Plane Universe

Chapter 1384: Body of the beast

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The acceleration plane only has an effect on forces with strong competition.

Of course, for Cheng Buyun, this is a very powerful help. He knows that the plane war is coming soon. Strengthening his strength naturally has countless benefits for him.

Even if there are more master artifacts in the plane war, it is good.

You can't do nothing at all, just wait for Lei Cheng to take control, then hug your thighs.

"Okay, let's do this first. I'll come to you to play when I have time." After explaining it, Leising left with a big smile.

Accelerate the plane, in fact, Reis crystal has not come for a long time.

He was originally restricted to the Bauhinia Mountains by the God of Bauhinia. He was not allowed to go out, but also came to accelerate the plane to live, how sad it was.

As I said before, he came to trouble Cheng Buyun, mainly to vent Leihong-Lieyan.

Now that I know the abnormality of Cheng Buyun, I no longer want to trouble him.


Touching his chin, Cheng Buyun looked around, illusion or something, and he did n’t come to enjoy it. He was quite satisfied, especially after seeing the small building on that floor, the layout inside was very luxurious, with a lot of calligraphy Picture, antique carving or something.

Many years are very old, and I don't know what Reis crystal got from there.

First, get out the two girls in the space ring, suddenly become a strange room, and change the illusion, powerful acceleration, after the little girl came out, the body is naturally not very suitable, even shaking a few times, sitting **** Going down, staring at his master, the face with grievances.

"It's a powerful acceleration force." Sophia was not affected. Her strength was much stronger than the little girl. She looked at the strange place and the environment outside her core scanning. She was a little stunned. I couldn't help asking, "Sir, where is this?"

"Yeah, how did it become different." Sitting on the ground hard, the little girl's expression looked very puzzled, her little finger pressed against her chin, and a pair of jewels with private eyes filled with memories, "I remember, Master Black Cloud Messenger Find the master and say that Lord Xuanguang wants to summon the master, and then Sister Sophia and I are put away. Now ... is Lord God Xuanguang appreciate the master and give the master a better place to practice? "

Sophia also agrees with the little girl's claim that Cheng Buyun's talent, although she does not know how strong it is, but since this time, she has an understanding, very powerful, very evil.

It is understandable that Lord Xuanguang gave better practice resources.

"No." Cheng Buyun shook his head, looking at the curious faces of the two girls, and said with a smile: "We are no longer in Xuanguang City, not in the main **** messenger reserve team! We are now in the Bauhinia Mountains, Bauhinia Lord's site. "


The two girls were startled, and the little girl shyly said, "Master, do you want to change to another master god?"

Sophia's expression was a bit stunned. Cheng Buyun was the master of Xuanguang. How did he change the master in a blink of an eye? This is not a joke.

There are puzzles in my heart and some worries.

Although she and Cheng Buyun donated soon, they recognized each other as a person, and did not want him to be unpredictable, betraying a main **** was not fun.

"Of course not, rest assured. I came here with the consent of Lord Xuanguang." Although the two were just metal lives, Cheng Buyun was not prepared to hide. They treated them as tools and explained with a smile: "The Lord God Xuanguang called me before It turned out that the **** Bauhinia was here. I do n’t know what conditions were paid. Lord Xuanguang transferred me to the **** Bauhinia. "

"Oh, that's what it is, but worry me." Sophia nodded, and thanked Cheng Buyun for his attention. He thanked him softly, "Thank you for your explanation."

"Hee hee, the master is so powerful that he has caused the Bauhinia God to pay so much attention, and personally took the master back." The little girl looked a little proud, and the master was powerful.

Especially the master Cheng Buyun never regarded her as a tool, but as a life, which made her more attached and grateful.

"Of course, now I am already the messenger of the Bauhinia Lord." Cheng Buyun laughed and said that he had become the messenger of the Lord God, making the two girls happy.

Alone Better Together!

Immediately, the two girls exclaimed again and again, the little girl rolled up on the ground with joy, babbling, and Sophia was shocked.

Lord angel messenger, that is a character with a master artifact.

It is a recognized fact that the strong man without the main artifact cannot confront the strong man holding the main artifact.

A main artifact, the highest amplitude can be a hundred times the power of its own law, even if you can not fully use the power of the main artifact, dozens of times the power is still there.

Strong men of the same order, the power of the law is dozens of times the amplitude, which is really scary to think about.

There was a good time, and the days were back to what they used to be.

The two girls are working hard to refine the swallowed divine ore artifact ore and other items, and Cheng Buyun is practicing on the side.

Since the two girls did not practice, only the divine and other items swallowed by refining did not have much impact on Cheng Buyun's cultivation.

In fact, it can be said that the two girls are an item, not counted in life, and do not affect the time in the acceleration plane.

In the final analysis, although they are regarded as metal life and a kind of life, they have no soul, only the core.

The type is more like intelligent life, but can not recognize the Lord!

I can't practice on my own, unfortunately!

Before practicing, Cheng Buyun took out the blood from the **** Bauhinia.

Pinky purple blood radiates on the little finger. The color is very charming and very dreamy.

The genetic oppression of the higher level of life also makes people feel their heart beat faster, and the whole mind is involuntarily deterred.

Looking at the purple blood drop lying on the palm of Cheng Buyun, the two girls looked a little frightened, their bodies were tight and the pressure was very heavy.

At the next moment, Cheng Buyun's palm suddenly opened a mouth, and blood poured out of his palm, and he immediately touched the drop of purple blood.

At this time, the purple blood seemed to receive a signal, and the entire little finger-sized blood drop melted immediately, and slowly and quickly merged into the palm of the hand.

When the purple blood drop disappeared, Cheng Buyun's palm wound, which had opened a mouth, also recovered.

The purple blood droplets flowing into his palm, then flowed rapidly along the blood vessels in his body, quickly turned around, and finally came to the heart.

"Boom! Boom!"

The powerful surging energy starts in the heart. A bang sounded like Huang Zhong Da Lu, and people heard palpitations, even the blood flow on the body was affected.


Cheng Buyun passed a big shock in his body, the whole body shimmered with purple light, and the powerful impact swept out, which made people grateful for the wind, and the curtains around the room rang.

"Good energy." Cheng Buyun felt that his body was about to burst, and the surging power exploded in his body, and his bones, muscles, cells, etc. were being transformed.

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