Plane Universe

Chapter 1385: Special application of the law

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After having undergone several physical transformations, Cheng Buyun has already had experience, and has become more accustomed to painful souls.

Soon, the purple light on his body disappeared. He looked down, and there was a faint layer of purple light on his bare arm skin, which seemed a little weird.

Did you become a purple star?

The physical quality has been temporarily raised to the extreme, and the soul strength of the conscious sea has also been greatly improved. Even at this moment, he can feel his own deity very vaguely.

Just because the deity is already asleep, there is no piece of information feedback!

The distance is so far away, I feel very, very vague, and I can't tell the direction!

Of course, although the deity can't be contacted, he doesn't worry about it. When he climbs the ladder again, he will definitely be able to contact him. He is sure.

As for grasping ... this is a bit ridiculous.

It is because once the deity wakes up, he has the ability to sense this body!

You can even call back directly, and you will be sure!

Putting this matter down, Cheng Buyun's eyes fell on his palms, staring at the outer layer of lilac skin, his expression lost in thought.

The skin color looks a little too weird, making him not like a normal human.

But soon he was relieved, because the purple light quickly disappeared, the muscles exposed were crystal clear like jade, white and tender like baby's skin, and it felt very slippery.

After a few taps, the sound of a series of striking gold stone irons was fed back. Cheng Buyun knew that his body's defensive strength had obviously risen several steps after this transformation.

With a fist clenched, the surging sense of power seems to be a mountain in front of me, I'm afraid I can smash it!

This feeling is so beautiful!

I don't know if it's an illusion, he murmured, it is likely that the illusion caused by too much improvement of his body is unknown.

Being able to smash a mountain rock in **** with the power of the body itself is really abnormal.

It should not be possible!

"Go out and give it a try." Cheng Buyun moved his heart, then looked at the two girls and said, "I'll go out and adjust to my body."

The two girls glanced at each other, both curious, and the little girl smiled with a smile: "Sister Sophia, let's go out and watch together."

"Okay!" Sophia was also curious. Just what kind of blood was the drop just now could lift Cheng Buyun's body to such a level, it was too abnormal.

Where is the square outside, Cheng Buyun standing in the center, very abrupt, with his feet crossed, a horse stepped up and raised his hand is a punch in front of him.

With his very ordinary straight punch, the energy around the body was bursting, the fierce air was torn apart, the fist flew forward with a strong energy, visible to the naked eye, and there was an air in front gun.

'boom! ’

A loud explosion sound oscillated in the acceleration plane.

"Good physical strength!" Sophia was surprised.

It is estimated that the next **** didn't have to struggle, and was directly shattered.

This is an attack by virtue of its own power, it is terrible!

'boom! ''boom! ''boom! ''boom! ''boom! ’

Cheng Buyun standing in the center of the square, with his fist and practiced fist, countless roars were violently blasted around, and the fierce air burst was shaking.

It's like Jiuxiao's anger!

At this time, Cheng Buyun's physical fitness looked terrible. Compared with before, the improvement was more than a hundred times. Without the integration of the blood from the Bauhinia Lord, the power of fist and foot attack is so ordinary. It is basically impossible to kill a lower **** with the power of flesh and body.

It is necessary to cooperate with divine attack.

And now ... the power in his body is too fierce, and the flesh-body power alone can smash the body of the lower god. With the divine power, it is estimated that the upper **** will be injured.

Just like a humanoid monster, it is wiped to death or die!

Compared with ordinary life, the body of the mythical beast is too cheap!

After adjusting to a new body, Cheng Buyun settled, and was quite satisfied with his body at this time. The only thing that was missing was ... the estimated speed.

The body incorporates the blood of the Bauhinia Lord, and the quality and strength have been greatly improved, but the only speed has not increased much. The movement speed has been roughly doubled compared to the previous one, but the flexibility has decreased a little.

Probably because of the increased density of body muscles, resulting in decreased flexibility.

However, compared with its own changes, this is not enough, but it is nothing.

Give him a choice, he will also choose the anti-strike ability will not choose flexibility!

After blending a little bit of blood from Lord Bauhinia, Cheng Buyun is not ready to use it again. His body has reached an extreme at this stage, and it is only a waste to use it again.

The essence blood of the Lord God is not so good to integrate. He can successfully merge because the body has been transformed twice before. This can be successful, and it is also the result seen by the Lord Bauhinia.

General life, that can integrate the blood of the main god, especially the main **** is still the top beast level. If it is used, it is estimated that it is only the end of a violent body. It will cause serious injuries and waste.

Let it go first, then use it later. Cheng Buyun nodded, turned around and came to the two girls, haha ​​said with a smile: "We go back to practice, such a good place can not spend blue time."

The acceleration plane became quiet, and time passed slowly in the quiet practice.

The center of the square.

Where Chengbu Yunpan sits, he is comprehending the law of the earth at all times, simulating the last time he used the black jail trick in the battle with Leising.

In his mind, he constantly recalled the dynamics of Leising's tricks, carefully observing the three spikes on the opponent's head, and the 105 spikes on the back.

Before this, he had merged the element of earth and the pulsation of the earth, and now there is the appearance of Reis crystal, through the arrangement of the spikes on the latter body, and the black jail effect he has experienced.

It becomes easier to perceive.

The integration of the elements of the earth, the pulsation of the earth, and the space of gravity is not difficult for Cheng Buyun. As long as time is enough, the fusion of the three mysteries is not easy for others. Meals are as easy as drinking a cup of tea.

The difficulty lies in how to turn gravity into repulsion, and how to combine the three mysteries with the power of Lei Sijing.

This is the most proud trick of Lei Sijing. It is very difficult for geniuses to realize it.

When the acceleration plane has passed for thousands of years, the Chengbu cloud is covered with earthy yellow balls, and those yellow breaths are constantly swimming, and the dust floating inside the **** sometimes accelerates toward a changing meteor like this, From time to time it seemed to be greatly hindered, and it was still for a moment, and then flew towards another speed.

And the changes in the sphere are more than this. The law of the earth in the entire sphere plane builds a wall of walls, small rooms, like a huge prison.

Once caught in such an environment, there is no absolute strength, that is where the Fang trapped people can not be broken.

The fusion of the three great mysteries and continuous deduction, finally realized the black prison trick of Lei Sijing in more than 5800 years.

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