Pirate: Trying 200 times harder, but too arrogant

Chapter 148 Ace, I’m determined!

Winter Bear Island.

The weapons factory is filled with smoke.

Iron Boy was defeated by a pirate!

This is a great opportunity for revolution!

Go ahead and kill the guards!

Follow Captain Kabulu!

After discovering that Scourge, who was guarding the island, was defeated by pirates, the long-planned workers seized the opportunity to resist and launched a riot under the leadership of captain Kabulu.

The news quickly spread back to Onigashima.

There's a rebellion on Winter Bear Island!

Quickly, notify the cadres!

No, all the six Fei brothers have gone on an expedition with Lord Kaido!

Where there is oppression, there is resistance.

The Beast Pirates have long been accustomed to chaos on their islands.

Normally, unrest is suppressed by the Watchers, but in the chaotic new world, unexpected situations always happen.

When the watchers are defeated, it is time for the Fei Liubao to take action. If even the Fei Liubao cannot handle it, then the big sign will also take action.

However, this time, the core cadres all followed Lord Kaido on the expedition and would not be able to return in a short time. There were only a few real fighters left on the island.

Calm down, it's just rebellion!

It's time for us to show up!

Get ready to sail immediately!

Several real fighters scolded their subordinates and issued orders to go out. There were not many opportunities for them to perform in their turn.

A few hours later, the western coast of Winter Bear Island.

Warships docked on a secluded shore.

It's quite a fuss!

Loya held a telescope and peered into the smoke on the island, with a smile in his eyes.

He turned to look at his men.

Bato, do you know what to do?

Don't worry, boss!

Bartolomeo grinned, wearing an arrogant green coat, and the younger brothers behind him also returned to their previous attire.

This bastard atmosphere, a perfect pirate style!


Loya waved his hand.

Bato immediately called to his men and rushed towards the weapons factory.

Boys, come with me!

Oh oh oh!

They have two tasks. One is to assist the rebels in defeating the Watchers, and the other is to move back the factory's inventory of weapons.

The weapons made by the Beast Pirates are of very good quality, including heavy firearms such as Gatling. Even the World Government will secretly purchase weapons from Kaido.

It’s all money!

Grab, grab as much as you can!

The G-5 branch was already poor, and its inventory of weapons and ammunition was quite limited. This resulted in the 11th formation's weapons and ammunition being stretched thin. It was reluctant to use cannons to catch pirates on weekdays.

A rare opportunity to get rich!

As for the rebels on the island, although they were helpless, Loya really couldn't help much. This island was the territory of the beasts, and it wouldn't take long for the army of the beasts to suppress them.

This short-lived joy of victory is the only thing Loya can help them.

Seeing Batu and the others rushing into the island howling like hungry wolves, Tina couldn't help but frown.

Major General Loya, we cannot conflict with the Four Emperors without the permission of our headquarters. Tina is very worried about causing a war.

What are you talking about, Tina.

Loya glanced at the worried Tina and said seriously: It was obviously the Spade Pirates who attacked this island. They stole the weapons and ammunition. What does it have to do with our navy?


Tina was stunned, and the cigarette in her mouth fell down.

Loya reached out to catch the fallen cigarette, stuffed it back into Tina's mouth, and patted the woman's shoulder gently, feeling quite happy.

He came to pick up the leak and threw the pot to Ace.

How perfect!

Let's go find Fire Fist!

Loya jumped off the deck and headed towards the island. Ace and the others were newcomers and lacked a permanent record pointer, so they couldn't leave so quickly.

Deep in the island, in a cave.

The Spade Pirates are resting in the cave.

The men led by Scourge were not so easy to deal with. Many members had suffered a lot of scars in the previous battles.

The battle is not the captain's business alone. If it depends entirely on the captain, then what's the point of their existence?


Deus bit his clothes, stabbed the wound on his shoulder with the dagger, and kept stirring, causing his body to twitch with severe pain.


The pellets were dug out and dropped to the ground.

The crew members immediately gathered around and looked at their vice-captain nervously.

Are you okay, Deuce?


Deus broke out in a cold sweat and picked up strong wine to disinfect the wound.


There was another groan.

After gritting his teeth for a while, Deus sighed in relief with a pale face. The muzzle of the gun on his shoulder had been properly taken care of and a bandage was tied on it.

He was a doctor and knew exactly what to do.

The weapons of those guards are so powerful!

It's really scary.

The crew members were still frightened.

Outside, a brand-new rifle can be considered a very good weapon, and many of the guards on this island are equipped with powerful firearms that can shoot continuously.

The previous battlefield was in the snow, with no place to hide.

Skaar, who was in charge of intelligence work, had gloomy eyes and said solemnly: The Beast Pirates are the largest weapons manufacturer in the underground world. It is natural for their subordinates to have advanced weapons!

Each of the four emperors has its own characteristics.

When we came here, didn't we see a lot of chimneys emitting black smoke? They must be weapons factories!


Everyone felt heavy.

They don't have as much power as Captain Ace, and they worry that they will be held back, and the next journey will only get harder and harder.

Ace showed a bright smile: Don't worry, I'm here, no matter what kind of crisis you encounter next, I will protect you!

Captain Ace.

Everyone was moved, but they also wanted to protect the captain.

Ace clapped his hands and said, By the way, the record pointer is almost full, right? Where is our next stop?

It's Wano Country!

Skaar took a deep breath: That is the headquarters of the Beast Pirates, which means that the Yonko Kaido is there!


Ace's eyes suddenly became intense.

Finally got to see the Four Emperors.

He has long been eager to fight the Four Emperors!

Captain Ace, the situation is not good!

Suddenly, the friend who was standing guard at the entrance of the cave ran in, looking anxious: The black-haired major general is chasing me!


Ace suddenly stood up.

He even ran to such a hidden place, but he was actually chasing after him.

Damn Loya, I really thought he was easy to bully. If he really wanted to fight with all his strength, he wouldn't lose to that guy!

You guys wait for me here, I'll go get rid of that bastard!

Regardless of the objections of his men, Ace rushed out of the cave alone and soon saw Loya and his group in the snow.

Yo, Ace.

Loya greeted with a smile: It's quite hard to find a wife. How are you thinking about it? Do you want to be the king's Shichibukai?

I do not want it!

Ace refused angrily.

what a pity.

Loya shook his head regretfully, took off his coat and threw it to the adjutant next to him. He raised his fist and his joints crackled.

Unfortunately, this matter is not up to you.

Ace, let me tell you, whether you are willing to take the position of Shichibukai, or not, you can take it!

I said!

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