sides.

It is the increasingly chaotic situation in the world that forces the navy to win a big victory. Without Ace's arrest, there is a high probability that there will still be another top war.

Go down, everyone, have a good rest and set sail at six o'clock tomorrow morning!


The next day, six o'clock in the morning.

The warship left the port on time and headed in the direction the Spade Pirates left.

Lu Yun was holding a monitor similar to a laptop, and the screen showed a winter island with black and white stripes on the island's peaks like zebras.

While Loya was fighting Ace, she arranged for her subordinates to place surveillance phone bugs on the Spade Pirates' pirate ship.

Unless the phone bug is discovered, the Spade Pirates will not be able to escape the surveillance of Formation 11 no matter where they go.

Senior Loya, the Spade Pirates are approaching Winter Bear Island.

Winter Bear Island?

Luo Ya rubbed his chin, feeling that the name of this island sounded familiar.

Lu Yun reminded in a low voice: This is the territory of the Beast Pirates!

It's a bit troublesome.

Loya frowned.

If I remember correctly, Ace's goal was to challenge Whitebeard. To this end, he fought Jinbei for five days and five nights. Why did he suddenly end up in Kaido's territory?

That kid doesn't want to challenge Kaido!

Senior, what should I do?

What else can we do? Chase!

Loya didn't hesitate for long.

The inside of the new world is basically the territory of the four emperors. If you are timid, you will not be able to act. You can only try not to provoke Kaido.

By the way, check Kaido's movements.


Winter Bear Island, southern waters.

Captain Ace, I saw the island!

Pull the boat over!

Ace waved his hand, his heart filled with anticipation.

His target is not only Whitebeard, but also the Shichibukai and the Four Emperors, they are all the targets of his challenge!

I don’t know if there are any strong people on the island.

The pirate ship quickly docked, and the temperature suddenly dropped by dozens of degrees.

Ah sneeze!

Ace crossed his arms and shivered from the cold, with snot dripping from his nose. He hated the cold environment.

Why is it so cold!

Captain Ace, this is a winter island, of course it's cold!

The subordinates sighed silently and handed the prepared cotton coats to Ace. The captain was a fireman, so naturally he didn't like the cold environment.

Want to change to another island?

Need not!

Ace shook his head.

You've come here, how can you leave so easily.

Isn't it just a little cold?

Ah sneeze!

Winter Bear Island, weapons factory.

The heavily armed soldiers quickly found the top officer guarding Winter Bear Island, Iron Boy Scourge.

Lord Scourge, a pirate ship has been discovered in the southern port!

Oh, who is it?

It's the recently famous newcomer, that Fire Fist Ace!

fire punch!

Scourge fiddled with the machine gun, and his originally casual attitude immediately became serious. Supernova is not easy to deal with!

Let's go meet that fire fist!


A moment later, Scourge and a group of subordinates stopped in front of the Spade Pirates.


The sprayed bullets rained down on the snow, stopping the Spade Pirates from advancing.

Scourge stopped shooting and held his right hand that had been transformed into a gun barrel. He did not rush to do it, but gave a polite warning.

Newcomer, this is the island owned by the Yonko Kaido, and I have been appointed to guard this place.

Oh, what do you want?

Ace stared at Scourge, mentally judging the opponent's fighting ability.

Whatever you don't want.

Scourge shook his head and said: I just want to warn you not to mess around on this island. If you anger Lord Kaido, the consequences will be serious.

You mean Kaido won't give up as long as he takes your head. Is my understanding correct?

Ace grinned.

Scourge hadn't realized how arrogant the newcomer was, and said seriously: That's it. If you know, leave quickly.

Haha, that's easy to handle!

Ace's body was on fire!

fire punch!!!

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